Don't call me evil god

Chapter 22 Cooperation

This idea was so crazy, but it spread like wildfire. After the idea came out, Pete could no longer suppress it.

Because he felt that the God of Knowledge could really do it!

Whether it was the [Hunger of Hada] or the [Arcane Missile] spell, the way of casting taught by the God of Knowledge was completely different from that of the followers of the Goddess of Magic. It could even be said that it bypassed the restrictions of the Goddess of Magic and completed the casting by mobilizing the magic network!

If Pete told his classmates in the Arcane School of Carron College about this kind of thing, no one would believe it and just think he was joking.

Since the God of Knowledge could bypass the Goddess of Magic, then maybe he could bypass the God of Justice!

To be on the safe side, Pete nervously confirmed with Lena: "Take a closer look. Does the method of the God of Knowledge require true followers of the God of Justice to preside over the ceremony?"

Lena spent some time and carefully read the entire detection ceremony process from beginning to end.


"In addition to the person being tested, there only needs to be another person to preside over the test according to the format and process, and there is no requirement for the host's faith."

The vision and insights brought by his noble birth made Pete instantly realize how precious the things that the God of Knowledge gave to Lena were!

Why is the cost of professional talent testing so expensive?

It's because the testing method is completely monopolized by the Church of the God of Justice, and only true believers of the God of Justice Phil can use divine arts to conduct testing.

There are many people queuing up for testing, this is a pure seller's market!

There is only one store, you can test if you want!

No matter how high the price offered by the Church of the God of Justice is, those who want to test have to accept it with a pinch of their nose.

If there is a way now that can achieve the same effect as the divine arts of the Church of the God of Justice;

It doesn't even need to be the same effect, half of the effect is fine!

If it is announced, a lot of people will come with a lot of gold coins to request a test opportunity, and they can get rich easily.

The next second, Pete reacted again.

"No, we can't just announce it like this!"

"Lena is just an ordinary person now, and I'm just a small 2nd-level mage."

"If the Church of the God of Justice knew that their exclusive divine arts had similar substitutes, although the believers of the God of Justice had little combat power, they had money and could issue commissions with a large sum of money and hire high-level professionals to eliminate hidden dangers and maintain their monopoly."

"Even if they were not from the Church of the God of Justice, anyone who was jealous of this method would try to dig out the secret and take the method into their own hands."

Thinking of this, Pate felt that cold sweat was about to fall.

This kind of thing that breaks the monopoly level, before there is enough strength to protect it, being too ostentatious will only make you die faster.

Of course, blindly fearing to be discovered and hiding it and not daring to use it is definitely not a good choice.

Pate's mind was racing, and in just a few seconds, he thought of a way to maximize the benefits under the premise of controllable risks:

Although the lower city area of ​​Green Port is chaotic, the public security is poor, and there are many crimes, this disorder inherently provides an excellent cover for various black market transactions.

All kinds of contraband and unfounded intelligence will circulate in the lower city. Of course, it is difficult to say whether the goods or the information are true.

In this mixed place, whether you will suffer a loss or take advantage depends on your own ability.

You can't do it openly, but you can go the black market route!

Turning his attention to Reina, Pete said very seriously:

"Reina, I have a suggestion."

"Let's cooperate."

"The various materials required for the professional talent detection ceremony will be a considerable expense for you. I can help you with this part of the things, and you don't need to pay for it. I can also help you host the ceremony."

"In exchange, I hope we can establish cooperation on matters related to this ceremony."

"If it works well, we should be able to recruit a lot of people in secret with this ceremony, and make a lot of money."

"By then, the troubles of the Bloodfang Gang Dursley will naturally be solved."

Pet's plan is very simple.

As long as he prays to the God of Knowledge, he can also get the methods related to the talent detection ceremony by spending 5 knowledge points.

He is sure to make a lot of money in the black market in the lower city of Green Harbor by providing this "business" of professional talent detection.

But there are certain risks in this matter. After all, it is equivalent to digging into the cash cow of the Church of the God of Justice.

He needs to push someone to the front, to act as the person standing in the "front stage" and bear the risks for him.

It just so happens that Reina is a good candidate.

Pete gave Reina a detailed account of the possible benefits and risks after the cooperation, and compared the interests for her.

Lena barely thought about it: "I have no objection, I am willing to cooperate."

Pet couldn't help but remind him: "Think it over carefully. Although the black market route can protect your information from being exposed as much as possible, once the news leaks out, you will really be in danger. It will not be as simple as a few ordinary people."

Lena nodded seriously: "Mr. Pet, I have thought it over."

"You saved my life. If it weren't for you, I might have died in the hands of those crazy black robes."

"I was originally worried that I couldn't find a suitable way to repay you, because you are the great wizard of the upper city, and what I can do may not be of any use to you."

"Since you need me to stand in front of the stage and be your spokesperson, then I am willing to help you do it. I am not afraid of danger or anything like that."

Pet's face turned red when he heard Rena say this.

He was born into a noble family, and his mind did subconsciously carry some thoughts of using Rena at the beginning.

After all, the three views that he was instilled and educated since childhood have always emphasized: the blood of nobles is more noble than that of commoners, they are more friendly to gods, and they are more likely to become professionals. So if there is something dangerous, the life of the nobles is more precious, and the commoners should be allowed to go up and test it first, rather than the nobles themselves taking risks.

Because Pete's own talent is not very good, he did not feel that he was superior to the commoners, so he did not completely believe in this set of aristocratic blood theory, but he was definitely more or less affected.

As a result, Reina was so frank that she was willing to be used by him, which made Pete feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"Don't say that, I have explained to you that I was also saving myself at that time. We are in a relationship of sharing hardships, and it can't be considered a life-saving grace."

"Don't worry, I won't use you, I promise that we will be partners."

"I will try my best to cover you, and I have already thought of the general plan!"


The power is about to expand, please recommend and vote for the monthly ticket~Xia Xie

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