Don't call me evil god

Chapter 37 New Uses of Knowledge Points

The next day, when another worker came over with an expression that said "I'll only tell you this secret" and asked Brandon if he had time, he wanted to introduce a great god, Brandon almost couldn't hold back.

[The Truth of Our Lord Shines on the Earth] can be completed repeatedly, but there is a limit on the number of times within a certain period of time.

Each person can only get the reward for this task once a week.

Brandon had originally planned well. The workers who had a good relationship with him in the Rolling Bolt Workshop were all his potential reward targets. At the frequency of one per week, he could at least get dozens of knowledge points.

This is great!

The preaching came back to him!

Brandon shook his head helplessly: "You want to introduce me to the God of Knowledge, Nowen, right? I am already his believer."

If nothing unexpected happens, the whole workshop has been spread with faith.

Brandon's missionary reward plan ended just after it began.

He could think of relying on task rewards to quickly get knowledge points. Obviously, other people who were preached could also think of this after getting the benefits.

Moreover, the preaching of Norman is different from that of the churches.

If you want to become a believer of other gods, you have to go to the corresponding church's ritual site and follow the guidance of the priest step by step.

On Norman's side, you can complete the preaching even at home, in the workshop, and in the tavern!

Moreover, the objects of these missions often have relationships such as friends and family as a bonus.

The success rate is much higher than the preaching of the church.

The phenomenon of human-to-human transmission is inevitable.

Brandon looked at the other party and asked curiously:

"Hey? Yes, I remember you said before that you would not consider becoming a professional. Why, have you changed your mind?"

The situation of this worker who tried to preach to Brandon was different from Brandon.

According to the other party, he did not intend to become a professional.

The reason is two words:

Fear of death.

Although becoming a professional will have a higher status and stronger strength than ordinary people.

But corresponding to this is:

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Ordinary people can work from sunrise to sunset in a safe city, work, get married, have children, and live a peaceful and safe life.

Professionals are different.

The continent of Prantis is not safe.

In other words, it can only be considered safe within the city protected by various god sects.

The wilderness, forests, swamps, caves, deserts, and snowfields outside the city are all full of dangers.

Various terrible monsters are entrenched in them.

That is their home ground.

According to the major churches, monsters are grotesque sins that are twisted and transformed by the influence of the evil god's breath.

They are chaotic and crazy.

The monsters aim to destroy order and civilization.

Every once in a while, there will be batches of monsters trying to attack towns where various civilized races gather.

If professionals want to enjoy high status and high treatment, they have to leave the protection of the city and go to fight and eliminate monsters.

Fighting may cause injuries and death.

Not everyone can accept this path with high risks and high returns, at least for most people in the lower city of Green Port.

Although they often talk about becoming professionals and doing great things in the future;

but if they really have to put their lives aside and exchange their lives for money;

ninety-nine percent of them dare not really do it.

Brandon's co-worker is in a similar situation.

The other party did not consider becoming a professional at all, and planned to make some money in Green Port while he was young, and then return to his hometown in the Kingdom of Reyak to live.

The co-worker smiled proudly.

"Hey, Brandon, your faith in the God of Knowledge is still not strong enough!"

"I can tell at a glance that you know too little about Him!"

"Who said that if I don't plan to become a professional, I can't believe in the great God of Knowledge, Norwin?"

Brandon didn't understand: "The knowledge given to me by the God of Knowledge is how to practice to become a level 1 warrior. You don't plan to leave the city to fight monsters. What's the use of getting this knowledge?"

The worker shook his head and said:

"Wrong! Wrong!"

"Think more openly, Brandon!"

"What is the power of the God of Knowledge?"

"He will give believers the information and knowledge they need!"

"Who told you that this knowledge can only be limited to the practice of professionals?"

"Last night I had a sudden idea and wanted to try to make dinner myself, but, you know, I can't cook at all."

Brandon knew this.

He once had a barbecue party with his coworkers on the beach in Green Harbor. The things grilled by the man in front of him could not be considered food, but only a bunch of coke.

In terms of cooking, the other party seemed to have no idea what "heat" meant. The upper limit of his level was probably to the extent that he could cut the smoked ham. Anything more complicated was beyond his ability.

He usually relied on various food vendors in the downtown area to solve his food problems.

"At that time, I was thinking, since praying to the God of Knowledge can get a response, why don't I ask the God how to make normal food?"


Brandon was stunned.

"In the end, the God of Knowledge really responded to me!"

"I only used 1 knowledge point and got a complete cooking guide!"

"The most important thing is that this cooking guide is not like the ones I bought on the market. When I follow the guide step by step, I can receive reminders at any time to tell me how much of this step has been completed!"

"I just need to move on to the next step when I just reach 100% progress!"

"It only took one try for me to make the first normal and delicious dinner in my life!"

"Can other gods do this?"

After listening to the introduction of his coworkers, Brandon felt that the door to a new world had been opened!

He understood why the belief in the God of Knowledge spread so quickly, and it could spread in less than a day.

He only thought that he could pray to Nowen in exchange for knowledge about becoming a professional.

At that time, Brandon just felt that the existence of the God of Knowledge was a very great god for those who wanted to become professionals. He greatly reduced the threshold for becoming a professional.

But the operation of the coworkers developed another use for knowledge points.

Life use!

This is the core reason for the rapid spread of the belief in the God of Knowledge!

Many people in the lower city of Green Harbor do not intend to become professionals.

If Norwen can only provide knowledge and guidance related to professional practice, then his appeal is definitely not as good as Naval (the God of Radiance).

Naval will not respond to the prayers of believers alone, but the blessings he gives: making people strong and resisting the breath of monsters are really useful to ordinary people.

If believing in the God of Knowledge can also play a role in the lives of ordinary people.

This appeal is different!

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