Don't call me evil god

Chapter 21 Hand-rubbing detection array

Rena was very surprised to receive the response from the God of Knowledge, but when she saw that the method was to let her take a professional talent test, her eyes that were originally full of surprise suddenly dimmed and became a little disappointed.


Pet asked after noticing the girl's emotional change.

"The God of Knowledge suggested that I take a professional talent test, but... I can't afford the test fee." Rena said regretfully.

Pet understood.

Professional talent test, this thing has almost nothing to do with ordinary people, and the test fee is frighteningly high.

This is different from a single test of affinity with a certain god.

Except for the magic goddess who is "easy-going" and doesn't care much about believers, and is willing to let believers come and go freely, most of the gods on the continent of Prantis are actually a little narrow-minded.

Mortals need to pray to a certain god for the first time, and only after formally offering prayers to establish contact can they perceive the specific degree of affinity between themselves and this god.

If the affinity is not high and you intend to abandon your faith and "switch to another god", in addition to losing the blessing of the existing gods, you will also be "blacklisted" by most gods for a period of time.

It can be as short as one year, as long as several years, or even longer.

During this period, the mortal who abandons his faith will become a "forsaken by God", no god will be willing to accept his prayers, and he cannot enjoy the blessing of any god except the goddess of magic.

Moreover, the experience of abandoning faith will be remembered by the gods. If you want to become a true believer, a fanatic, or even a holy spirit in the future, the higher you go, the more difficult it will be for the abandoner to be promoted.

The reason is also easy to understand.

From the perspective of the gods, this guy who jumps back and forth between multiple gods is clearly a fence-sitter with unsteady faith. Since he can abandon his faith in the master, maybe one day he will abandon himself for the same reason.

This kind of speculative behavior will naturally be disliked by the gods.

Therefore, choosing a faith is a very important thing for mortals. You need to fully understand the characteristics and influence of the corresponding gods. Once you find that it is not suitable after praying, most people can only accept it.

Anyway, if you don’t plan to become a professional, shallow believers can also enjoy the most basic and weak blessing effect. Even if you change your sect, the difference is not that big.

Of course, if you want to embark on the path of a professional, it is best to choose the god that best suits your development path at the beginning.

If you want to find the god with the highest affinity with you, you need to perform a talent detection ceremony.

The real talent detection ceremony requires the true believers of Phil, the god of justice, as the host.

The person being tested enters a specific ritual array, and Phil’s believers use divine arts to ask the god of justice to look down and use his endless power to comprehensively evaluate the affinity between the person being tested and the gods.

But the number of true believers of the god of justice is very small.

Because the requirements to become a true believer are very strict. One must comply with the doctrine, act fairly, impartially, not be partial to others, not lie, not cheat, abide by promises and oaths, and maintain order.

Only a small number of people can meet these requirements.

As far as Pete knows, there are only a handful of true believers of the God of Justice in Green Harbor.

If you want to ask one of them to use divine magic to test the professional talent of the person being tested, the price is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

Pete frowned: "That's not right. The God of Knowledge knows your current situation. He shouldn't let you do something you can't do."

"In addition to asking you to do a professional talent test, what else did the God of Knowledge say in the message you gave me?"

Rena hesitated: "Well, there is another sentence below, saying that I need to pay 5 knowledge points."

"Mr. Pete, what does knowledge points mean?"

Pet patiently explained: "The God of Knowledge told me that He will not help us unconditionally at any time, but we have to make our own efforts."

"The God of Knowledge will watch His believers, do things according to the doctrine, and offer faith to Him, and He will reward the believers with knowledge points."

"Don't worry about your affinity with the God of Knowledge, Nowen, not being high enough. As long as you have enough knowledge points, you can use them to exchange what you need from Him."

"How many knowledge points do you have now?"

Rena calmed down and felt it.

[Current Knowledge Points: 10]

"I have 10 points! It seems that when the God of Knowledge accepted my faith, he said it was a new believer's welfare reward!"

Pet sighed, and was a little envious at first. After all, he tried to preach to Rena to get 5 knowledge points, but Rena just became a believer and got 10 points.

But then he thought about it. When he was in danger before, the God of Knowledge gave him a powerful 3rd-level spell, including the [Arcane Missile] he used in the police station and to defeat the gangsters. It was also given to him by the God of Knowledge.

Comforting himself like this, Pete felt balanced.

"Try to use up the required 5 points and see what the God of Knowledge will give you?" Pete suggested.

Rena closed her eyes obediently and tried to call Noven.

After thinking about it, a prompt came:

[Believers' demands detected. ]

[You have lost 5 knowledge points. 】

[Reward: The principle of making a professional talent detection array, basic detection method]

Lena's eyes suddenly widened in surprise!

"Mr. Pete! The God of Knowledge gave me... something called the production principle of the professional talent detection array, and it seems that there are also supporting detection methods or something!"

While talking, Reina found that the prompt can also view more specific detailed information.

"The production principle says that you need an empty room of at least 50 square meters, and use the magic pigments infused by the magic master to carve out the array corresponding to the proportion of the room..."

"...Prepare a silver scale, a long sword, and the statue of Phil, the god of justice, and place them at the three ritual points of the array. Well, the weight and material seem to be calculated according to the scale of the array."

Pet was stunned.

When he was in the Kingdom of Reyak, he did a professional talent test. Of course, the test results were very poor. He didn't match most of the career paths. No matter which career he chose, it would be difficult to advance to level 3.

In order to fool the noble inheritance law, at least one combat career path must be level 3, so Pete finally chose the magic goddess who was relatively less difficult and could abandon his faith at any time, and took the career path of the mage.

He remembered the talent detection ceremony at that time. The magic circle at that time did have things like scales, swords, and statues!

If the information provided by the God of Knowledge, Nowen, is accurate...

Pete thought of a possibility that made him tremble with excitement:

They, who are not true believers of the God of Justice, Phil, could also make a set of detection magic circles by hand to complete the detection of professional talents!


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