Don't call me evil god

Chapter 214 Calling people!

Nowen has discovered the pattern.

Anything that is related to the gray fog is most likely related to the old times.

This pattern is easy to summarize.

The gray fog will assimilate mortals and monsters indiscriminately, and the gray fog that permeates outside the Misty Valley is enough to prove this.

No matter if you believe in the God of Radiance, the Goddess of Magic, or don't trust yourself, as long as you step into the gray fog, you will be assimilated.

The same goes for monsters.

Whether it is boneization, spiderization, or any other abnormal phenomenon, no matter which evil god they are contaminated by, as long as they enter the gray fog family, they will become part of the gray fog.

Only Nowen's believers are not affected.

After all the calculations, Nowen found that the biggest difference between him and the good gods and evil gods of the New Huili era is his origin.

The gods he inherited existed in the distant last era.

The gray fog is obviously also a thing of the old times.

When the gray fog appeared in the dark cave, Norwen estimated that this place might be like the creation altar in the misty valley, and there must be something related to the old days!

As expected.

The style of this detection mode information is exactly the same as the style of the old days that Norwen had learned before.

It is very likely something similar to the creation altar, something left over from the last era.

Norwen also understood why no adventurer or mercenary had explored the specific situation in the dark cave for so long.

Because they couldn't even do the first step: activating the normal detection mode!

This step has an extremely simple and extremely harsh condition:

You need to be a believer of Norwen.

Or, Norwen estimated that the condition of this step should be that only "believers of the old gods" can have the identity of activation.

The people of the new Huili don't have this identity. For them, the dark cave is a dangerous forbidden area with a large number of monsters and complex terrain!

In fact.

At least the area discovered by Norwen's believers seems to be a place for detection, trials, and assessments.

The rules of the detection mode are not complicated.

If you want to pass the test normally, as long as mortals pass through the fog gate formed by the gray fog within the specified time and eliminate all the monsters in it, they can obtain the corresponding "trial certificate".

All the monsters in the small and medium-sized caves connected to the central cave are eliminated, and the trial certificates are collected, they have the qualification to take the reward on the round platform!

After taking the reward normally, new monsters will come here from the depths of the cave, forming a new round of enemies for detection.

A new round of rewards will also be refreshed on the round platform.

This process will take about 1 week.

During this period, the blocking effect of the gray fog will be stronger. The information obtained by Norwen is that even his believers cannot step into the gray fog, otherwise assimilation will occur.

The principle of how the monsters are driven or transported here is not known to Norwen yet, and the believers need to explore deeper into the cave.


Nowen has learned that there are similar detection areas deeper in the cave, some with similar strength to the "shallow layer area 4", and some deeper areas with higher numbers and levels of monsters. Of course, the rewards will be better accordingly.


Compared with the difficult mode, the normal mode is equivalent to providing a gradual difficulty, and the monsters in the fog gate can be attacked one by one;

The difficult mode is a "one-wave flow", and all monsters will directly launch a siege!

After understanding the "detection mode rules" of this area, Nowen couldn't help but exclaimed in a godly way.

"Awesome, Yaan, this guy, this is not a problem that can be explained by luck!"

Because Nowen found that Yaan's luck when he successfully stuck the bug was ridiculous.

Taking away the reward will directly activate the difficult mode. This is a simple trigger judgment. Even if you are not a believer of the old gods and have not yet activated the entire detection area, it doesn't matter.

After the difficult mode is triggered, a fog gate filled with gray fog will form at the entrance of the cave.

For Yaan at that time.

Going through the fog gate is a death.

Staying in the cave is also a death.

Even using [Blink] is a death.

The barrier effect of the gray fog exists in all interfaces, including the star realm of space magic.

Normally, let alone [Blink], even [Teleport] cannot pass through the gray fog barrier.

Norwen was so curious that he even spent a lot of divine power and used his authority to inquire how Yaan escaped at that time.

The result information sent back made Norwen laugh and cry.

It turned out that what Yaan released after tearing open the scroll was not [Blink], and it was not even space magic in the strict sense.

It was just like when he was in the magic scroll shop, the scroll effect changed from [Blink] to [Star Realm Transfer].

This time it was a more outrageous and explosive mixed magic, and its working principle was full of coincidences and errors. Although the final effect was like [Blink], in fact, the core was completely a mess.

Normally, this kind of magic would not work at all. The moment Yaan tore open the scroll, he should have been shattered by the exploding arcane energy.

But he survived.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy also had a series of bugs.

The effect of the mixed magic gave Yaan a bunch of temporary states, such as [Burst of Vitality], [Quick Movement], [Terrain Adaptation] and the like.

This allowed him to complete an extreme marathon that lasted nearly 9 hours without being overtaken by monsters.

"What kind of unlucky physique is this? It's obviously a BUG physique. Why can everything happen to him in a direction that is completely unpredictable!"

Novin complained.

Ya'an escaped from the crypt, and the "difficulty detection mode" was determined to have failed in area No. 4 of the superficial layer. The gray fog dissipated, and the passage to the crypt exit was reopened.

The monsters were able to chase them away.

The case was solved.

Under normal circumstances, after an adventurer steps into the detection area and takes away the "reward" as a treasure, the difficulty detection mode will be triggered and the group will be destroyed inside.

Ya'an's series of experiences are full of coincidences and bugs and cannot be replicated at all.

But Ya'an's arrival at least let Noven know how to obtain the [Perfect Permit].

The answer is simple.

The small square colorless crystal on the round platform is the goal that Noven guides the believers to explore the dark crypt - perfect permission!

The moment Pet touched it, he also received the oracle from Norwin.

[Perfect Permission·Level 1]

[Obtained after passing the test, and after the creation altar is handed in, the number of believers will be increased by 100! 】

【Those who submit will receive a lot of rewards! 】

After understanding the situation in the cave, what the believers have to do next is very simple.

Pat analyzed calmly:

"There are too many monsters in the fog door. Just a few of us will definitely not be able to eliminate them all within the limited time."

"Call someone."

"Call everyone above level 2 and use our old method!"

"Human wave tactics!"

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