Don't call me evil god

Chapter 48: Intensify the efforts

After a period of silence, Brandon was the first to slap the table and stand up.

"Damn it! Do it!"

"Isn't he the evil god? I'm so scared!"

"If I can really kill an evil god with my own hands, bards on the continent will have to sing my story from now on!"

"It is the God of Knowledge who has given me knowledge, so that I can have the power and freely choose my own destiny."

"Now that He has issued a call to me, I must answer!"

"Those gangsters from the Blood Fang Gang also have two eyes, one mouth, two arms and two legs."

"Weren't they defeated by us in the end? It seems that the lackeys of the evil god are not as scary as the Glow God Sect said!"

With the first person standing up to stir up the atmosphere, other people in the tavern also made up their minds one after another.

"Yes! Brandon is right!"

"The Glow God Religion cannot be relied upon, so we have to rely on ourselves!"

"This is the mission given to us by the great God of Knowledge!"

"Since you have chosen to become a professional, you must have the consciousness to fight monsters! Otherwise, you might as well continue to live your life as an ordinary person!

"I don't know why the Blood Fang Gang took refuge with the Evil God, and I don't know where they are, but I know I'm going to kill Kou Ya!"

In the Kingdom of God, Noven looked at the excitement in the tavern and decided to add fuel to the hot atmosphere.

The new oracle has been written and added to the previous event oracles. You can view it as long as you join the event.

[The evil god threat outbreak progress in Green Harbor Lower City: 21%]

[Note: This progress can be reduced by defeating Bloodfang Gang members and destroying Bloodfang Gang strongholds. When the progress drops to 0%, the threat of the evil god is eliminated. 】

A new progress bar appeared and with a clear goal, the members of the Knowledge Seeking Sect in the tavern were even more motivated.

"Have you seen it? The God of knowledge is watching us! He is encouraging us!"

The Bloodfang Gang colluded with the Evil God.

It represents a challenge for believers.

But for Novin, it was an absolute "unexpected surprise."

At the beginning, Noven's plan was just to build a reputation for his sect by cleaning up the Bloody Fang Gang, a vicious gang in the lower city.

At that time, Noven was prepared to pay for it out of his own pocket, intending to use the divine power he collected during this period as a reward to redeem the points earned by believers in the event.

The essence of the effects of the three special skills in the event is that Noven uses his clerical authority to consume divine power to obtain corresponding information, and then conveys it to believers.

In order to prevent the reserve of divine power from being insufficient, Novin also specially set activation thresholds for three special skills to recover part of the "justice points" and reduce his cost of starting this sect activity.

However, when the five gangsters from the Blood Fang Gang were constantly attacked by the believers, waves of divine power began to appear out of thin air on Noven's side!

Novin looked carefully.

The source of the divine power is none other than a few gangsters from the Blood Fang Gang!

Like being devoured, a certain energy in the opponent's body was continuously plundered by the attacks of Novin's followers, and turned into the power belonging to Novin!

This means that when Novin's followers attack these enemies who are affected by the power of the evil god, Novin can support the battle with battle and obtain divine power as a trophy!

Moreover, what really makes Novin "happy" is more than that.

The way to obtain divine power this time is different from the prayer transformation of his believers.

The energy gained from the gangsters also has a lot of crazy and chaotic atmosphere.

But when this energy was plundered into Novin's kingdom and was about to become part of his divine power, Novin detected a "disgusting" emotion in his own divine power.

When the two are mixed.

The external energy first precipitated some pure, peaceful, and stable divine power.

After becoming more chaotic and disorderly, Noven's original divine power was integrated into it!

Noven noticed this and couldn't laugh or cry.

"It seems that I am really the most evil one among the evil gods!"

The meaning of "dislike", Noven probably means that his divine power feels that the outsiders are not evil enough, chaotic enough, and not qualified to become a part of him.

Only after forcing the other party to throw away those parts of order and stability can they be worthy of integrating Noven's power.

Outrageous as it was, Novan came up with a bold idea.

"That part of the pure divine power that was abandoned, although I despise the divine power and discard it as a waste, can actually be used in another way!"

Novin immediately made an attempt:

When the chaotic energy plundered from the bloodfang gangsters released pure divine power, Noven did not let it escape into the vast gray fog of the Kingdom of God, but consciously gathered it together.


A transparent sphere of divine power, the size of a fist and made entirely of pure divine power, appeared in front of Noven.

Feeling the round, stable and calm atmosphere in the divine power sphere, Noven burst into tears.


"Oh, no, myself!"

"I finally have the power that can be given directly to mortals!"

The biggest problem that had troubled Noven for a long time was that his divine power was full of chaos, and he could only convey information through oracles and the like.

Don't even think about blessing divine power. Even a tiny bit of divine power will turn mortals into terrifying flesh-and-blood monsters.

Novin knew very well that the believers of the Knowledge Seeking Sect had an unavoidable weakness:

His followers can only acquire knowledge, but cannot be blessed by divine power.

The basic effect of divine power blessing is to increase physical strength. In addition, each god has its own characteristics.

After receiving divine power blessing, followers of the God of Radiance can also be blessed by the power of Radiance in battle, causing additional damage effects; or when using divine arts, the blessing of Radiance produces additional healing effects.

Followers of the God of Shadow will be protected by shadows, and attacks directed at them will be more likely to be deflected by shadows and miss, while their attacks will more likely hit the enemy's weaknesses;

The gods corresponding to several other professional paths also have similar blessing effects.

This is also one of the reasons why professionals are stronger than ordinary people. Their bodies have been promoted from the mundane.

In the past, the rating of professionals did not assess physical strength at all because it was assumed that when they mastered the corresponding combat skills and divine arts, they must have received the blessing of gods.

The followers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect only had skills but no physical foundation.

What Norwen didn't expect was that his shortcomings would be solved like this:

The Blood Fang Gang colluded with an unknown evil god and became the evil god's followers, quickly gaining power;

When Norwen's followers defeated the Blood Fang Gang, this power could be plundered by him.

The part of the plundered energy that was "disdained" by his divine power could be used to bless the believers and increase their physical strength!

The more evil god's followers the believers eliminated, the more "blessings" Norwen could use!

After confirming this new source of divine power, Norwen's eyes suddenly became hot when he looked at the Blood Fang Gang.

Originally, he just planned to clear out the evil forces to establish his prestige and gain some reputation for himself.

Now Norwen has changed his mind!

Increase the intensity!

Must increase the intensity!


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