Don't call me evil god

Chapter 38 Nowen: I really don’t want to be an evil god


In the Kingdom of God, Norman rubbed his hands excitedly.

A huge translucent light screen appeared in front of him.

On it, just like the RTS (real-time strategy) game he played before crossing, a map of the lower city of Green Harbor was displayed, with green dots flashing one by one.

At the beginning, there were only a few, but now the number has increased to hundreds, and it is still increasing with the passage of time.

These green dots are naturally the number of believers Norman has obtained.

The missionary plan in the lower city of Green Harbor started quite smoothly. In just one day, the number of shallow believers increased from the first batch of 6 to hundreds.

"At this rate, it is estimated that the number of believers will soon exceed a thousand, and it should cover most of the lower city in the end."

As the number of believers increases, Norman can get more and more information from the believers, and his understanding of this world is becoming more and more comprehensive.

Information on various gods and sects, the situation on the continent, monsters in the wild, etc., a huge amount of information was collected by Norman.

Just like playing a game, when there were no believers at the beginning, the world was full of "war fog" for Nowen.

Without knowing anything, Nowen could only rely on Pete, Lena and other lonely believers to observe the world, which was inefficient and difficult to obtain comprehensive information.

The new believers converted by preaching were equivalent to the resources in Nowen's hands.

With the observation effect of [Eye of God], every believer could become Nowen's "vision" at any time, allowing him to observe the situation of the world.

The believers constantly provided faith to Nowen, and finally made his originally limited divine power gradually abundant.

Hundreds of believers, their daily prayers alone can bring Nowen hundreds of divine powers every day.

Not to mention the divine power brought to him by ordinary people's "labor" every day and professionals' "cultivation and meditation".

The divine power that Nowen obtained was not only enough to use authority to respond to the demands of believers, but also to generate a lot of surplus.

After this period of exploration, Nowen figured out some "rules" about this kingdom of God space.

In this space filled with gray fog, divine power is almost omnipotent, and can even create things out of thin air according to Norwen's wishes.

Of course, Norwen has only created dead things so far. He tried to pinch a flower, but it turned out to be a fake flower with only appearance, which would not grow or wither.

This huge light curtain in the Kingdom of God was made by Norwen using part of his divine power.

After all, with the increase in the number of believers, relying solely on the [Eye of God] to perceive the situation of believers is not efficient enough, and the information obtained is not intuitive enough.

The light curtain can display various information according to Norwen's wishes, allowing him to observe the various situations of believers more conveniently.

After having a broader understanding of the Plantis Continent, Norwen understood why the major churches in the Plantis Continent were promoting the dangers of evil gods.

He thought that the evil gods in this world were all dark characters hiding in unknown corners and planning to make big news. Once they show up, they will be surrounded and suppressed by the churches of the major gods.

The actual situation.

It can't be said that it is almost the same as what Norwen thought, but it is far from it.

The power of the evil god is much stronger than Norwen expected.

The battle between various civilized races and the monsters transformed by the evil god has never stopped.

In fact, the evil god is still slightly superior!

Because it is very troublesome to train a professional, you need to have enough talent, get the recognition of the gods, and go through a long period of practice.

The speed of the evil god transforming a monster is very fast.

Including animals and plants, as long as they are affected by the evil god, if it is fast, they can undergo huge changes in just a few days.

Become more dangerous and aggressive.

The evil god is like a cancer of civilization and a tumor of order, constantly creating new monsters and attacking the defense line of civilization.

They don't need to conquer or control civilization. Wherever they pass, they leave only chaos and crazy ruins.

The number of professionals is limited, so the various civilized races can only unite, gradually shrink the defense line, concentrate elite forces, and resist the attack of monsters.

In fact, so far, nearly half of the entire Plantis continent has been conquered by the evil god and turned into the territory of monsters.

Not only is there a lot of external pressure, but the environment within the civilization is also bad.

From time to time, there will be lackeys who surrender to the evil god sneaking into the city, secretly organizing various dangerous sacrificial rituals, or spreading evil ideas, and transforming more evil god servants.

Once successful, the entire city may fall and become a forbidden paradise where monsters are rampant.

After learning this information, Norwen was also helpless.

"If there is a choice, I really don't want to be an evil god!"

Norwen didn't know how he came to this world and how he became an "evil god".

From the perspective of power, Norwen's divine power will pollute mortals and turn them into a kind of monster-a deformed monster.

This feature is undoubtedly the evil god.

Once it is discovered that his believers will be transformed into monsters after receiving divine power, the encirclement and suppression teams of major churches will have to launch a sacred cleansing of the lower city of Green Port the next day.

As for simply not being a human being and joining the evil god camp, Norwen directly ruled out this option.

Because the evil god has no rationality at all, and is almost synonymous with disorder and chaos.

The mortal races who believe in them and gain power from the evil gods will become bloodthirsty, violent, and crazy at best, or lose their minds and be polluted into various monsters at worst.

In other words, there are only lunatics and even crazier lunatics in the evil god camp.

If the evil gods really want to completely break through the defenses of civilized races, then this world will only become a ruin of monster carnival, without any reason and order.

The problem is that Norwen is rational!

By that time, the world will collapse, civilization will be destroyed, and only he will be rational. What is the meaning of his existence?

Since he can neither expose his identity nor join the evil god camp, Norwen has only one last option:

Play a normal god!

At least become an existence that looks like a normal god!

The good news is: his disguise has been successful so far.

After the sect was initially established and the first batch of believers were sent out, as Norwen expected, more new believers were quickly attracted to him.

As long as he interprets his personality of "the god of knowledge" well.

Norwen can have an identity that is legitimately recognized by the orderly civilization camp.

The bad news is: the strength of his followers is not very impressive. If his true identity is exposed, he will probably be killed in seconds.

But Norman is very patient.

When he accumulates enough followers and has enough strength, by that time, Norman does not believe that any church dares to say that he is an evil god!

If you want to play a normal god, you naturally need to have a big enough reputation.

In other words, in the name of God, do something that can be remembered by mortals!

The poor security environment and massive crimes in the lower city of Green Harbor just became a perfect opportunity for Norman to play.

Norman's eyes naturally focused on the evil forces that were rampant in the lower city:

The Blood Fang Gang!


Thanks to a dog for voting for 2 monthly tickets, and thanks to the book friends who voted for recommendations, crabs~

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