Don't call me evil god

Chapter 250 If you want to join the church, build the road first

Sam couldn't understand.

He only knows that the training route of a warrior professional really depends on his own efforts. He must dig out and inspire anger in his body, try to control the anger bit by bit, and transform it into the power of various combat skills.

But...does the power of gods have anything to do with the efforts of mortals?

Sam also once imagined being blessed by the goddess of magic and becoming a noble spellcaster.

But he failed to receive the blessing.

No matter how much you pray devoutly, no matter how much you offer offerings to the goddess of magic, it's all useless.

The situation is similar for other gods.

According to the descriptions of those who mastered divine arts, it was almost instantaneous for them to obtain divine arts.

Maybe he suddenly fell into a trance while praying;

Maybe he suddenly had heart palpitations while working;

It's even possible that you just took a nap and found that you had mastered a certain magic when you woke up!

They don't understand how they master it. Anyway, if they know it, they know it, and if they don't, they don't know it.

Therefore, these people who master magical arts are called the lucky ones who are favored by the gods. If the gods don't like you, no matter how hard you try to pray, it will have no effect.

The teachings of the Seeking Church are exactly the opposite.

It doesn’t matter whether the gods like you or not;

The important thing is that you have to put in your own effort.

As long as you work hard enough, even if God doesn't like you, thinks you're not talented enough, and looks down on you, you can eventually learn His magic through hard work?

Sam had never heard of such a statement, but after receiving the teachings, he had a real sense of expectation.

If there really is such a great being.

Sam thought about it carefully.

That would indeed be an existence worthy of his willing devotion!

Sam remembered clearly the requirements to become a formal citizen and join the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

In addition to learning and understanding the teachings and passing the assessment, you must also have enough contribution points.

Warren Territory also has a bulletin board similar to the one in Xiwei Territory, which also lists various ways to obtain contribution points.

Sam went over to check.

Excluding those things like "opening a potion shop or a wand shop" that either require a large amount of capital or require unique skills. In short, they are conditions that you can't do on your own.

Sam's goal finally settled on a somewhat special mission:


"Task description: Participate in road construction according to the lord's planning requirements, and obtain contribution points and cash rewards based on the work results."

On the surface, the requirements for this task are simple.

Isn't it just building roads?

Let alone an adventurer like Sam, he could still do this job even if he pulled a few refugees outside the city of Ceylon and provided them with food.

What’s special about the mission is:

"Requirements: None."

"Level 1 professionals, warriors and rangers are given priority and can enjoy additional rewards."

This made it difficult for Sam to understand.

Do you need to be a professional to build roads?

Isn’t it a bit too luxurious?

On second thought, it seems right.

This is a new territory in the dark forest. The people who can come here now are probably adventurers and mercenaries.

Sam assessed it and found that this task seemed... quite suitable for him.

With his physical strength and strength, he must be very efficient in doing such a simple job.

The cash rewards he can get at the end of the day should be 60% to 70% of his income from killing monsters.

Not counting those contribution values.

And Sam had discovered something.

Near Xiwei Territory and Warren Territory, the monsters have obviously been cleared away.

Among the tasks related to contribution points, there are also types of tasks such as protecting the territory and destroying surrounding monsters.

Sam figured he was probably late.

The nearby monsters have been almost wiped out by other adventurers and the believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

He wanted to find monsters to hunt again.

Either you have to go deeper into the dark forest and face greater risks.

Or you have to put more effort into searching nearby.

In previous years, it would take until the last week of the Hunting Month for this phenomenon of a significant decrease in the density of monsters outside the dark forest to occur.

As a result, this year, when the hunting month just started, there were almost no monsters to hunt in the periphery!

Sam thought about it in his mind.

"Going deeper into the forest is more dangerous and the returns are unstable."

"Might as well build roads!"

The next day.

With the official arrival of the Hunting Moon.

According to the plan of the Lords of the Seeking Church, a total of three roads were started at the same time.

They will connect the Seavey Territory, the Warren Territory and the Chenal Territory to each other.

This time it is no longer the kind of forest trail that can only be passed by people on foot, but a spacious and smooth stone road that can even be passed by carriages and other vehicles!

When he first learned the news, Sam was a little nervous.

Road construction in the dark forest has never been done before!

Even though their work is not complicated, it is just using tools to knock down trees blocking the road, leveling the ground, laying slabs, compacting, etc. These are all basic physical tasks.

But this is in a dark forest, what if a monster suddenly appears?

But when he really saw the construction environment, Sam understood.

In addition to the nearly a hundred workers recruited like him, there is also a group of guards to ensure their safety.

within the work area.

[Lighting arrows] maintain coverage throughout the process to avoid sneak attacks from sneaking monsters;

A total of 8 spellcasters were on guard at different positions, each holding an [Arcane Blast] scroll in their hands. Once a monster tried to approach, they could immediately repel it, and there would be a large amount of magic fire bombing afterwards.

During the construction process, they would also use magic to assist, speed up efficiency, and shorten the construction period.

In the distance, a figure patrolling, like a stalker, could be vaguely seen.

Sam was completely relieved.

So many spellcasters escorted them, and the nearby area had been cleared of monsters. Not to mention the Dark Forest, he would dare to repair the road even if he was asked to go to the Dark Crypt!

So, on the first day of the Hunting Month, a spectacle appeared outside the Dark Forest near the Ceylon No. 3 Defense Line!

It should have been the day when adventurers and mercenaries flocked into the Dark Forest to find suitable monster targets to eliminate.




Even less!

Except for those adventurers who were brave enough to go deeper to find monsters.

A large number of ordinary adventurers turned into workers, chopping trees and clearing roads in the dark forest!

At the end of the first day of the Hunting Month, the Ceylon clerks who were going to register their monster hunting records in the border camp of Ceylon Line 3 were all confused.

At this time of year in previous years, it should be the busiest time of the day when the professionals participating in the Hunting Month come back to register their monsters?

Why is the camp so quiet this year?

There are only a dozen adventurers who came back with some unremarkable spoils.

Where did everyone go?

There are people who have this question.

Not only the clerks in charge of registration at the border defense line;

There is also Petwin Tostin, who finally arrived after all the hardships.

Five more chapters are presented, and one more chapter will be released after 0:00. Guozi will sort out the rhythm of the plot development of the third volume.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you very much.

Thank you for the 10,000 Qidian coins from Qingshu Shimo! I wish you will be rich every day, stay young and never die!

Thank you for the 1,000 Qidian coins from Kosmo, and thank you for the 500 Qidian coins from Madara, I wish you two will be rich every day and never die!

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