Don't call me evil god

Chapter 274 Perfect Materials

Noven didn't even use the oracle to guide the believers on what to do this time.

When the members of the strategy team led by Pete Chinar learned the function of the button, they quickly showed their ingenuity.

"Isn't this a ready-made 'monster hunting ground'?"

The first person to react was Brandon, who was also a member of the strategy team.

It turns out that as long as it involves combat, Brandon's brain is not slow at all, and his thinking is even quite flexible.

"Can we do this?"

"Just circle those nests that will release monsters due to pressure relief, just like our three territories, build walls around them to close them, or block them with something else."

"This way, we can ensure that those low-level monsters can only move in a limited area."

Brandon had successfully accumulated legendary experience and promoted to a level 3 warrior a few days ago, so monsters of levels 0, 1, and 2 are indeed low-level monsters for him now.

With his combat experience and intuition, and the greatsword that was enhanced to +3, he could kill ordinary level 2 monsters without any injuries.

"Then we will enter this closed area to kill the monsters."

"Let a new batch of monsters in the next day."

Pete thought for a moment: "That makes sense."

"And there is another benefit to doing this."

"If you are unlucky, you will attract a large number of monsters that you cannot kill in the dark forest without clear boundaries. You can only run for your life or wait for death."

With the emergence of the [Resurrection] magic, the believers of knowledge went deeper into the dark forest, and the number of deaths did not decrease at all.

Most of the deaths were because the noise of the battle attracted the attention of other wandering monsters, causing additional variables in the battle that was originally a sure thing.

It was easy to kill one monster in a team of believers;

Halfway through the fight, another one appeared, and it was a sneak attack, which might be dangerous;

If a third one appeared, the team might be destroyed.

"By enclosing a fixed area, the number of monsters is fixed, which can greatly reduce the risk of accidents."

"I think this idea is worth planning!"

"The several pressure relief nests we have found are also near the Qinal Territory, and Qinal Territory can be used as a transit point!"

"Brandon! You can do it!"

Pet praised generously.

Brandon laughed and said, "Mr. Peiter's idea is more perfect, I just have a rough idea."

Business praise.

Both of them think this idea is very reliable!

However, Ray Wayne, who is also in the strategy team, doesn't think so!

"——I'm reliable, you two grandma's legs!"

"Do you know how difficult it is to enclose a piece of land in the dark forest, or an area where monsters will pop up from time to time!"


Ray Wayne will appear in the strategy team, not because of how strong he is in combat.

On the contrary, he is still a level 1 mage until now, and the magic he learned from Norwen has little to do with combat.

His main contribution is in professional knowledge.

Without enough experience, people like Pete and his friends would get dizzy after turning a few corners in the dark caves and cave passages of the dark crypt.

At most, they could rely on the "written oracle information" sent by Nowen to know how to return the same way.

But if you ask them what the terrain in the crypt is like?

How long is the passage, how big is the corner, how deep is the descent?

Or the position relative to the surface?

They are completely at a loss.

Ray Wayne is responsible for these:

Drawing the terrain structure of the crypt they explored.

These things will be brought back to Chinar Territory as important intelligence information, and then shared by the believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

After listening to the ideas of Brandon and Pete, Ray Wayne wanted to vomit blood on the spot.

It seems that the successful establishment of the three church territories has given many members of the Church of Seeking Knowledge confidence, making them feel that it is not so difficult to open up a piece of civilization in the dark forest.

The actual situation is completely the opposite!

Ray Wayne not only understands architectural knowledge, but also understands things like town planning.

In the continent of Plantis, any place outside the protection of [Past Glory], cities and fortresses want to exist stably, there is a very important condition:

The "ideas" in the territory must be positive and orderly.

The more negative and chaotic the ideas are, the easier it is for the territory to be invaded by the evil god.

The core problem is:

The thoughts of monsters are also part of the ideas! ! !

As we all know, monsters have no reason, their thoughts are chaotic and there is no order at all.

A safe and stable territory will form a virtuous cycle, making the area more and more stable, and the pollution of the evil god will gradually subside;

Where monsters are entrenched and wandering;

Where everyone is in danger and uneasy;

This kind of negative ideological area will form a vicious cycle, the area will become more and more chaotic, and the pollution of the evil god will gradually increase.

The existence of the monster red tide cycle is equivalent to a variable and disaster that breaks the cycle.

Once the number of monsters near the territory increases dramatically, no matter how virtuous the territory was originally, it will soon fall into the vicious cycle of corruption.

The monster hunting ground idea proposed by Pete and Brandon is equivalent to actively entering a vicious cycle!

Actively release monsters into this area every day!

This is not a good thing!

In a place like the Kingdom of Reyak, which is protected by [Past Glory], low-level monsters that rush into the kingdom through a small gap during the monster red tide will cause large areas of land to be polluted if they stay in the farmland for a few days.

"Let alone, even if you can flatten the forest inside, leaving only a bare wasteland."

"No matter what materials are used to build the walls or fences on the periphery, it will not work."

"The environment is too bad, and the buildings will soon be affected by pollution and age rapidly. The effect and duration of the divine blessing will be greatly weakened, or even directly ineffective."

Ray Wayne thought about it and felt that this thing could not be done.


Noven thought about it and felt that this thing could be done.

And it is very promising!

Hunting ground fences made of ordinary materials will be affected by pollution.

That's right.

This is something that even Noven can't change.

But Noven can use some "special" materials as fences!

As early as when the believers just arrived at the Misty Valley, when Brandon first touched the gray fog.

Norwen had the right to move and transform the gray fog in the Misty Valley.

By consuming divine power, he can slowly move to other places at a speed of about 1 kilometer per hour!

This - isn't it the perfect "fence" material?


There will be 2 more updates later. Do you have extra monthly tickets? Everyone, I am currently short of 42 votes. I am trying to make a last-ditch effort.

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