Don't call me evil god

Chapter 330: Believe in the glory or believe in heresy?

Baron Franklin's manor.

The abnormal changes outside also attracted the attention of old Baron Franklin and other people in the family.

However, their minds were basically focused on another thing at the moment.

"Woo woo woo..."

Gail's grandmother, the Baroness, hugged the portrait that Gale asked the painter to leave when he was a child tightly in her arms, crying bitterly.

"My sweetheart, my baby, my good grandson..."

"...Why can't you think of committing suicide!"

Old Baron Franklin also looked sad.

The hall where the manor receives guests, holds meetings, and has daily meals is now full of white curtains and gauze.

According to the tradition of the Kingdom of Reyak.

Within 7 days of the death of the deceased, family members need to take turns guarding his coffin day and night.

It symbolizes protecting his soul from pollution, so that he can smoothly enter the kingdom of the corresponding god he believes in, or dissipate between heaven and earth.

No one knows whether he can enter the kingdom of God after death.

But anyway, the tradition has been passed down like this.

Although he had taken precautions for his family members in advance, Baron Franklin's family was completely upset when they saw his heartbeat stop and breathing stop.

Death is death.

They didn't have the money to invite the five top Radiant Priests to perform the Great Resurrection Spell. How could a good child go to Green Harbor for a study abroad and then come back as if he was infused with evil gods and actively seek death?

Old Baron Franklin noticed the eternal night phenomenon in the outside world, but he didn't care.

The walls of the Baron's manor are solid and reliable enough.

The thick stone wall of more than 3 meters high is enough to block most dangerous attacks.

What happened outside has nothing to do with him in the past few days. He has to protect the soul of his grandson.

Until - there was a burst of noise outside the family manor.

There were cries, screams, and some panicked shouts for unknown reasons.

Old Baron Franklin frowned.

The seven-day vigil required a quiet environment, and the servants of the manor did not dare to speak loudly in the past few days.

As a result, the peace was now destroyed by the noise outside.

Old Franklin took a deep breath.

He stood up and walked towards the gate of the manor.

He had to see who was making noise outside and drive them all away.

He pushed the gate of the manor open angrily.

Before he had time to vent his anger, old Baron Franklin suddenly saw a familiar figure outside the door.

He rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

He rubbed his eyes again.

He looked carefully again.

The figure did not change, nor did it disappear.

He was not wrong.

Gail Franklin appeared alive in front of him!

Behind him was a large number of eager townspeople.

Old Baron Franklin's mind suddenly went blank.

"My grandson is not dead?"


"If my grandson is not dead, who is the one lying in the coffin in the house?!"

Old Baron Franklin's brain crashed.

Old people can't stand stimulation when they are old.

He couldn't catch his breath and was about to roll his eyes.

Gail was startled and hurriedly took out a thin booklet of the Radiant Canon from his arms and threw a [Secondary Treatment] at him.

He was afraid that his grandfather would be frightened by him and fainted.

No, it doesn't matter. When the Radiant Divine Art came out, everyone was stunned!

Everyone knew Baron Franklin in Raven Town.

He was born a warrior and opened a potion shop, then changed his career to become a potion master.

This family should have nothing to do with the Radiant Divine Church, right?

How come Gale raised his hand and it was a divine art belonging to the Radiant God? !

In addition, the townspeople around had seen it before. Gale clearly claimed to be a 3rd-level wizard.

Now he has become a priest of the Radiant God!

But no matter what, in this dangerous environment.

The stronger the person who stands up, the more he can convince the public.

"Sir Gale, it turns out that you have become the chosen professional of the God of Radiance!"

"Great, great, with the priest of the Radiant God, we are saved!"

"Praise the Radiant God!"

"Sir, will the Crusaders come to save us soon!"

"When will it be dawn, sir?"

The townspeople surrounded Gale and talked about it.

Everyone's first reaction was to wait for the so-called "Glorious God" to lend them a hand.

Because it was like this in the past.

Whenever there was danger.

The Radiant God would always appear at the most critical moment to save ordinary people like them who needed help.

Gale frowned.

Gale knew that the Radiant God of Ceylon had only sent a small number of Crusaders to protect the civilians of Ceylon City and did not support other villages and towns.

This is what he learned from other friends in the Church of Knowledge through the Instant Messenger.

The reason is unknown.

But at least in the short term, the support of the Church of Radiance will definitely not come to Raven Town.

At this moment, it is not the Church of Radiance who can help these ordinary people, but the believers of the God of Knowledge who have been labeled as heretics.

Gale took a deep breath.

He still has the effect of the magic of [Amplification] on him, and his voice can still be clearly heard by every town resident he rescued nearby.

"Everyone - I'll tell you the truth."

"I am not a priest of the Glorious God."

"The support of the Crusaders may not arrive here in a short time."

"I believe in the God of Knowledge, Nowen, and I have also received His will to protect your safety here!"

"But I will not protect those who regard us as heretics."

"If you are willing to believe me, then stay in Franklin Manor."

"More reinforcements from the believers of the God of Knowledge are on the way. We will solve this crisis and protect you from the invasion of the evil god!"

"If you don't want to believe it, it doesn't matter."

"I won't stop you from leaving here to find the Glorious God, or any other church, or the King's Army, in short, any other help."

"Make a choice."

"Believe us and stay here, or leave!"

In the current situation, the Glorious God can either stay put or take care of itself.

The source of the threat of the evil god is the Countess of Ceylon, which means that the order maintenance of the entire Ceylon will be paralyzed during this period, and the so-called expulsion of heretics will also lose its effectiveness.

In other words, in this situation, as long as they do not believe in the evil god, everyone's goal should be to stop the evil god's threat.

Any power can be accepted.

Heretics also have the opportunity to flood into Ceylon Territory openly!

Gail directly showed his cards.

"Do you believe that the Church of the Glorious God will come to rescue you soon?"

"Or do you believe in us?"


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