"Lu Linhai?!"

Zhou Kai's face darkened as he saw the man coming out from the corner of the alley.

""Why are you here?" Lin Yi asked in surprise.

He didn't understand why Lu Linhai, who was supposed to be in the examination room, was here?

Could it be that Lu Linhai in front of him was really a monster?

However, Lin Yi clearly remembered that he had killed him before.

At that time, Lu Linhai was indeed not a monster.

"I'm going home." Lu Linhai looked puzzled.

"Go home?" Lin Yi frowned,"Shouldn't you be taking an exam at this time?"

"It's already so late, the exam has already ended." Lin Yi glanced at his phone. It was almost 6 o'clock now, and the afternoon exam was indeed over.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Linhai said as he walked towards them.

"Stop, don't come over here!" Zhou Kai quickly protected Zhou Yun behind him and raised the knife in his hand.

"Zhou Kai, you......What are you doing?"

Lu Linhai was frightened by Zhou Kai's actions, especially when he saw Zhou Kai raised the knife in his hand and looked at him vigilantly.

"Stop pretending, I know you are a monster." Zhou Kai said through gritted teeth

"Strange......"What monster?" Lu Linhai looked confused."What monster?""

"Zhou Kai, the monsters that surrounded us just now, are you referring to Lu Linhai?"Lin Yi suddenly realized.

Zhou Kai didn't say anything. He stared at Lu Linhai not far away and nodded as a reply.

"You scared me to death." Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief,"He is not a monster"

"Are you playing role-playing games?"

Seeing Lu Linhai raised his legs again, Zhou Kai shouted loudly:"I said don't come over!"

"Although I don't know how you fooled Lin Yi, you can't fool me"

""Zhou Kai, what happened to you?" Lu Linhai asked.

As they were talking, the sound coming from the alley was getting closer.

Although Lin Yi didn't see anything, he knew that the monster was catching up.

""Zhou Kai, believe me." Lin Yi urged,"Lu Linhai is really not a monster, let's run quickly, it will be too late if we don't run now."

"I only believe in my ability."Zhou Kai's expression was extremely serious.

"His heartbeat is exactly the same as the monster's heartbeat"

"Are you stupid? If he is really a monster, is there any need for him to pretend to be a human and approach us now?"

"If he is really a monster, and shows his true form, and attacks with the monster behind him, we will definitely die."

Zhou Kai frowned. Although he didn't say anything, he felt that what Lin Yi said made sense.

Just when Zhou Kai was wavering, Lu Linhai's face suddenly changed.

""What the hell?!" Lu Linhai raised his hand and pointed at something not far away and shouted tremblingly,"What is that?"

Looking back, the monster caught up with him.

He thought that the narrow alley could restrict the monster's movements, but Lin Yi never expected that the monster could crawl quickly on the wall.

The narrow alley not only did not restrict the monster's movements, but even made it more flexible.

"Run!"Lin Yi urged loudly.

Zhou Kai gritted his teeth and pulled Zhou Yun to continue running forward.

"Lin Yi, what is that?" Lu Linhai stared at the monster that was approaching.

"This role-playing game you play......That's too advanced."

""Tall ass!" Lin Yi ran past Lu Linhai and shouted at him,"That's a real monster! Run!"

"Real monster?"Lu Linhai came back to his senses, took another look at the monster, and hurriedly chased after it in fear.

The road in the alley was winding, and Zhou Kai thought he could slow down the monster, but he didn't expect that it would hurt himself instead.

The monster climbed up the wall, jumped up from the top of the wall, and blocked them in front.

The sickle-like forearm swung down, and although Zhou Kai reacted in time, Zhou Yun behind him had no time to dodge.

Zhou Kai turned his back and hugged Zhou Yun. Seeing that the monster's forearm was about to pierce them, Lu Linhai rushed up.


Lu Linhai pushed Zhou Kai and Zhou Yun away, and the sickle stabbed through Lu Linhai's body.

"Lu Linhai!"Looking at the blood flowing out of Lu Linhai's wound, Lin Yi's mind flashed back to the time when he killed Lu Linhai.

"Why?"Zhou Kai didn't understand why Lu Linhai wanted to save him.

"How would I know why?" Lu Linhai's tone became weaker and weaker."Maybe it's......A subconscious reaction......."

He looked at Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, and his whole body began to twitch.

Perhaps because he didn't want to make them worry, Lu Linhai wanted to smile, but the twitching of his whole body made it impossible for him to control his facial expression.

Lin Yi didn't know much about Lu Linhai.

After all, Lu Linhai had just come to their class in his senior year and was a repeater.

However, in Lin Yi's impression, Lu Linhai had always been like an older brother.

He was warm-hearted, and he would always help his classmates whenever they got into trouble.


The monster's tentacles quickly surged and tightly wrapped around Lu Linhai.

The serrated mouth bit Lu Linhai's neck and began to greedily suck his blood.

Lu Linhai's death bought a short period of time.

The monster did not continue to attack and began to enjoy the"delicious food" in its hand.

Zhou Kai helped Zhou Yun get up from the ground and looked at Lu Linhai who was caught by the monster with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Let's go." Zhou Kai said, gritting his teeth.

"You guys go now." Lin Yi didn't move. He stood there, his hands clenched into fists involuntarily.

A nameless anger surged in his heart, and even his body trembled slightly because of this anger.

"He is already dead."Zhou Kai pulled Lin Yi and kept urging him

"We are no match for the monster, we can't save him"

"Can be saved." Lin took a deep breath, his eyes gradually becoming firm.���

"I can save him"

"Have you not......"Zhou Kai instantly understood what Lin meant.

"Even if you can save him now, what about in the future?"

"Do you have to use your ability to go back in time every time someone dies?"

"I don’t know what will happen in the future." Lin Yi did not waver. He took the knife from Zhou Kai’s hand and walked towards the monster with firm steps.

"But now, I have to do it. Because......I owe him this."

"Lin Yi, you——"

"You guys go first." Lin Yi didn't look back,"If my ability fails, at least you and your sister can survive."

Zhou Kai frowned, glanced at Lin Yi who was walking firmly, and turned to leave with his sister.

"Hey, ugly monster!"Lin Yi came in front of the monster and shouted at it

"Let him go!" Seeing that the monster ignored him, Lin Yi clenched the knife in his hand and stabbed the monster with force.

Lin Yi was very smart. He did not choose the shell covering the monster, but aimed at the monster's abdomen.

Although there were tentacles there, there was no shell covering it.

However, these tentacles alone were not something Lin Yi could deal with easily.

Before the blade pierced the monster, the tentacles instantly entangled Lin Yi.

The monster lifted Lin Yi up and looked at him with the remaining compound eye.

""You bastard, go to hell!" Lin Yi roared and threw the knife in his hand.

The blade pierced the monster's compound eye, and the tentacles that were wrapped around Lin Yi swung wildly, throwing Lin Yi out with force.

Intense pain spread throughout his body, as if all the bones in his body were broken, and even his internal organs seemed to be ruptured.

The six insect legs kept kicking on the ground, stepping on Lin Yi's body again and again.

"Ha ha......ha......"

Looking at the monster's furious look, Lin Yi suddenly wanted to laugh.

"damn thing......One day, I......I'm going to kill you all......."

His consciousness gradually blurred, and everything in front of him gradually dimmed.......


"Start answering questions now......"

The familiar radio prompt sounded in his ears, and Lin Yi opened his eyes.

Looking at the test paper in front of him, Lin Yi knew that he was back.

This time, he returned to the afternoon of June 7th.

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