Don't call me evil god

Chapter 57 The training simulator is now online!

After the argument failed, the warrior believers finally unanimously decided to inform the God of Knowledge of their disagreements, and let Norwen guide them to choose the right path of development.

However, this time, Norwen did not immediately send down the corresponding oracle to give an answer.

As early as when the believers tried to exchange more first-level combat skills for Norwen with knowledge points, Norwen already knew the various combat skills of the mortal warrior career path.

There was one thing that Norwen was very concerned about.

After receiving the believers' request, he activated his power and did get a "plan" about the warrior's practice path.

From controlling anger, to the use of various weapons, shields, and protective gear, to the study of various combat skills.

This information is very systematic and comprehensive.

It can be said that as long as you follow the above steps, you can achieve similar results in the end.

The problem lies here:

Norwen feels a little weird, because this plan is too perfect.

It is so perfect that mortals don't even need to think about it.

It's as if everything has been arranged in advance.

All mortals need to do is to execute it.

This is a situation that Norwen has not encountered when he activated his authority before.

Knowledge represents truth, and truth is unique.

Information represents cause and effect, and cause and effect are logical.

When believers pray to Nowen for knowledge or information about something, Nowen can safely and boldly send down the oracle directly.

The results of these things are clear, and there are no other possibilities.

But the development plans for career paths are different.

The choices of mortals are different, and they can obviously lead to different and new development directions!

But this plan completely kills those unknown possibilities.

Nowen can foresee it.

If he conveys this information to the believers of the warrior profession, they will definitely follow this plan strictly.

The final result is that a bunch of warrior believers will be cultivated from the same mold.

This makes Nowen feel something is wrong.

The combat skills of the warrior profession he has learned are varied. There are more than a dozen active combat skills at level 1 alone, not to mention those passive combat skills.

If you really want to figure out the combination, there are 6 or 7 combinations that Nowen can think of, all with different emphases, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

But in the plan that Norwen got, only a few of them were used to form a specific school.

As for the others?

They were all ruthlessly abandoned by this plan.

They were considered to be "not valuable and not the optimal solution" and not worth spending time and energy on.

But Norwen didn't think so.

Just like the disputes among those warrior believers.

Brandon believed that warriors should take the route of fierce output, learn passive combat skills that can increase the power of two-handed swords, and [Rage] that can gain more anger, so as to maximize the attack ability of the two-handed sword [Heroic Strike].

But in this warrior training plan, the possibility of the development of the two-handed sword system was not considered at all.

The solution given was a sword and shield combination, and the overall idea was inclined to a defensive positioning that could withstand attacks.

Norwen frowned.

"How are the criteria for the optimal solution divided?"

"How was this plan formulated?"

"There is nothing wrong with Brandon's idea, and he also has his own direction of development that he aspires to, so why is it judged as insufficient in value?"

This "perfect plan" gave Norman a feeling:

Practicing is like a plan that has been arranged long ago.

Mortals do not need to think about the reasons, just execute according to the oracle.

In this regard, Norman did not hesitate for even a second, and his choice was very simple:

Go to hell!

What a bullshit "perfect plan", go wherever it is cool!

He has his own ideas and his own thoughts!

Norman decided not to convey the oracle according to the information obtained by authority this time!

He is not a mouthpiece for his own divine authority, and his believers are not puppets who only obey orders.

His current identity is a god with endless power. No matter whether he is a righteous god or an evil god, it is Norman who controls his functional authority, instead of being bound by his authority in turn!

Norman wants to walk his own path!

As the number of believers increases, Norman can get more and more information through various demands of believers.

This gave Norwen a certain ability to achieve his goals without the help of authority!

In the cave, Brandon received new oracle information.

[Goal: Level 1 Warrior Professional Training]

[Suggested strategy: Use the "Training Simulator" (Level 1) to compare the effects of each combat skill combination and bonus simulation]

[Requirement: 5 knowledge points/time]

"Hey? What does this mean?"

After converting the justice points into corresponding knowledge points, Brandon had quite a lot of points. More than 100 knowledge points were enough for him to exchange for 7 or 8 first-level combat skills and still have some left.

After tentatively consuming 5 knowledge points, Brandon immediately received a new reminder;

[Please select the combat skill you want to simulate the combination effect]

[Current optional combat skills: …]

"Let me think, then [Two-handed Sword Mastery-Basic], [Rage], and [Armor Breaking Attack]?"

Brandon chose 3 of the dazzling first-level combat skills that he liked.

A few seconds later, with a "ding" sound, a response came.

[Customized simulation plan, completed]

[Estimated physical attack ability improvement: 24%]

[Estimated training time: 41 hours]

[Recommended legendary level: 15]

Brandon was stunned for a moment.

"This... wait, I think I know what's going on?"

After consuming another 5 knowledge points, he started the "Practice Simulator" again. This time, Brandon chose three combat skills: [Two-handed Sword Mastery-Basics], [Raging] and [Sweeping Swordsmanship].


[Customized simulation plan, completed]

[Estimated physical attack ability improvement: 29%]

[Estimated training time: 37 hours]

[Recommended legendary level: 13]

Brandon took a breath with a hiss!

"God of Knowledge!"

"I understand!"

The function of this "Practice Simulator" is not complicated. After two simple attempts, Brandon has figured out its specific effects.

It allows him to test the effects of various combat skills in advance!

After two simulations, Brandon was even a little excited and wanted to try a few more times!

After all, there are so many combinations of the first-level combat skills that he can choose now.

If he exchanges the combat skills directly, he needs to spend a lot of time and energy to practice.

After fully mastering them, he still has to go to actual combat tests to know the specific effects.

Even if the final result is not so ideal, the time and energy he has consumed cannot be returned.

But with this training simulator, it is different!

For example, in the two simulations just now, Brandon can know that the effect of [Sweeping Sword Skills] is better than [Armor Breaking Strike], and it is easier to master!

Brandon can completely put the combat skills he wants to study in advance to simulate them, find the one that suits him best and has the best effect, and then spend knowledge points to exchange it!

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