Don't call me evil god

Chapter 217 Hunting Moon

Old Moni was half-believing and half-doubting what Hugo the Goblin said.

He half-squinted his eyes: "Are you sure?"

He had lived in Green Harbor for a long time and was very familiar with the goblins' style of doing things.

It can be described like this:

When a goblin screams, it may not be a big deal. These green-skinned little guys like to be startled and get angry at every turn. They may just be screaming because of something.

But when a goblin pats his chest and promises you that everything is under control and there will be no problems, you have to be careful!

These guys have always been easy to ignore "risks" when doing things, so that the probability of their plans going wrong or going wrong is quite high.

Goblin Hugo said sincerely:

"Don't worry! I promise that I am different from the goblins you know!"


Tens of minutes later.

Old Moni and other believers from Green Harbor followed Hugo the Goblin into the refugee slum outside the city. After many twists and turns, they arrived in front of a guarded shed.

The young guards were dressed like other refugees in the refugee camp, wearing patched or tattered shirts. The difference was that they didn't have the strange smell of sweat and were in much better spirits, unlike those hungry refugees.

Noticing Hugo bringing people over, the young people greeted them enthusiastically.

"Mr. Xiwei!"

"Everything is ready as you requested!"

Hugo nodded with satisfaction and stood still for a few seconds: "Okay, the points are transferred to you!"

Several young people thanked him repeatedly.

They are the latest batch of believers of the God of Knowledge.

Before fighting the monsters, they need to save at least 100 life points to leave themselves a "retreat" for resurrection.

Hugo offered a good price and hired them to help pick up the believers who arrived here, and the newcomers came happily.

This shed is located deep in the refugee camp, and it is difficult to find it if you don't look for it in depth.

As batches of refugees were recruited by Hugo and other believers and taken to the Misty Valley, the size of the refugee camp outside Ceylon City had actually become smaller, and many of the huts inside were left vacant.

Unless there was a clear threat from the evil god, the priests of the Glorious God would usually stay away from the refugee camp. Even when they were giving out relief, they would set up a temporary site outside the refugee camp and would not enter the interior at all.

Therefore, the fact that the refugee camp had become smaller had not yet been discovered.

Except for the slightly worse environment, the refugee camp was actually very suitable for Hugo and other people who had sneaked into the Kingdom of Reyak to temporarily hide.

From time to time, they would secretly preach a religion, take a few refugees to the border, hide during the day and go out at night, without anyone noticing.

But the situation this time was different.

There were many believers arriving at Green Harbor.

There were nearly a thousand people rushing over in batches, and many of them simply came with packages considering immigration.

Hugo couldn't expect that the Countess of Ceylon City and the Glorious God Church were all blind.

Such a large population movement will definitely attract investigation.

Without a proper reason, it is easy to find people suspicious.

The existence of the heretic expulsion order is a huge trouble. If the believers are discovered, they may be directly imprisoned as "heretical infiltration threats".

At that time, it is not smuggling out of the country, but a prison break.

Hugo has to find a way to provide these people with a suitable identity so that they can leave "openly" to some extent.

Fortunately, there is a good opportunity right now.

The hot summer is about to end.

During the autumn harvest season, Ceylon will hold a big event in the name of the king.

"Hunting Month."

This event is related to the canonization of manor nobles.

Throughout September, registered professionals can go outside the border, hunt and eliminate monsters, and collect trophies that are enough to prove the rank of monsters.

After the event, they will be rewarded in the name of the king according to the number of trophies hunted;

If the professional rating reaches level 3, they can also swear allegiance to the king and be canonized as a new batch of manor nobles.

"We disguise ourselves as professionals participating in the Hunting Moon?" Old Moni asked.

Hugo immediately shook his head and denied:

"No, no, no, no."

"We want to use the Hunting Moon, but not the professionals participating in the Disguise City - but the merchants who provide various services to the professionals!"

After saying that, Hugo went into the shed.

He took out a large pile of refugee clothes that were randomly piled together, emitting sour, smelly and various strange smells.

"After the Hunting Moon arrives, the border area will be temporarily bustling. Merchants will transport the weapons, equipment and various consumables needed by the professionals to sell."

"The manpower responsible for transportation... Hehe, is there anyone more suitable than refugees?"

"Refugees are cheap, obedient, honest, and discriminated against."

Hugo smiled cunningly.

The Church of Knowledge now also has the ability to produce various items needed by professionals, especially the iron equipment made by Maren, which has been selling very well during this period due to its unique technical cost advantage.

Hugo also brought a batch of weapons and equipment this time, but that was just a means to cover up.

"Put on refugee clothes, put on a little disguise, and treat your luggage as the goods we want to transport and sell."

“The carts are all ready in advance!”

"As long as we don't get discovered before we get close to the border, the rest will be easy to handle!"

That night.

A team of dozens of "refugees" quietly left the refugee camp under the cover of darkness.

On the way to the border, a team of this size was, as expected, inspected and interrogated several times by the Knights of the Radiance Religion.

The Hunting Month is coming, and the Church of Glow God is patrolling the territory of Ceylon to check for hidden dangers of evil gods and heretics.

"Stop! Where are you coming from and what are you going to do?"

Hugo didn't show any shyness at all, and directly and openly invited the other party to come closer for inspection:

"Sir, I am a businessman from Ceylon City. I work as a sales agent for the blacksmith shop and go to the border to sell some goods."

Showing the weapons and equipment covered with rags that were used for cover on the first cart.

"They are all temporarily recruited refugees. They are very cheap. As long as they take care of the batter, they can work hard and help push the cart. Please check it out."

As he spoke, Hugo quietly handed two silver coins to the leading knight's hand.

The knight of the Glow God Cult felt the weight of the coin in his hand.

Not bad.

After smelling the unique rancid smell emanating from the clothes of the "refugees", he frowned and waved his hands:

"Let's go quickly! We know the situation, so there's no need to check!"

He didn't want to get close to those lowly guys, for fear that the unpleasant smell of the refugees would spread to him.

Hugo hurriedly agreed and bowed his thanks with a smile:

"Hehe! Okay, okay, I've caused trouble for you all! Thank you for your hard work!"

There will be 3 more updates tonight, please Rong Guozi consider the transition of the plot! The second volume is about to come to an end. The Hunting Moon is an important plot point connecting volumes 2 and 3. We need to think about how to write it more appropriately!

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