Don't call me evil god

Chapter 51: Each showing his special ability

Most of the team following Pete are composed of weak mages.

They are not good at confronting the thugs of the Blood Fang Gang head-on.

The strength of these ordinary members of the Blood Fang Gang lies mainly in their powerful attacks and their own resistance to attacks.

However, their movements are not very agile, but their physical strength - commonly known as their ability to withstand attacks - has been greatly improved.

So Pete used his brain and came up with this simple and practical "put on a sack, catch a missile and drown" tactic.

Relying on the [Status Display] to first lock the identities of the Blood Fang Gang members who are alone on the road.

Don't rush to take action, but follow them all the way and wait for the other party to commit a crime.

If you just defeat them directly, you can only get the basic defeat reward. If you want to get the justice points for stopping crimes, you need solid evidence.

Commonly known as, let the long line catch the big fish.

When they seize the opportunity, the team led by Pete will not try to get close, but he and Gale will use the [Mage's Hand] trick to put the sack on the person!

The Mage's Hand is an arcane construct that is completely suspended in the air. It moves silently and is difficult to be noticed. It perfectly meets the concealment requirements of the sack tactics.

Then, the mage team fired [Arcane Missiles] in unison!

A dozen [Arcane Missiles] fired in unison, even a level 2 physical strength would fall down, not to mention the ordinary members of the Bloodfang Gang with only level 1 strength.

Such tactics can only be used by Norwen's followers at this stage.

The reason is very simple.

If it were someone else, no one would be idle and spend a lot of money to hire a dozen level 1 mages just to let them release [Arcane Missiles]!

A true mage can provide all-round help to a team and is an all-round talent.

From attack magic such as fireball.

To life magic such as meal making.

It is a serious waste to let a mage use the limited spell slots every day to release [Arcane Missiles] to deal with the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers.

Every spell slot of a traditional mage is very precious.

Of course, the situation is different for the followers of Nowen.

There is no limit on spell slots, so they can use magic without any regrets;

Moreover, the followers who choose the mage route basically only know the magic of [Arcane Missiles], and they haven't had time to learn other magic.

Extremely biased.

This bias has a miraculous effect at the moment.

Pete has made full use of the characteristics of the mages of the Seeking Knowledge Sect:

There is justice in numbers!

Numbers are truth!

Put on a sack to control the opponent temporarily, making it temporarily unable to resist.

Then, a large amount of magic saturation bombing!

Since it is biased, then use the characteristics of bias to the extreme!

This process has almost no disadvantages except that you have to rest for a while to recover your mental strength after each action.

Compared with Brandon's stupid tactics of only knowing how to confront head-on and fight with people, Pete's team is undoubtedly more efficient and safer.


As for the team led by Reina, the followers choose the two career routes of stealth and ranger more.

The ability to confront directly is not strong either, and there is no powerful long-range attack like the mages.

However, Reina soon found a tactic suitable for her team.

The best skills of the stealth and rangers are sneak attacks, assassinations and - setting traps!

After the believers of the stealth route master the shadow energy, they can spend 15 knowledge points to exchange for the first combat skill called [Shadow Strike] from Norwen.

The effect is that the next attack can be blessed with shadow energy, causing damage that is easier to penetrate armor.

It is said that the first combat skill [Heroic Strike] that the warriors need to master is imitated from [Shadow Strike], but the shadow energy is replaced by anger.

Of course, the people of the Warrior Guild have never directly admitted this.

The combat skill exchanged by the ranger profession from Norwen is called [Disguise].

The effect is similar to the stealth of the stealth, but the difference is that the camouflage cannot enter the invisible state, but blends into the surrounding environment as much as possible, and is not easy to be noticed.

The characteristic of [Disguise] is that this skill is not only used by the Ranger to disguise himself, but also can be used to disguise the various traps he has set.

Combining the characteristics of the two professions, Reina thought of the corresponding tactics.

Ordinary members of the Blood Fang Gang usually do a lot of bad things.

Going door to door to collect the so-called "protection fee", and - robbing the guys they don't like.

Many thugs of the Blood Fang Gang are addicted to the casinos opened by the gang. They can't keep any money in their hands. If they have a little spare money, they will throw it on the gambling table to exchange for chips, and then they may lose it all in just one night.

Most of the protection fees must be handed over to the gang, and you can't get much, and you can't collect it every day.

But robbery is a different way to "earn extra money".

The alleys next to the Blood Fang Gang Casino that are not easy to be discovered are the high-incidence places for robbery.

Reina, who knows a lot about the evil deeds of the Blood Fang Gang, naturally thought of taking advantage of this!

Sit back and wait.

Various snare traps were set up in the alley in advance, and the stalkers also entered the [Stealth] state, quietly waiting for the prey to take the bait.

Not long after, a scoundrel with deep eye sockets from the Blood Fang Gang dragged a hapless guy into the alley with his arm around his shoulder.

"Boy, if you don't want to suffer, lend me some money. I'll pay you back when I have more money."

The Blood Fang Gang thug threatened in a deep voice.

He had just taken the money bag from the trembling victim, and before he had time to count the amount, he felt his ankles tighten suddenly!

The lasso trap was triggered!

Unprepared, the thug lost his balance and fell backwards.

Before he could check the situation, Rena's cry was heard:

"Now, do it!"

Several stalkers showed up, and the daggers in their hands with a faint gray light stabbed at the vital parts of the thug's body!

Because he had been harassed by the Blood Fang Gang in the past, and now he knew that the Blood Fang Gang was related to the evil god, without the psychological burden, Rena was the most ruthless.

Brandon and Pete would pay a little attention to give the other party a breath, but Rena was directly killed!

The dagger attack with [Shadow Strike] easily penetrated the opponent's skin and stabbed the Bloodfang Gang thugs through!

Gray knife in, red knife out!

In terms of assassination, the advantage of the stealth is completely unmatched by other professions.

As long as there is a loophole in the defense, it is possible to kill with one blow!

[Prevent criminal behavior, justice points +30 based on the degree of contribution]

[Defeat the first-level member of the Bloodfang Gang, justice points +30 based on the degree of contribution]

Two prompts came, and after confirming that there was no need to make up the knife, Reina threw the victim's purse back to the other party, raised her eyebrows, and reminded:

"Why are you standing there? You are safe."

"Oh, and this guy will not have the opportunity to rob you again."


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