Don't call me evil god

Chapter 216: Reception

After collecting the deformed materials that can be used from the monster corpses, these things are also considered part of the rewards for exploring the dark cave.

There are now believers in the Misty Valley who are responsible for reselling these materials. Selling them to them can be exchanged for destiny points or gold coins.

Before the fight, Pete made an agreement with everyone.

Including the final reward [Perfect Permit], all the spoils will be converted into destiny points and divided equally.

The process of the subsequent caves with low difficulty is basically the same.

There is almost no need for the front-line warriors. The mages will be destroyed after a round of collective bombing.

Warriors like Brandon who only have close combat capabilities can only watch dryly and have no chance to attack monsters at all.

Although Pete and his team only have 20 people, which does not reach the upper limit of the number of people in area 4, their overall strength is overflowing.

The conclusion that Enoch drew from his observations and calculations in the Kingdom of God:

"In a superficial battle, a team of 30 people with an average strength of level 1 can almost win if they cooperate properly."

"Pete and his men are all level 2 at the minimum, and most of the monsters in the cave rooms have lost their threat to them."

"They are suitable to go deeper into the dungeon to trigger the more difficult detection areas inside."

The first 13 rooms of the 17 cave rooms were basically swept clean in one wave.

It took more than an hour.

The remaining 4 rooms are the difficult part of the strategy.

Either there is a battle with 50 level 1 monsters that suppress numbers;

Or there is a level 3 monster. High-level monsters have a stronger ability to withstand damage and cannot be killed instantly by magic bombing.

The team began to suffer injuries and casualties.

If a team member is careless and is hit by a monster's attack;

If the wound is not serious, the Radiant Priests will give timely treatment, and the team will continue to fight after recovery;

For those who are seriously injured and lose their ability to fight, such as those whose stomachs are ripped open and their intestines are spilling all over the floor, they will be saved as much as possible.

After all, a death will lose a lot of experience.

If you can save one, you can save one.

The treatment process is not complicated.

First, use [Holy Breeze] to deal with the dirt near the wound, and then [Healing] will not continue to reduce the health status.

With the outrageous effect of Radiant magic, as long as the person is not dead, recover for a period of time, and apply more treatments, the person can be alive again.

High-level Radiant magic can even regenerate broken limbs.

Even if they are cut into human sticks, they can be restored to health.

However, this kind of magic is not like [Secondary Healing] or [Healing], which are 1st and 2nd level magics, which can be released by chanting prayers in a book.

They need special divine ritual materials as consumables and special divine ritual venue layout as guidance conditions.

These things are something that Norwen cannot change, which is equivalent to part of divine knowledge.

In a battle that changes rapidly and requires more on-the-spot reactions, most of the time people will still use simple and practical 1st and 2nd level divine arts.

There is no condition to release such high-level large-scale divine arts.

Therefore, for those companions who are really unlucky and cannot be treated under the conditions on the scene, the priests will directly give them medical advice:

"Wait for death, you are hopeless!"

"Don't worry, we will bring your body back to you!"

If other people heard such words, they might explode on the spot.

The believers of the Seeking Knowledge Church did not explode, and even turned around to ask their companions to help them finish the job.

They stabbed themselves, and their death efficiency was not fast enough, and they might have to suffer more.

It is better to just ask your companions to kill them directly, which is easy, happy and less painful.

After resting, the remaining team members continued to launch strategies for the last few cave rooms.

While the strategy team of the Dark Crypt was busy.

In Ceylon City.

As a goblin airship swayed and landed on the ground.

The shock-absorbing gelatin layer at the bottom came into contact with the ground, making a "booming" sound, as if even the nearby ground was shaking.

Old Moni carried a large package on his back, a box in each hand, and a shoulder bag across his waist.

When he walked off the airship with a pale face and weak steps, he saw vomit all over the ground near the dock, and vomited again on the spot.

Not only him.

The faces of other humans who got off the airship were also very ugly, and for a while, they vomited so much that the sky was dark.

It only takes less than 2 days for the goblin airship to reach Ceylon City directly from Green Port, but the price is the experience of shaking back and forth when flying in the sky, which is an extremely uncomfortable experience for most humans!

The small goblins are born with a fairly good sense of balance and are more adaptable to the shaking of the airship, but humans are different.

There are dozens of believers who came with Old Moni, accounting for nearly half of the passengers on the airship.

Now they are squatting neatly beside the airship, vomiting.

There is no one responsible for cleaning near the goblin airship dock, and the ground is full of "memorials" left by people who just got off the airship.

When Mr. Moni found the goblin Hugo who came to pick him up according to the message sent by his daughter Reina, he couldn't help but complain.

"Why does your goblin airship shake so much? Damn it, I can't eat a bite of food these two days, and even drinking water will make me vomit!"

Hugo was a little helpless.

"There's nothing we can do. When the airship was originally designed, it was actually used by goblins to transport goods in the air, so the riding experience standards are also based on the physical fitness of goblins."

"Human passengers will definitely suffer more."

Old Moni straightened his body with great effort.

This time he brought almost all of Green Harbor's assets.

It took some time to transfer the tavern in the lower city to someone else;

He only brought his accumulated wealth, some stonemasonry and brewing tools, and various daily necessities that he used to use.

Although Reina reminded him in the message that daily necessities were available in the Misty Valley, if there were really no daily necessities, he could entrust those believers who were running the smuggling route to buy them in Ceylon Territory, so he didn't need to bring too many things, and even just people could come.

But Old Moni still brought all his things.

His frugal habits made it impossible for him to throw away these used things directly, so he simply brought them in large and small bags.

"How do we get to Misty Valley? On foot?"

It would be a huge test for Old Moni's physical strength to carry so many things on his shoulders and in his hands all the way to Misty Valley.

Fortunately, when the goblin Hugo received the task issued by Norwen and learned that he had to pick up the Green Port believers, he made comprehensive preparations.

"Don't worry!"

"You just caught up with the right time! I have planned it for you a long time ago!"

The goblin Hugo patted his chest and promised.


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