Don't call me evil god

Chapter 328 Where are the Crusaders? Save them!

Unconsciously, Gale's mentality has changed.

When encountering such dangerous events as the advent of the evil god, his first reaction changed from "relying on the Glowing God Church to solve it" to "finding a solution from the God of Knowledge and solving it himself".

It's not that he lost trust in the Crusaders.

But after experiencing the Green Port incident, Gale found that the Glowing God Church did not seem to be completely reliable and completely upright.

On the contrary, the guidance given to the believers by the God of Knowledge must be a practical and effective method!

So Gale's subconscious action was to act according to Norwen's oracle.

But Norwen couldn't ignore the existence of the Glowing God Church!

"No, this is almost turning Ceylon into the earthly kingdom of the evil god. Where are the Crusaders? Save them!"

Norwen was simply convinced.

In Green Port, the Crusaders lost their chain.

In other words, the fact that the Green Port Blood Fang Gang was bewitched by the power of the evil god was itself secretly instigated and planned by the bishop of the Glowing God Church.

This time, Ceylon has a big event.

The Countess of Ceylon was determined to go her own way. She was determined to gamble to the end for her deceased husband. She would not stop until the Goddess of Illusion collapsed.

Logically speaking, the Crusaders of the Church of the God of Radiance should have been dispatched, right?

They rushed into the castle to stop the Countess!

However, the Crusaders never disappoint people when it comes to disappointing people.

They did take action.

But the content of the action was not to stop the Countess.

Instead, they only sent a group of people to temporarily organize a "refuge area" in Ceylon City.

They would provide temporary shelter and resettlement for people who were panicked by monster attacks.

As for other small towns farther away?

They didn't care at all at this time and gave up directly.

When Norwen saw this abnormal scene from the perspective of the believers who were secretly moving near Ceylon City, the blood pressure of the god went up!

"What have you been doing!"

"You keep shouting about expelling heretics, but the Countess of Ceylon, such a big heretic, has been playing with illusions for more than ten years, right under your noses, and you didn't stop her?"

"Now it's good, it's a big deal!"

Nowen couldn't be sure whether the Crusaders in the Ceylon region were also unaware of the Countess's actions and only took emergency measures to protect ordinary people;

Or they knew about the situation, but... just like the time in Green Port, someone deliberately indulged!

Based on Norwen's understanding of the Glorious God Church over this period of time, he seriously suspected that it might be the latter again!

No matter how sophisticated the cover-up is, it is impossible for no flaws to be exposed in more than ten years.

The greater probability is another deliberate indulgence!


Nowen can already vaguely see a huge phantom that is turning from illusion to solidity in the sky above Ceylon City.

It looks like a female god, but her face is becoming more and more distorted, and her body has become extremely weird from its original exquisite appearance, as if countless ugly appendages with fangs and claws are growing behind her. Around the phantom, more and more monsters are emerging from the shadows of the night, and it seems that they can't wait to destroy the city in front of them.

Although this process is slow, it is indeed advancing.

As for the Crusaders outside the Ceylon area?

They did not fall behind, but they did not send out support.

Because from their observation perspective - everything is normal in the Ceylon area!

Through the perspective of the Eye of God, Nowen can clearly identify the serious pollution that is happening in the Ceylon area.

The pollution effect of a god is extremely amazing.

Especially when the symbol of power of this god is an illusion!

At this moment, in the same area, at the same time, different observers will see two completely different Ceylon areas!

The real Ceylon area is shrouded in eternal night, and a steady stream of monsters are born everywhere, destroying local cities and towns.

But if it is outside the Ceylon region.

When observing, it will still be the extremely normal Ceylon region.

The sky is clear and everything is fine.

An illusion of "safe and sound" completely covers the entire Ceylon territory, deceiving the cognition of all those who are not aware of it outside.

This is not the most troublesome thing.

The most terrifying thing is that the moment mortals step into the scope of Ceylon territory, they will immediately be invaded by the illusion of gods, and the whole world they witness will be shrouded in eternal night.

When trying to leave, it will be like hitting an invisible wall, trapped in the Ceylon region, unable to step out of the border.

You can enter but not leave.

And in the observation of outsiders, it still looks normal.

The pollution precursor brought by the degeneration of gods into evil gods almost instantly turned Ceylon territory into a "rule weird" area.

It looks extremely normal from the outside, but once you enter, you can't leave.

The whole area seems to be cut off from the Prantis continent, becoming an isolated "island".

Almost lost the chance to seek help from outside.

Probably have to wait until someone outside realizes the abnormal situation, for example, all those who went to Ceylon Territory never came back, then it is possible to find the problem.

The problem is that this time difference is enough for all the mortals in Ceylon Territory to die.

At that time, it will not be support, but to study how to recover the lost land occupied and polluted by the evil god!


The only good news is.

This pollution caused by the fall of the gods, the followers of Norwen have become a variable.

Although the Ceylon area has become a place where people can enter but not leave, they can die and leave!

After the death of the followers, the bodies that affect their cognition still remain in the Ceylon Territory, but their souls have returned to the Creation Altar, reshaped their bodies and resurrected!

If the pollution of evil gods is left unchecked, if an evil god really descends, the scope of the pollution will not be as simple as a city or an area.

His power will become stronger and stronger.

The Ceylon Territory is next to the territory of the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

If the Ceylon Territory falls.

The next to be affected will be his side.

Before this, Norwen had never seen what a rational and normal god would look like after being polluted into an evil god.

Will he be like other evil gods and be suppressed by the gods?

Or will there be other unknown changes.

But no matter what the reason, for the sake of insurance, this disaster that has already begun to erupt should be contained before it is completely irreversible.

What's more,

Many members of the Church of Knowledge were born and raised in Ceylon.

The solution to the disaster is also very clear:

Since the Church of the God of Light has once again gone wrong and is unreliable.

Norman decided to rely on his believers to solve the problem.

It just so happens that the believers have been fighting monsters in the Dark Forest and Dark Crypt in the territory for a while, and they are almost sick of fighting monsters.

Give them a new place to kill monsters, which will add some freshness and sense of accomplishment!

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