Don't call me evil god

Chapter 60: As long as you don’t die from practicing, practice until you die

Pete's motivation comes from his lack of legendary experience.

This is also the problem faced by most believers in the Seeking Knowledge Sect.

Although everyone else is still in the 1st level, it is not that difficult to upgrade the legendary level.

But the problem is that with the practice simulator and the legendary level, the "future" that was originally only in imagination is intuitively presented to the believers!

Looking at the powerful combat skills, magic, and divine arts that are simulated.

The more complex the combination, the higher the legendary level, that is, the attribute requirements.

No one is willing to be satisfied with only mastering one or two skills.

In the past, they couldn't find a direction and didn't know where to work hard.

The situation is completely different now!

Through simulation, you can know how much stronger you will become if you learn these skills;

You can know the estimated time and energy required!

Even if the attribute requirements are not met, believers can clearly calculate how long they need to work hard and how much legendary experience they need to accumulate before they can start studying new skills.

With this kind of clearly quantifiable goal, every effort can be intuitively rewarded.

Everyone began to consciously work hard to train!

In one day, those who progressed quickly had almost mastered the first new skill, and those who progressed slowly also had a lot of clues. As long as they practiced a few more times, they could push the practice progress to 100%.

At this efficiency, it would not even take 3 days for the believers' overall strength to be greatly improved.

Although they were still rated as level 1, in terms of real strength, they could fight against ordinary Blood Fang gang thugs 1-on-1 without losing.

Together, they could fight even level 2 leaders.

While practicing hard, the believers also discovered the "extra surprise" about the legendary level.

In addition to consuming legendary experience to upgrade and obtain more free attributes, you can also obtain additional "reward attributes" through your own training.

A warrior believer did some physical training in the cave while practicing combat skills. During the training, he suddenly received a message from Nowen:

[Through long-term exercise, your physical attribute has successfully increased by 0.3 points. 】

In addition to accumulating legendary experience, another "hidden method" to obtain six-dimensional attributes was discovered by everyone!

After that, when you pray to check your attributes, you can see a small progress bar at the back, which shows how much progress is left before the next "bonus attribute point" is obtained.

This method is also easy to understand.

Norwen simply uses numerical methods to intuitively and quantitatively display the physical strength of his believers.

In essence, these six attributes reflect their physical conditions.

The so-called legendary level upgrade is nothing more than Norwen bestowing that pure divine power and directly strengthening the body of mortals with the power of the gods.

But even without the help of the gods, the body strength can also be improved by persisting in long-term exercise over time.

What Norwen did was to remind the believers immediately when their physical strength changed.

After discovering this method, the believers' enthusiasm for training became even more fanatical!

Although the speed of obtaining attributes through persistent exercise is very slow, and the amount is not as good as the legendary level upgrade, this is also a way to obtain steadily, and as long as you work hard, you will get rewards!

Where can you find such a good thing?

As long as they are willing to work hard, everything will have corresponding rewards!

What else is there to say?

Just work hard and it's done!

In the cave, Brandon excitedly shouted slogans on the spot:


"As long as you don't die from practicing, practice until you die!"

"Why sleep for a long time when you are alive? You will sleep forever after death!"

"One step slow, every step slow!"

"If you don't practice hard now, your contribution will definitely be lower than others when the Bloodfang Gang is eliminated!"

"Others get more legendary experience than you, and their levels will be higher than you, and they will become stronger than you!"

"Are you willing to be surpassed by your companions like this?"

"When others have accumulated enough legendary experience and promoted to level 2 and level 3, you can only look up to them at level 1. Will you regret not trying your best to train at this moment!"

"Hurry up! Keep practicing!"

Under Brandon's leadership, the believers were so enthusiastic.

In the intervals between studying various combat skills, magic and divine arts

The warriors gathered around the terrifying altar of the evil god, howling and running to exercise their physical fitness and strength;

The mage believers gathered together, trying to concentrate their minds and sink into a meditative state as much as possible to improve their intelligence and mental strength.

The priests recited various prayers in the divine arts, began to practice asceticism, purify their minds, and think of various ways to improve their will;

The stealth and ranger believers were also practicing various technical movements, trying to make their bodies more agile and gain agility bonus attributes.

While the believers were training hard, Norwen was also paying attention to their status.

Norwen noticed an ordinary believer who chose the mage profession.

After the divine arts judgment of the God of Justice presided over by Reina, the talent test results showed that this believer had a low affinity with the goddess of magic.

If it is based on the standards of the Magic Hermitage that believes in the Goddess of Magic, it would be difficult for him to become a Level 1 mage with his talent, and the Goddess would not grant him the power to use magic.

But this believer was very stubborn and said firmly that he just wanted to be a mage.

Norwen remembered that after this believer obtained the knowledge of [Arcane Missile], he did stumble and stumble when practicing, and it was not smooth.

Norwen checked the six-dimensional attributes of this believer.

[Level 1, Level 10]

[Constitution 5, Strength 6, Agility 3, Intelligence 6, Spirit 4, Will 7]

"No wonder it is so difficult for him to cast spells."

In the magic-related knowledge that Norwen obtained, even if the mage apprentice who only learned to communicate with the magic network and could not cast a complete magic, usually has an intelligence attribute of more than 10 points.

The attribute does not meet the standard, which means that the magic network energy he can mobilize is very limited, and the most basic [Arcane Missile] magic will often fail to cast due to unstable energy supply.

What concerned Norwen was that:

When this believer invested most of his free attribute points into intelligence and raised his intelligence to 20, his spellcasting became smoother!

Although he could not compare with those mages with a higher affinity with the Goddess of Magic in terms of magic power and casting speed, he could also release [Arcane Missiles] smoothly.

"Something is wrong!"

Norwen's eyebrows were wrinkled into a river.

He remembered the situation of the first believer, Pete Chinal.

If the talent is very poor and it is difficult to become a mage, Norwen can understand that the Goddess of Magic is unwilling to consume divine power to bless.

After all, this believer relied on the pure divine power given by Norwen to strengthen his body, which made his spellcasting smoother.

But with Pete's 66 intelligence points, when he believed in the Goddess of Magic, even if he could not get the 3rd-level magic [Arcane Barrage], he could obviously control the 1st-level magic [Arcane Missiles] at that time!

"Why is the goddess of magic unwilling to grant Pete even the first-level attack magic?"

"What standards do other gods use to bestow blessings?"


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