Don't call me evil god

Chapter 273 The Birth of the Monster Spawning Cage

When thinking of this, Nowen fell into deep thought.

Ever since he came to this world and became an evil god.

Nowen felt that he was no longer dizzy, tired, and much more awake.

Without a reference, Nowen was not sure whether his current "human body" should be considered the body of the god, or some kind of "creature" made with divine power.

Nowen was more inclined to the latter possibility.

After all, how could the body of the evil god look so much like a human!

At present, one thing he could be sure of was:

If Nowen wanted, he could transform his body into a large mass of tentacles, or a mass of blood and flesh, or something else at any time.

The appearance would not affect his divine power, nor would it affect his faith connection with mortal believers, nor would it affect his reason and thinking.

Because Nowen had previously used divine power to try to pinch four more arms and two heads for himself.

The "three heads and six arms" body also ran smoothly, without any lag or conflict.

However, this magical body only had some changes in appearance.

It will not affect Nowen's "thinking".

On the thinking level, after coming to this world and becoming a god, Nowen's brain has already broken through the limits of his former mortal level.

From the appearance, it looks like three heads, which can be divided into three parts.

In fact, the number of thoughts that Nowen can carry out simultaneously is far more than three.

Before he made those divine creations, Nowen was equivalent to observing different believers from hundreds of perspectives at the same time, and simultaneously sending down different oracles to respond to them, which was a piece of cake for him.

It was as if he had opened thousands of clones for himself, doing different work at the same time.

This also made Nowen more suspicious that his current "body" might be just some kind of appearance, and the organs used for thinking, well, if gods have organs, they might be indescribable and indescribable.

The main reason for retaining his human body is that Nowen is used to being a human.

He is a little worried. What if he gets used to tentacles, fungal mats or something else, and his aesthetics are really distorted in the future?

Overall, Nowen's current goal has not changed.

Although he is an evil god in terms of divine power, he hopes that he can act like a righteous god.

And Norman is currently acting pretty well.

The Church of Knowledge is thriving.

The believers are constantly organizing the attack on the [superficial layer], and the number of believers is steadily increasing. Now there are more than 1,500 places, waiting for the three territories to select suitable candidates to be absorbed into the church.

The development of the territory is also very gratifying.

Facts have proved that as long as there are enough benefits, the so-called heresy is only nominal expulsion, which is to play the role of verbal intimidation.

No matter how much the Glorious God Cult preaches the harm of heretical doctrines, people will still choose to vote with their feet, and they will favor whoever gives more benefits.

For example, the main reason why the Illusion Church was so popular in Ceylon was that the believers of the God of Illusion, Resti, invented a "Illusion Experience Store". As long as they paid a little fee, they could customize their own illusions according to their requirements, and then experience some indescribable wonderful activities.

Not to mention the several territories of the Church of Knowledge.

The environment is comfortable, the quality of life is high, and most of the things that can be found in Ceylon Territory are the same here, and the fees are likely to be lower.

But all this is based on one premise:

That is - the God of Knowledge is a righteous god.

This is also the problem that Norwen is worried about.

No matter whether he has any relationship with the monsters "isolated" in the dark crypt.

If one day his believers are strong enough to really face the evil god's body, or even show the god's health bar.

What if they see his body!

You can't let the believers chop him up!


The good news is that Norwen still has a lot of time to think about and find a solution to this problem.

With the scale of the dark crypt, the believers can't even get through the [isolation layer] now, let alone the deeper areas below.

If they really run into the evil god's body now, they can just drink the comfort potion and go back to revive.

There is no way to fight back.

Moreover, the fact that he can use the Creation Holy Altar gives Norwen hope.

This thing obviously cannot be the creation of the evil gods.

Norwen's kind, that is, those evil gods who shout or talk in the void every day, don't have the brains and reason to create such things.


When Norwen used his divine power to obtain information about the dark crypt, he found that the breath of the void pollution was quite familiar to him.

Feeling the breath of the void is like going home.

Except that it is a bit noisy, there are no other disadvantages.

Norwen thought that he might have got the right to use the holy platform of creation in a long time.

If he could figure out how to get the right to use these creations of the righteous gods, then he would be a true righteous god!

Who dares to say that he is an evil god!


It is a similar situation now.

The believers can interact with the round platform device structure in the dark crypt, which means that Norwen has room for operation.

The [leakage layer] of the dark crypt was directly used by Norwen!

Nowen felt that he seemed to have known most of the truth about the formation of the "Monster's Lair".

As the number of monsters in the Dark Crypt increases, the pressure exceeds the threshold, and a blockade will leak, causing a large number of monsters to rush to the surface, forming the so-called nest.

Leakage is equivalent to the gate being passively broken.

Before the gate resumes its function, a large number of monsters will definitely run out, and the blockade will not be re-formed immediately after it just drops below the threshold line.

The believers' active [Pressure Relief] operation is equivalent to artificially releasing a limited number of monsters!

It can ensure that the number of monsters is below the threshold for a long time and stably!

As for why not completely cleaning up the nest will lead to a "retaliatory growth" in scale, Nowen estimates that it is probably related to the Dark Crypt, but the believers have not yet explored relevant information for him.

With the [Pressure Relief] operation, for Nowen's believers, it means that they have taken the initiative to eliminate monsters!

Find the nest location corresponding to the pressure relief, and regularly eliminate the nearby monsters that are actively released from the Dark Crypt!

And these monsters are all at the level of 0, 1, and 2.

There is no need to form a 30-person team like the strategy team;

With 3 to 5 believers working together, a lot of problems can be solved.

With a few more teams, it will be enough to clean up.

There is no need for believers to go to the dark forest to look for lone monsters.

In fact, lone monsters also wander aimlessly from nearby nests.

Just wait at the nest location, and a fixed number of monsters can be released manually and actively every day for believers to eliminate.

Noven can also plunder divine power steadily.

Isn't this a ready-made "monster cage" system?

There will be at least 2 more chapters later. If the third chapter is not written before 0:00, it will be made up after 0:00, and the update volume will not be less.

If it can be 10,000 per day, Guozi will try his best to ensure that it continues to be 10,000 per day.

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