Don't call me evil god

Chapter 59 Magic Goddess, Even Dogs Don’t Believe

The first one to redeem the skills she needed and allocate various free attributes was the girl Reina.

She was the first to test the effect of the legendary level upgrade, which was equivalent to exploring the way for other believers.

Among the various stealth route skills, she spent 30 knowledge points and obtained the relevant knowledge of the two skills [Combo] and [Eviscerate].

[Combo] is a passive skill. When using skills that consume shadow energy continuously, you can accumulate combo layers in a short period of time.

[Eviscerate] consumes all the currently accumulated combo layers and causes a precise weak point attack on the target.

Simple and direct matching method.

The reason why Reina chose to redeem the knowledge of these two skills is simple.

Their estimated practice time is the shortest, only less than 10 hours, and the recommended legendary level is also the lowest.

Although there are nearly 3 days for the believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect to improve themselves and accumulate strength, Reina did not choose the complex combination that requires more than 30 hours of practice.

After all, she is just trying to explore the way now, so naturally the simpler and faster the better.

After getting the relevant knowledge, Reina checked the requirements for learning combat skills.

"Combo requires at least 25 agility, and in addition to 30 agility, evisceration also requires 12 constitution, 14 strength, and 12 willpower."

"Great God of Knowledge, please grant me wisdom and knowledge, and show me the secrets."

Reciting the prayers passed down from the oracle, Reina got her own legendary level.

[Level 1, legendary level 12]

[Constitution 4, Strength 4, Agility 13, Intelligence 4, Spirit 5, Will 7]

[Free attributes: 36]

Reina made a rough estimate.

"To meet the learning requirements of these two combat skills, my free attributes are not enough."

She understood why the recommended legendary level on the training simulator is 14.

"Everyone, before matching the combination you want, remember to pay attention to whether your legendary level can meet the recommendation, otherwise, you may not be able to meet the attribute requirements of the relevant skills."

Reina consumed the 500 legendary experience points she got from killing the Blood Fang Gang thugs a few days ago.

The legendary level was raised from level 12 to level 14.

The effect of the blessing of pure divine power is very strange, as if a warm current flows from the forehead into the body, first the mind becomes clearer, the thoughts become smoother, the complexion becomes ruddy, and then the limbs gradually become firm.

Reina can vaguely feel that her body is undergoing subtle changes to allow her to adapt to stronger power.

The 42 free attributes after level 14 are invested in the corresponding attributes in turn.

After meeting the attribute requirements of the two new combat skills, when Reina practices according to the knowledge from the oracle, the efficiency is much faster than when she practiced [Stealth] and [Shadow Attack] before!

Originally, she was just following the knowledge to skillfully control these combat skills.

At that time, the shadow energy was willing to be mobilized by her, but it was full of inertia, and Reina needed to distract herself from time to time to control it.

When the physical strength reached the standard, she used the combat skills again, and suddenly felt like she was at the mercy of her arms.

The shadow energy in the surrounding environment was actively responding to her call this time!

When she tried to start stealth again and merged into the shadow, she felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy, as if the shadow god was personally watching her, and she was tightly wrapped in the slightly cold and thick shadow.

In the first practice, the learning progress of [Combo] was advanced by 17%!

With the experience that Reina had tried to explore, Pete also began to exchange the magic knowledge he needed.

Because of the goal of graduation examination, Pete did not intend to exchange the knowledge points he had accumulated into a systematic skill combination like other believers, but focused on the third-level magic [Arcane Barrage].

He could slowly learn other magics later to make up for the progress of the system.

But the graduation examination of Carron Academy was getting closer and closer.

Pete directly spent 150 knowledge points to exchange the relevant knowledge.

As a third-level magic, the learning requirements of [Arcane Barrage] are much more demanding than those first-level skills.

In addition to the 15 spirit attribute requirement, the most important thing is that it requires a full 75 intelligence attributes!

"Great God of Knowledge, please grant me wisdom and knowledge, and show me the secrets."

[Level 2, Legendary Level 27]

[Constitution 8, Strength 6, Agility 6, Intelligence 66, Spirit 18, Will 7]

[Free Attributes: 0]

When Pete saw the big "zero", his face turned black on the spot.

He already understood why he used to pray and meditate to the Goddess of Magic every day in Carron Academy, but he couldn't get the Goddess to grant him the 3rd level magic [Arcane Barrage] no matter how hard he tried.

[Arcane Barrage] requires mobilizing more magic network veins and gathering enough arcane energy to maintain the complete spell guidance process.

Therefore, the caster needs to have enough intelligence attributes.

When Reina and other believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect first embarked on the path of professionalism, they got the knowledge from Nowen, and then practiced and mastered it, but did not get the blessings of the corresponding gods.

So their legendary level only has the basic part, and all the free attributes are still retained.

When you want to learn a new combat skill or magic.

If their attributes are not enough, you can consume the free attributes and ask Nowen to grant pure divine power.

Just add the attributes and increase the corresponding physical strength.

Peter is different from them. He used to be a believer in the goddess of magic and was blessed by the goddess's divine power.

In other words, his six-dimensional attributes, that is, physical strength, had already been allocated when the goddess of magic blessed him!

He has no reserved free attributes at all!

"Goddess of magic! Even dogs don't believe it!"

"Waste my time! Mess with my attributes!"

"Why didn't I meet the God of Knowledge earlier?"

What Pet feels now is regret, very regret.

Although I exchanged for level 3 magic, but - the attributes are not enough!

As for consuming legendary experience to upgrade?

Pet looked at his upgrade requirements and his heart suddenly dropped.

[Upgrade requirements: 7000 legendary experience]

He is different from Lena.

In the 1st level stage, the legendary level increases by 1 level, still in units of hundreds.

To upgrade from level 12 to level 14, you only need 200+300, which is 500 legendary experience.

But for a level 2 mage like Peter who wants to increase his level, the experience requirement becomes units of thousands!

Although Pate now has more than 1,000 points of legendary experience by fighting against the Bloodfang Gang gangsters, compared with this huge upgrade demand, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

Mastering [Arcane Barrage] requires 75 Intelligence.

It has an intelligence attribute of 75 and needs to be upgraded by at least 3 levels!

Altogether, that’s a full 24,000 legendary experience!

Where does legendary experience come from?

Defeat and destroy those Bloodfang Gang guys.

Thinking of this, Peter almost couldn't restrain his restless mood.

If he hadn't been able to defeat him alone, he would have wanted to go out and fight the Bloody Fang Gang right away!

"Please, everyone! Seize the time and practice quickly!"

"I can't wait to go out and fight to the death with the Blood Fang Gang who have taken refuge in the Evil God!!!"

PS: Chapter 58 has been modified. Regarding the numerical mechanism for obtaining attributes by increasing the legendary level, the current version shall prevail. Sorry.

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