Don't call me evil god

Chapter 251 Little Adventurer

Pe Twain's efficiency can be said to be very high.

It took only one day to quickly reach the border from Ceylon City.

Normally, this journey is purely on foot, especially with luggage, it will take 3 days at the fastest and 5 days at the slowest. In short, it will be a very tiring journey.

How did he achieve such a fast speed?

The answer is krypton gold.

Pettwain directly spent a sum of money on the carriage shop in Ceylon City.

A full 20 silver coins.

He hired almost the best carriage in the carriage shop at that time.

The body of the carriage was given a variety of magic and divine effects such as shock absorption and weight reduction to ensure the speed and endurance of the carriage as much as possible.

The journey that ordinary people would walk for several days was compressed into one day by him.

Set off in the morning of the beginning of the hunting month and arrived at the border in the evening!

But when he arrived at the border defense line, Pettwain found that the situation seemed to be wrong.

"Why does the border camp seem to be different from what my brothers and sisters described?"

He remembered that he had heard that during the hunting month, the border defense line would become very lively.

Hundreds of adventurers and mercenary groups from Ceylon Territory and even the surrounding areas will gather here.

Especially in the evening, when most people come back to register with their spoils.

Although there are people who never come back after crossing the border every day, those who successfully return to register with their spoils, especially the powerful professionals who bring back the proof of Level 2 or even Level 3 monsters, will invariably attract the envious eyes of everyone.

But what happened this time?

"None of the adventurers came back?"

"All of them fell in the Dark Forest?"

Pe Twain wanted to back out.

The carriage that brought him here had not left yet, and the driver was feeding the horses with water and food. If Pettwain really wanted to leave, he only needed to tell the other party and pay some money, and he should be able to return to Ceylon City before dark tomorrow.


But he was embarrassed to go back so dejectedly.

Especially since he had already said that he would take his friends to the Dark Forest to experience a "real battle".

As a result, he came here once and ran back directly, without even telling his friends. Isn't that a big shame!

Petwin specially paid for a carriage and arrived here first. He had his own little idea.

If he arrived a day earlier, maybe he could spend money to hire some mercenaries to help him catch two level 0 monsters, so that he could deal with them first and create his own "record" before his friends.

Isn't this a sense of superiority!

Anyway, at most he just spent more money to hire people.

Petwin has nothing else. Among his circle of friends, he must have the most pocket money!

But now the plan has changed.

There are only a few scattered adventurers left in the border defense camp. They don't look very good, and their weapons and equipment don't seem reliable.

There are no powerful mercenaries or adventurers at all!

"Where are all the people?" Petwin was depressed.

There is another place on the border that Petwin is extremely uncomfortable with.

The conditions here are too simple!

Petunia didn't dare to look at the so-called restaurants and taverns, because he was afraid that he would get sick if he went in;

The simple hostel, the room cost 4 silver coins a night, the conditions were terrible, the dirty thin blanket was stained with blood or something else, and there were all kinds of flying insects in the air and crawling on the ground. As soon as he entered the room, his head was full of buzzing sounds.

Not to mention food.

Petunia's worst food on weekdays was soft white bread. On the way to the border, he ate some snacks from home.

However, the best food that can be provided here at the border is black bread with pickles, plus a kind of black dried meat strips made of unknown meat?

Before Petunia came, she had never thought that there was no ham at the border!

In short, the environment made him uncomfortable in various ways.

The picture of destroying monsters and being respected was shattered by the terrible reality.

Just as Petwin was struggling with whether to stay here for the sake of face or just give in and ask the coachman to take him back tomorrow, a young man passing by caught Petwin's attention.

The young man had long blue hair, which was slightly curled at the end and dyed into a beautiful Roland purple.

The white silk mask covered most of his face, and only his bright black eyes and handsome sword eyebrows could be seen.

He was dressed as an adventurer.

A set of leather armor protected the key parts of his body, a water bag and a dry food bag were hung around his waist, and the trousers were tucked into leather boots to protect his legs and ankles from thorns, thatch, mosquitoes and even snakes.

The two weapons on his back were very strange.

A one-handed short sword was securely inserted into the leather scabbard. The pattern on the hilt alone showed that it was of high quality.

On the other side was a short-handled wooden staff with a crimson gem inlaid on the top.

Just from his appearance, Petwin looked reliable!

At first glance, he looked like an experienced adventurer who was good at destroying monsters!

The only thing that was a bit out of place was his height.

Petwin was 15 years old and still growing up. He was only 1.69 meters tall.

And this young adventurer was almost a head shorter than him.

Petun estimated that the other party was probably only about 1.45 meters tall!

Based on the average height of men in the Kingdom of Reyak, this guy's height probably belongs to the extremely rare dwarfism level among humans.

But no matter what, this is the only adventurer that Petun has seen in the border camp that he thinks is reliable!

He hurriedly called the other party:

"That... small friend!"

Subconsciously called out the other party's most obvious feature.

As expected, the other party stopped, turned around, and looked at Petun with a bit of unkindness.

Petun didn't realize that the way he just called him was a bit hurtful.

Straight to the point.

"Friend, do you know what happened in the camp? Where did the adventurers and mercenaries go?"

"If you know useful information, I can give you a reward."

"1 silver coin, buy the information you know, no problem!"

The small adventurer looked at Petun as if examining him.

A voice came from under the silk mask.

It was a rough and hoarse male voice that was very inconsistent with his figure:

"I also heard the news, and I can't guarantee its authenticity, so no need to pay."

"There is no one on this side of the border defense line. Maybe they have all gone to a newly developed territory called Xiwei Territory in the Dark Forest."

I learned a place name from the little adventurer.

"Xiwei Territory?" Petwin repeated it subconsciously.

When did a civilized territory appear in the Dark Forest?

Why didn't he hear his brothers and sisters mention it?


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