Don't call me evil god

Chapter 249: Unique Doctrine

After reshaping his body in the warm altar of creation, the first thing Gale did after his resurrection was to quickly grab a simple, loose shorts and shirt from the clothes piled nearby and put them on.

This is the only bad thing about the magic of resurrection.

The reshaped body is completely unobstructed.

Especially when a bunch of people die at once and a group of people are resurrected at the same time.

At the beginning, the scene in the misty valley was simply unwatchable.

To this end, the believers discussed specifically whether to put some additional screens or similar things in the altar of creation to block the view, and prepare some general-purpose clothing in advance for shielding.

The discussion focused mainly on whether doing so would constitute desecration of a sacred place.

After all, the round platform in the altar of creation has existed since the beginning. Wouldn't it be inappropriate to place things made by believers in it?

In the end, it was Noven who directly issued the oracle, which was the final word.

"Let it go! It must be let go!"

Novin didn't think there was anything blasphemous about putting something in the altar of creation, as long as it didn't affect the original function of the altar of creation.

On the contrary, he watched a bunch of naked guys running around in the misty valley every day. This scene was quite eye-catching for Noven.

For safety reasons, Noven immediately settled the issue.

After the believers were resurrected in the altar of creation, there are now exquisite wooden screens placed next to each round platform to block the view, as well as general clothes piled in advance for them to change temporarily.

Gale did not stay at the Altar of Creation longer because he had to rush back home from the misty valley one more time.

His family is the next target he must preach to.

There is no need to be vague about the [Rebirth] magic in front of them.

Because this magical technique definitely has a huge appeal to the insecure Baron Franklin!

Why is he so concerned about wanting Gale to give up inheriting the title and run the potion shop with peace of mind?

Isn't it because after being ennobled as a noble of the kingdom, you have to go to the battlefield and risk death in battle?

If death is no longer a risk, won’t this problem be solved?

His words were unfounded, so Gale directly used the simplest method.

Die once and that's it.

When he reappears at home intact, and with the various other benefits of believing in the God of Knowledge, the family members will actively move to the new territory of the Church of Knowledge without his persuasion! Accumulate contributions and become a believer!

The exit of the gray mist outside the Misty Valley is now directly connected to the "Pathway of Exploration" building.

After exiting the gray fog, you will be inside the Quest Path.

When Gale left in a hurry from the hall, he accidentally bumped shoulders with a thin young man.

"Sorry! Sorry, I was a little anxious and didn't notice you."

Gale took the initiative to apologize.

Sam said "Ah" in a daze, and then realized something: "Ah...oh, it's okay, it's okay."

He had just finished studying the teachings of Seeking, which was organized on the second floor of the Seeking Path building.

Now the whole person is in a trance.

Because the impact of the amount of information he received was really big.

When Sam Doug arrived at the lecture hall on the second floor of Qiusuo Tongtu, there were many people lining up with him to wait for the unified learning to begin.

And according to Sam's observation, most of these people seem to be adventurers like him.

Occasionally there are a few guys dressed as mercenaries in the middle.

The main way to tell the difference between the two is to look at the coat of arms or coat of arms.

Mercenaries who belong to a mercenary group will have unique badges, which are usually hung on their chests to prove their identity.

Sam saw two badges he was familiar with.

"The Redwood Mercenary Group, and the Wild Fox Mercenary Group."

This surprised Sam at the time.

"The mercenaries came here to learn the teachings of the Seeking Church?"

"They want to join the Church of Seeking Knowledge?"

Mercenaries are different from adventurers.

The mercenary group will have a fixed station, and its overall strength and living conditions are much better than those of adventurers who have no fixed place. Moreover, they often do not earn rewards by hunting monsters, but after obtaining information, they accept commissions and specialize in Go collect some rare materials in the dark forest.

The stronger you are, the more you earn.

With the care of the team, mercenaries can also live a good life in the Kingdom of Reyak.

Once you join the Church of Knowledge, doesn't it mean you have to leave the mercenary group?

After all, heretical believers cannot enter the Kingdom of Leyak.

When the lecture time started, he followed the crowd into the lecture hall, found a seat and sat down. Sam, who observed the situation, was even more shocked.

Regardless of whether they are adventurers or mercenaries, both of them are extremely serious!

Sam even saw a mercenary take out a notebook and pen from his arms, as if he was going to listen carefully and take notes.

"No, are you serious?"

This made Sam couldn't help but start thinking again.

Without enough benefits, there is no reason for these guys to stay here honestly. Judging from their appearance, it is obvious that they are really trying to master the teachings and try to pass the assessment.

What kind of benefits would that be?

Sam thought again of the guy named Brandon he had met.

While others were not paying attention, Sam quickly changed his position and moved next to an adventurer who seemed to be listening carefully to the teachings. He lowered his voice and asked:

"Friend, are you... planning to study and then take the exam? This is a heretical church!"

The other party glanced at Sam and said mysteriously:

"Hehe... I can only tell you that there are some things that those who understand will understand, and those who don't understand will not understand even if they say it."

"So what if you are a heretic? As long as you don't run into the guys of the Glorious God Cult, who cares if you are a real heretic."

"The benefits you can see in these territories are not as good as the real blessing effect you can get after offering faith to this god!"

The attitude of the strange adventurer made Sam more certain of his thoughts.

His mentality changed subtly again.

At first, he just wanted to try it a little.

Now it's not as simple as trying!


After a whole course of doctrine learning, Sam was a little confused.

Because he found that the doctrine of this knowledge-seeking church seemed to be simpler than he thought, but also more unique than he thought!

In addition to following the guidance of the gods, which every church would say.

There are almost no precepts or dogmas that need to be observed.

On the contrary, the most important doctrine requirement is to maintain a mentality of seeking knowledge and exploration.

You can seek the guidance of the gods;

But after getting the guidance, you should rely on your own efforts to master the power and explore the truth.

This is what confuses Sam the most.

The doctrines of other churches require believers to pray for the protection of the gods as soon as they encounter difficulties.

The main theme is to hand over the difficulties to the gods, and the gods have infinite power.

As long as the faith is pious enough, as long as you can get enough love from the gods, as long as you let the gods give you power, you can immediately solve the troubles you face.

The meaning of the doctrine of the Church of Seeking Knowledge is: It doesn’t matter whether the gods like you or not, your own efforts are the most important?

What kind of unique doctrine is this? !

There will be 2 more later, and the 6th update may get 0 o’clock, and the code is hard

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