Don't call me evil god

Chapter 58 Legendary Level

With the simulation function, the debate was ended.

What are you still arguing about?

If you think your idea is good, then use the "Practice Simulator" to test it yourself.

The improvement is the most intuitive and convincing evidence.

With the launch of the "Practice Simulator", believers of various practice career routes in the cave soon began to test themselves.

Even Pete and Gale, who knew the mature arcane mage mastery system, couldn't help but put their planned "construction" into the test after hearing the news.

Pete and Gale are both tier 2 mages, so the effect of the practice simulator they use is slightly different from that of tier 1 professionals.

The number of knowledge points consumed for each simulation has been increased to 10 points.

Of course, there are also a lot of tier 2 magics available for selection.

Pete put in 7 or 8 magics that should be mastered in the arcane mage mastery system taught by Carron College.

The final simulation results are:

The power of arcane magic will be increased by 68%;

It is estimated that it will take 377 hours to learn before he can learn all these magics.

Pet tried to replace one or two of the magics.

The simulation results showed that the power increase was immediately reduced to 55%.

The estimated time spent increased to 459 hours.

Pet was not surprised by this result.

It was reasonable and expected.

The mage training route taught by the arcane school of Carron College is a relatively excellent and stable magic matching solution obtained after years of research, adjustment and optimization.

Replacing any link in it may cause a chain reaction.

If he can find a better magic matching solution than the traditional arcane magician, after time precipitation and verification, it can be written into the textbook.

However, Pet has realized that:

If something like "training simulator" has a physical body, if it is placed in the church of other gods, it is guaranteed to be a divine artifact or holy object, and it is not an exaggeration to even become a treasure of the town church.

For example, the God of Justice, His own divine power is not strong, and His followers do not have extraordinary combat abilities like those who can become rated professional gods. The divine arts of the God of Justice can only determine the affinity between a mortal and many righteous gods.

But it is precisely this exclusive divine art that has established the noble status of the Church of Justice.

Others who want to become professionals, in order to avoid choosing a god faith that is not suitable for them, the only way is to use the divine arts of the God of Justice for testing.

Although it cannot improve strength, it can ensure that you do not go astray.

The same reason.

On the surface, the effect of the practice simulator is just to allow the believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect to find a suitable development path for themselves, without the experience or ideas summarized by high-level professionals.

In theory, if the believers can get the experience of their predecessors like Pete and Gale, they can know how to choose the right skill combination even without the practice simulator.

The key is that the methods summarized by those high-level professionals are also the results of their efforts to try and error and explore little by little!

Low efficiency, high cost, and no alternative method.

The practice simulator completely breaks this dilemma!

In places where predecessors have walked, the role of the practice simulator can indeed be replaced.

But the closer to the unknown area, the greater the role of the simulation will be!

Although the Seeking Knowledge Sect is still just a group of guys who are generally level 1 and have just become professionals, they cannot fully play the effect of the practice simulator.

But Pete can already foresee that the significance of the practice simulator will only become more and more important with the development of the Seeking Knowledge Sect!

On the other hand, after testing several combat skills she wanted, Rena noticed the "recommended legendary level" in the simulation results.

She chose a set of stealth skills that felt good, but the final recommendation was a legendary level of 14.

By praying to Nowen, Rena has learned that her current legendary level is 12.

The legendary level was previously introduced by Nowen together with the legendary experience, and was used to improve the new definition of the old professional rating system within the Seeking Knowledge Sect.

The original professional rating in this world is very simple.

Take the priest as an example.

Believe in the gods, if you can get the blessing and divine arts given by the God of Radiance, you can become a priest professional.

The blessings and magics bestowed are divided into 6 stages, from level 1 to level 6.

Above level 6, one is a legend.

Each promotion can get a stronger blessing, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is to be promoted.

The order of obtaining the two is:

First get the blessing to strengthen the body.

Then you can get the magic.

Whether you have the magic of the corresponding stage is used as the standard for assessing the rank of the priest profession.

But in Norwen, this rating standard is obviously not applicable!

Norwen can directly give the relevant knowledge to the believers.

For the believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect, there is no obstacle to learning high-level combat skills or spells. Even an ordinary person, as long as the knowledge points are enough, can exchange for the 6th level of large-scale magic to learn.

The problem is.

There is a reason why other gods bless the physical strength first and then bestow the magic.

More powerful skills require better physical strength to be used normally!

Otherwise, it will be like the time when Pete forcibly released the 3rd-level spell [Hada's Hunger], which directly drained his mental power and fainted after releasing it.

The situation of the Seeking Knowledge Sect is different from those who believe in other gods and cannot learn related spells because they have not received blessings.

The believers of Nowen can learn high-level abilities in advance, but they cannot release them because of insufficient physical strength.

In order to prevent believers from learning skills beyond their ability, Nowen designed the [Legendary Level] system.

Nowen classified the physical strength required for different combat skills, magic, and divine arts.

Constitution, strength, intelligence, agility, spirit, and will.

A total of 6 attributes, corresponding to different physical strength characteristics.

Believers can consume their legendary experience to increase their legendary level.

Each time they increase their level, they can obtain 3 free attributes for believers to allocate by themselves to strengthen their bodies.

For more powerful skills, Norwen also provides recommended attribute values ​​for reference based on their relevant characteristics.

This is equivalent to reminding believers that if their strength is not enough, they should not try those high-level abilities.

Norwen hopes that believers can freely choose the path they want to walk, and also hopes that they can be down-to-earth and work hard from the basics.


When the "cultivation simulator" and the "legendary level" are combined, a wonderful chemical reaction that even Norwen did not expect has erupted!

Thanks to Lianxin C for casting 2 monthly tickets, and thanks to Roy_DB, Ham de, and Ah This Dc for casting 1 monthly ticket! Many thanks to all readers who cast recommendation votes, thank you!

PS: So far, all Norwen's abilities in the first volume have been unlocked. Welcome to join the Seeking Knowledge Sect and reach the peak of life.

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