Don't call me evil god

Chapter 329 Becoming a Hero

After receiving the oracle from Norwen, the believers of Seeking Knowledge responded enthusiastically.

No matter they were in the three territories, the core Misty Valley, or the Dark Forest, they all chose to respond to the oracle of the God of Seeking Knowledge - to stop the evil god pollution disaster that was erupting in Ceylon Territory.

No one was afraid at all.

Rather, when they learned that they were going to stop a disaster caused by the fall of a god, many believers were more excited and expectant than afraid and nervous!

Nothing else, the main point is not to be afraid of death!

With the magic of [Resurrection], the cost of death can be quantified, the pressure of survival is eliminated, and they will begin to pursue more - valuable goals.

To do something meaningful!

Otherwise, the magic and magic that you have finally learned cannot become famous in the world, isn't it just a brocade dress at night?

Deep in everyone's heart, there will be a similar dream of becoming a hero;

When disaster strikes.

Stand up.

Stand in front of the weak and ordinary people to protect them.

Save the world.

Then, they naturally accepted everyone's admiring gazes, words of praise, and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts!

However, in the past, they were just one of the "protected", let alone becoming a hero. When facing danger, it was good enough not to drag the hero down.

The dream of becoming a great hero gradually faded and was buried deep in the heart.

After believing in the God of Knowledge, they learned that they could become a professional through their own efforts and become more powerful.

Many believers have regained the idea of ​​showing themselves in front of others.

However - in the territory of the Church of Knowledge, they don't have this opportunity!

There is no other reason.

If they were in Ceylon, they would be worshipped and envied if they made an [Arcane Missile] in front of ordinary people.

But in the Church of Knowledge, others would only think that this is a commonplace thing.

It's not rare for believers of knowledge to make [Arcane Missiles], but it's rare for those who can't!

They don't get the opportunity to show themselves.

Now, they finally get the chance!

Evil God pollution!

Regional disaster!

Save civilians!

Isn't this the moment they've been waiting for!

Such a grand proposition!

Save a god and stop the threat of the evil god!

After receiving the oracle, many believers went home to pack their bags and took action immediately!

They didn't care why the goddess of illusion was polluted, and they didn't know why they had to stop the Countess of Ceylon to avoid the outbreak of the disaster.

Anyway, they knew that it was time for them to show their abilities.

Where to go?

Go to Ceylon Territory!

Kill a few?

Just kill all the monsters you can see!


Raven Town.

With the guidance of the gods, Gale suddenly understood what he had to do.

He just didn't think about it before.

Now he understood it all at once.

Just like in the dark forest.

If you want to reduce the intensity of monster intrusion, you must first maintain regional stability.

Monster attacks will make ordinary people panic and confused.

The more chaotic the area is, the more intense the monster attacks will become.

At present, only some 0-level facehugger monsters are generated near Raven Town.

If the residents of the town continue to panic, more dangerous monsters may appear soon.

Concentrating on chanting the spell, Gale deliberately expanded the magic model, and a huge [Illumination] light ball with a diameter of one meter condensed in front of him, suspended in the air more than 3 meters high!

The bright white light fell, bringing hope in the dark night.

Then, Gale cast a 2-level magic [Amplification] on himself.

Although he died once and had not picked up his body, his legendary level was reset to zero, but relying on the experience he had accumulated in his hands, it was enough for Gale to rush back to level 20, and he could still use 1st and 2nd level magic.

Clearing his throat, Gale tried to shout loudly in the most steady and calm voice:

"Everyone in Raven Town!"

"I am Gale Franklin, son of the Baron!"

"Level 3 Mage!"

"In the name of Baron Franklin, I promise you that I will protect your safety until support arrives and the eternal night fades away!"

"Please move closer to the location of the light ball. I will take you to the Baron's manor, where there are solid walls and plenty of food!"

"Repeat it!"

"Please go to..."

With the blessing of the amplification magic, Gale's voice spread far away.

Although it can't cover the entire town, ordinary people in at least half of the town can hear Gale's voice.

The panicked people seemed to have a backbone in an instant.

"Level 3 Mage!"

"Baron Franklin!"

"A professional master is here to save us!"

"I saw the light ball, it's not far from here!"

At least in Raven Town, Baron Franklin's name is still very useful.

Plus Gale's self-proclaimed identity as a 3rd-level wizard.

The two combined.

Soon, the townspeople who were shivering in the corners of various houses carefully poked their heads out, and after confirming that the situation was safe, they moved closer to Gale.

"Be careful!"

In the night, a face hugger lurking in the shadows suddenly exploded and pounced on the face of a townsman who was walking towards Gale.

"Arcane Missiles!"

Gale was well prepared, and without hesitation, he fired another [Arcane Missile]!

In the Dark Forest, he had seen all kinds of monsters attacking him. It was just a 0-level monster, and he could estimate the attack trajectory of the opponent even with his eyes closed!

The facehugger monster screamed "Squeak!" and was blown away in the air, falling to the ground, struggling for a few times and then stopped moving.

The townspeople who were attacked were shocked and subconsciously touched their cheeks.

It was still intact.

The monster was stopped by Gale before it attacked him, and did not cause any harm to him!

"Thank you, Master Franklin!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The townspeople, who were still frightened, rushed to Gale in two steps, with tears and snot on their faces from crying for their parents and running for their lives. Their legs softened and they were about to kneel down to thank him.

Gale did not stop the other party's actions.

He deserved this thanks.

In this tense and dangerous environment, if he wanted to maintain stability, he had to establish a solid and reliable image!

The townspeople's thanks were also a kind of evidence and a call to action, which could make other townspeople realize that under Gale's protection, they could avoid being attacked by monsters and dying.

The threat of monsters would be eliminated by him.

Soon, a group of townspeople gathered around Gale with courage.

"Don't worry, everyone, these monsters are not my opponents, I will take you to a safe place!"

As soon as Gale said this.

The townspeople immediately praised him:

"Thank you, sir!"

"Your Excellency, you are my savior!"

"The guardian of Raven Town!"

"It is our blessing that the Franklin Baron family is here!"

Many people were relieved to have a powerful spellcaster provide shelter.

Gale was slightly distracted and checked the tasks assigned by the God of Knowledge.

As expected.

As the townspeople's mentality stabilized, the regional stability was still in a state of "moderate chaos", but the "deteriorating" suffix at the end had disappeared!

The effect was immediate!

The plot was accelerated to a certain extent, and there will be 2 more chapters later! Ten thousand views a day!

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