Don't call me evil god

Chapter 50 The most popular profession

After forming a numerical advantage, although it is inevitable that some people will be injured due to the resistance of the Blood Fang Gang during the battle, they will definitely be able to defeat the enemy without any danger in the end.

As for those injured.

In most cases, it is just a superficial injury, and a little bandage and rest can recover a lot.

If they are really unlucky and are hit in a vulnerable part of the body, with injuries such as fractures, they can only be sent to the tavern for recuperation and treatment.

There are 3 Norwen believers who have chosen the priest route in the tavern. Although they are just getting started and can barely use small magic such as [Secondary Treatment], it is enough to restore the wounded to mobility as soon as possible.

The effect of small magic is not as good as the [Healing Mantra] of professional priests in the Crusaders of the Glorious God, but the advantage is that there are enough!

Although the magic of the God of Glorious God is used, the priests who learn magic from Norwen will not be restricted by the magic position, but are also restricted by mental power.

As long as the mental power is not exhausted, they can release magic continuously!

The main goal is to win by quantity!

If 1 or 2 times of [Secondary Treatment] can't cure it, then stack it up 10 or 20 times.

A little bit adds up to a lot, and you can achieve the same healing effect as a professional priest of the Glorious God!

Soon someone discovered:


It seems that priests who can provide treatment are the most popular profession!

Other professional routes have to confront the thugs of the Blood Fang Gang head-on.

After obtaining the power of the evil god, the individual strength of the thugs of the Blood Fang Gang is not weak.

During the battle, if you want to make more contributions and get more justice points, you can't be timid.

But the first batch of attackers are easily injured by the enemy's counterattack.

If you lose the ability to move due to injury, you can't continue to participate in the event and can't continue to get justice points.

On the contrary, these three Norwen believers who chose the priest route just need to stay in the tavern comfortably, wait for the wounded to be sent to the door, and then perform divine healing.

Because the people they treated were injured by "stopping the Blood Fang Gang from committing crimes", they can also be regarded as having made contributions in the event and can get justice points!

There is no danger.

The points are stable.

Later, when the team led by Pete and Gale sent the wounded to the tavern, they heard that the three Norwen believers on the priest route had already earned more than 300 justice points by treating the wounded.

At that time, Gale wanted to change to a priest!

He worked hard for a long time and finally saved enough justice points!

He just exchanged [Arcane Missiles].

As a result, these priests drank drinks and enjoyed the breeze in the tavern, and waved their hands to cast a few [Secondary Treatments] to earn a lot of justice points!

In fact, at the beginning, among these Norwen believers who chose to practice their profession, there was no one who planned to take the priest route.

During the missionary process, more than 90% of people chose to exchange for the entry-level knowledge of mages.

After all, in places like Greenport, it is almost a consensus among everyone that mages have high status and high income.

Of course, although the knowledge has been exchanged, not everyone can successfully become a first-level mage.

Even if you can see the progress of practice, everyone has different talents and practice at different speeds.

Some people have a high affinity with the Goddess of Magic, and are more likely to sense the free arcane energy in the environment, and their practice progress is faster.

It may only take a few attempts to reach the 100% goal and complete the entry of the mage.

Those who do not have enough affinity with the Goddess of Magic may only be able to advance 1% or 2% each time.

It takes several times or even ten times more time and energy than others to achieve the same effect.

After all, there are still a few stubborn people.

Realizing that they are not the material for being a mage, they will naturally choose other career paths.

This is why there are believers who practice other career paths.

These people were a little disappointed because they could not become noble mages.

As a result, they looked at their performance in the event.

Level 1 mage?

Not that strong!

Mages cannot stand in the front and cannot get the contribution reward for the direct confrontation;

Casting is limited by mental strength.

Casting 3 or 4 [Arcane Missiles] in a short period of time will make you dizzy and you must find a place to rest for half a day to recover your energy.

Not to mention the relaxed and comfortable priests.

Even warriors, stealth, and rangers, which are fighting with people, can't compare!

For a while, many people had similar thoughts as Gale.

Anyway, we have just started, and we can pray to the God of Knowledge to exchange for the cultivation knowledge of other career routes at any time.

Or... stop being a mage and switch to other professions?


Regarding the changes in the career choices of believers, let's not talk about it for now.

In one night, under the encouragement of justice points, many believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect attacked everywhere while the Blood Fang Gang had not yet reacted.

With the joint efforts of everyone, not only did the first special skill [Status Display] get enough justice points to successfully unlock, but even [Guilt Perception] has made a lot of progress.

The effect of [Status Display] is very simple and direct:

When the Blood Fang Gang members appear in the sight of the Nowen believers, they will be reminded immediately.

No matter what disguise the Blood Fang Gang members prepare, they will be directly seen through in front of [Status Display]!

With the help of special skills, and as the number of attacks on the Blood Fang Gang increased, in order to minimize the casualties and increase efficiency, everyone also started to use their brains, showing their magical powers and coming up with different ways!


The next day.

Two gangsters had just come out of the brothel controlled by the Blood Fang Gang, and they felt a little hairy on their backs for no reason.

"Why do I feel like something is following us?"

One gangster looked back several times, but he only saw pedestrians coming and going on the street.

Everything seemed normal.

Another gangster said disdainfully: "Are you hallucinating from venting your anger? Who dares to provoke us in this area of ​​​​the Lower City?"

"Hurry up, we have to collect protection fees from three families today, hurry up, finish the job early, and go back to play two games of dice!"

The gangster who spoke earlier was still a little suspicious, until the two of them kicked open the door of the merchant and forcibly took away a large sum of "protection fees", it was still no different from usual.

"Is it my illusion?"

The "protection fee" from the second merchant was also collected smoothly. The owner did not dare to resist and handed over the money bag honestly.

Until the third merchant, before the two of them had time to kick the door, their eyes suddenly went dark.

Two coarse cloth sacks with a smell of sweat were covered over their heads!

Before they even had time to resist, they lost their balance under the impact of several [Arcane Missiles] and fell to the ground.

All kinds of attacks came immediately!

The two were covered with sacks and had no ability to resist at all. Listening to the lively shouting outside, they could only passively take the beating!

"The crime is established, the evidence is irrefutable!"

"They are the members of the Blood Fang Gang, no doubt. The status display has reminded me several times that it is them!"

"Mr. Pete is smart! Put sacks on them first, so there is no need to worry about counterattacks!"

"I have followed them all the way, and these two have already collected protection fees from two merchants in a row!"

"If we kill them now, we will definitely get a lot of justice points!"


Thanks to book friends 20230321120407896, book friends 20230326221043464, after all, Dongliu went to W to vote for 1 monthly ticket, thank you all for voting for recommendations, you are so good!

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