Don't call me evil god

Chapter 215 Strategy Group

Most of the believers in Misty Valley were converted from refugees. For them, being a professional is completely starting from scratch.

To be able to advance to level 2 in more than two months, it is basically based on fighting, or in other words, it takes a lot of energy.

After all, the only way to obtain legendary experience is to kill monsters.

It is difficult to get enough legendary experience to advance to level 2 if you spend your time doing business and reselling equipment, farming or doing other work.

To be able to advance to level 2 at this time is definitely the main force in the Church of Knowledge!

Of course.

Goblin Hugo is an exception.

He is also a level 2 mage now, but this guy doesn't spend too much time fighting monsters.

Hugo's "upgrade mode" is very simple.

Spend money to hire people!

Under normal circumstances, all rewards are divided equally among a team of 5.

Hugo relies on recruiting believers to bring in new people, smuggling back and forth to resell various things, and he makes a lot of money in gold coins and destiny points.

He directly offered a high price that others could not refuse, and invited 4 believers to sign a team contract to help him upgrade alone.

The reward distribution mode was directly defined as Hugo taking 100% of the legendary experience alone, and the other 4 people did not get any!

This is more than 4 times the upgrade speed of normal believers!

In this way, Hugo was promoted to level 2 without fighting.

Of course, although the goblin Hugo did not have much combat experience and the level 2 mage was very watery, this guy's combat power was not weak at all!

Because he was a typical "money-powered warrior".

After making money, Hugo immediately bought himself suitable equipment, and also found a way to sneak into Ceylon City and bought a bunch of level 1 and 2 magic scrolls for self-defense.

If a fight really broke out, if Hugo attacked at all costs, he could easily kill level 1 and 2 enemies by throwing coins and tearing scrolls.

This combat mode was once complained by Maren as "making the enemy feel the weight of money", but he had to admit that this trick was expensive but effective.


It is a pity that Hugo could not participate in the attack on the shallow surface area No. 4 of the Dark Crypt.

Because he went to Ceylon City again and was about to meet the believers who were about to arrive from Green Port.

The team that Pete finally assembled was missing this top "money warrior" among the current believers.

The believers who were able to arrive within the limited time and met the strength requirements of level 2, in the end, there were exactly 15 people.

3 warriors, 6 mages, 4 glow priests, 1 stealth, and 1 ranger.

The mage profession still accounts for the majority of the believers. After all, the role of the mage is not only reflected in the battle, but also the assistance of various magic can make life more convenient.

The believers who choose other professions are not completely without the talent of the mage, but they consider the employment problem.

After a lot of battles with monsters, the believers have also summed up their experience.

The actual combat efficiency of a team of 5 warriors and 5 mages is actually very average, and the tolerance for error is very low.

Reasonable team configuration, with warriors who are responsible for blocking enemy attacks and priests who provide treatment.

Although these two types of players are not as good as mages in terms of attack ability, they can greatly increase the team's tolerance!

Because there are too many mages, when everyone forms a team in Misty Valley, there are often three mages waiting eagerly for suitable warriors and priests to join the team.

The proportion of warriors and priests among believers naturally gradually increases.

As for rangers and stealth, these two professions are currently positioned similarly, providing more reconnaissance and support for the team, and there is no such obvious role, so the number of people is relatively small.

The team that Pete finally gathered also conforms to the characteristics of the professional population distribution of believers.

These 20 people eventually became the main force of the strategy!

"The situation is very simple."

"After activating the detection, we have a total of 4 hours!"

"Lena has already scouted in advance."

"There are a total of 17 cave rooms of different sizes that need to be conquered within 4 hours!"

"The easiest room has only 9 level 1 monsters, and the most difficult one has 2 level 3 monsters."

"The tactics are very simple, from easy to difficult, we push through one by one!"

"As for the most difficult ones, we will take a short break before the strategy, and try to ensure that there are no mistakes and pass it in one go!"

Pate emphasized: "Based on the time it took to eliminate monsters in the past, 4 hours is enough, provided that we don't lose too many people!"

"We only have 20 people!"

"It takes a whole day to get here after resurrecting from the Creation Altar, which means that if you die, it will be too late to get here again."

"The last two level 3 monsters will be difficult to deal with if there are not enough people."

"Remember, don't lose people, don't lose people!"

The believers who participated in this strategy also responded very actively.


"We all understand, don't worry, Mr. Pete!"

"For the gift of the God of Knowledge!"

"For the perfect license!"

"For experience!"

They can be considered as experienced, especially, they were able to fight monsters before the [Resurrection] magic was activated and survived to this day, and they all have their own unique skills in saving their lives.

"Good!" Pete praised and waved his hand to signal: "Blessing!"

Another series of buffs were attached to all the team members.

Stepping into the cave, Peter gently touched the small square colorless crystal on the round platform again.

[Whether to turn on the detection mode, time limit is 4 hours, maximum number of people is 30 people]

"Turn on!"

Gray fog surges.

The monster awakens.

The fog door appears.

According to the results of Rena's previous investigation, Brandon took the lead and was the first to pass through the fog door!

The monsters were no longer in a peaceful sleeping state. The moment Brandon's figure appeared, they rushed over ferociously!

But Brandon isn't fighting alone!

The three fellow warriors who followed him stood firmly beside Brandon, raising their shields or weapons to form a front row of defense.

"Mage group, prepare for free attack!"


Colorful magic burst out in the dark cave. Arcane missiles, flame rays, ice arrows, and other messy spell effects were all thrown at the charging monsters!

The monsters in the first cave are not very strong. With just a magic volley, coupled with the ranger's shooting, the monsters can't even reach the melee range.

They were all wiped out in one encounter!

It took less than a minute, including the time it took for the monster to rush out from the depths of the cave.

For the first time, Peter experienced the joy of "saturated firepower".

As long as my output is sufficient, there is no need for defense at all!

Peter didn't even need to command, the believers in the strategy team rushed forward actively and began to search for valuable aberration materials from the monsters.

The distortion material must be removed within a short time after the monster dies, otherwise it will be completely contaminated and lose its effect.

"Three minutes to clean up the battlefield, and then we'll go attack the next cave!"

The fifth update is here. The Green Harbor believers will arrive tomorrow and the farming plot will resume!

The battle in the second volume is not the focus, it just unlocks the "Dark Crypt Dungeon", a place where you can continue to grind.

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