Don't call me evil god

Chapter 47 The Unreliable Glorious Cult

After listening to Reina's explanation, everyone responded very actively.

"No problem!"

"It's just 10,000 justice points, let's work hard to get them together!"

"Unlock it early and enjoy it early!"

"This method is reliable!"

"Me too!"

Everyone invested their newly obtained justice points into the activation progress of the first skill [Status Display] limited to the event.

Soon, the progress bar increased from 0/10000 to 5387/10000.

Such efficiency really surprised Pete, and he also sighed at the unity of the people in the Seeking Knowledge Sect.

In the past, there were also church fundraising activities, calling on everyone to donate their own money to allow the church to prepare supplies to fight monsters.

However, at that time, there were very few people who were really willing to donate.

Even those who agreed to donate often only donated a little bit.

The situation here in the Seeking Knowledge Sect is completely different.

As long as this matter is mentioned, everyone needs to work together and work together, and the response is more active than one!

Pate made a rough estimate.

The justice points that each person can get in the event are allocated according to the degree of contribution. For most people, the previous justice fight may only get about 100 justice points.

The activation progress can be pushed to more than 5,000 at once, which means that most people have invested all the points they just got.

On second thought, Pate understood everyone's thoughts.

In the God of Knowledge, all early investments can get corresponding feedback in the future.

Everyone knows clearly when they can get the return.

As long as everyone works together to fill the progress, they can all enjoy the effect of special skills.

The hard-earned justice points did not disappear, they just changed their form to accompany you!

"In addition, there is another question!"

After agreeing on the activation of the event skills, Pate raised his hand to attract everyone's attention.

"The last time I met those Blood Fang gang thugs, they were still five ordinary people."

"In just a few days, they all have the strength of a level 1 profession, and the powers they possess are very similar."

"I don't feel right."

Pate frowned and thought: "The people of the Blood Fang Gang, I suspect that they may have had some kind of encounter and received the blessing of an unknown foreign god."

Brandon's mind is more flexible, and he asked: "They... Could it be that they have surrendered to the evil god?!"

Pate hesitated and shook his head: "It shouldn't be, right?"

"Green Port has the Glorious God Cult in charge. If there are guys who dare to surrender to the evil god, the Crusaders will go out directly and kill them and their gangs together."

"Since the Glorious God Cult has no movement, the Blood Fang Gang probably... has nothing to do with the evil god, right?"

Just when Pete was about to deny this possibility, Rena's crisp voice rang out, interrupting his thoughts: "Unfortunately, your speculation is wrong, Pete."

Pate was stunned and looked at Rena.

The expression on Rena's face was ugly.

"I have prayed to the God of Knowledge and He told me the answer."

"The Blood Fang Gang has colluded with the evil god!"

"This is also the reason why the great God of Knowledge, Nowen, summoned us to start this limited event."

"The power of the evil god has not yet fully descended, so the power obtained by the Blood Fang Gang is not strong enough."

"But if we can't stop the Blood Fang Gang as soon as possible, we will be in big trouble!"

There was a sound of inhalation in the tavern. As soon as the word "evil god" came out, it seemed that even the temperature in the room dropped a lot.

Pate's heart sank.

"It shouldn't be? If the Blood Fang Gang is really related to the evil god, why haven't the Crusaders of the Glorious God Church been dispatched yet?"

The Glorious God Church has a powerful magic that can detect whether there are signs of evil god activities in a certain area.

Because of this magic, it is difficult for the evil god's power to infiltrate the town, and it is often discovered and eliminated in the embryonic stage.

In theory, in a city like Green Port, this kind of magic should be cast and tested regularly.

Gail, who was sitting next to Pete, suddenly thought of something and his face also turned ugly:

"Damn it!"

"It is now late June, and the bishop of the Glowing God branch in Green Harbor will soon be in office for 3 years. He will be transferred back to the capital of Reyak in early July!"

"The Glowing God has a supplementary rule. If an evil god-related incident breaks out in the area, then the relevant church personnel must stay in the local area for at least 1 year to observe whether the subsequent impact caused by the evil god is eliminated!"

"Is there a possibility!"

"The Glowing God actually noticed the signs of evil god activities in the lower city, but was suppressed by the bishop who was about to be transferred!"

"He wants to spend these 15 days in peace and stability, and then return to the capital for promotion."

"Even if there is infiltration by the evil god, it will take some time to develop to an outbreak. As long as he can leave Green Harbor, the situation here has nothing to do with him!"

Although Gail's speculation is dark, combined with the situation in the lower city, it is a logically reasonable possibility.

Brandon stammered, incredulous:

"How could the bishop do this?!"

"Aren't they loyal followers of the God of Light? They let the evil god wreak havoc. Aren't they afraid of being punished and abandoned by the gods?!"

In the eyes of most ordinary people, the Glorious God Church is a huge entity, and they have no idea what its specific structure is like.

Pete and Gale are of noble birth, and their knowledge is broader than that of people like Brandon who are of commoner birth.

Pete explained:

"The Glorious God Church is divided into two departments: administration and combat."

"The Crusaders in charge of combat are loyal believers of the Glorious God. Their source of power is the great Glorious God, so they will abide by the doctrine and are irreconcilable with the evil god."

"Those bishops, deacons, and priests in charge of administration, although there were also requirements for assessment of faith in the past, have gradually changed to assessing various data in their areas of responsibility."

This change is gradual.

After all, a fanatic can become a sharp sword of the God Church and fight against the forces of the evil god.

But if he is asked to govern the church and be responsible for various coordination, he may not have the ability.

Therefore, in recent years, the various positions in the church responsible for administration have become more and more professional, and the requirements for faith in God have become lower and lower, and they are gradually inclined to consider business capabilities.

If you are just a shallow believer, even if you do something against the doctrine, you will not be punished by the gods. It is just difficult to become a true believer and cannot obtain more blessings.

For those who are responsible for the administration of the church, these costs are basically insignificant.

"If the Glorious God Church does not intend to send out the Crusaders," Pete said in a heavy voice, "that means that we have to face the Blood Fang Gang that has surrendered to the evil god, and even... the evil god behind them."

"Fighting the evil god will be a life-and-death battle."

"Everyone, this time it is not as simple as fighting a few gangsters and fighting a few gang leaders."


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