Facing the monster in front of him, the reason why Lin Yi did not run away was very simple.

His speed was not as fast as the monster, and since he could not run away, Lin Yi was ready to fight.

Although he was a little scared, he thought that even if he was killed, he would just go back to the past, and at most he could start all over again.

So, Lin Yi instantly gained confidence.

When he thought of this, Lin Yi felt that his ability was not as useless as he imagined.

But when he saw Zhou Kai fighting the monster, he couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"It's really amazing."Lin Yi exclaimed.

The monster moved swiftly, and its six insect legs made its huge body extremely flexible.

Its sickle-like forearms kept slashing, and with the tentacles on its abdomen, ordinary people were no match for it.

However, compared with the monster, Zhou Kai's skills were equally amazing.

It can be seen that he has been training himself since he noticed the existence of the monster.

In addition, Zhou Kai's ability is to enhance his senses, and the monster was unable to do anything to him for a while.

The enhanced vision allowed him to quickly detect the movements of the monster's tentacles.

The enhanced hearing allowed him to judge the attack of the monster's forearms by the sound of the wind.

The enhanced sense of touch allowed him to swing the knife in his hand better.

However, when the knife in Zhou Kai's hand stabbed the monster, it could not break the monster's shell.

"It was covered with a hard shell, and a knife couldn't hurt it at all.

"Stop standing there and shouting, come and help!" Zhou Kai dodged the monster's forearm and said to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi shrugged and said,"Brother, do you think I am you? If I had your ability, I would have come to help in the morning."

"You are our only fighting force now."Lin Yi observed the monster and continued,"Eyes! Zhou Kai, attack its eyes! There is no shell on its eyes!" It

's not that Zhou Kai didn't want to attack the monster's eyes, but he couldn't get close to it.

The monster kept making some low growls that Lin Yi couldn't understand, as if it was irritated by Zhou Kai's constant dodging.

"No, this is not a solution." Lin Yi frowned,"Zhou Kai's physical strength is limited, but the monsters are not necessarily."

"If Zhou Kai runs out of energy, we'll have to stay here."

"I have to find a way to deal with this monster. I don't want to die in its hands again."Lin Yi quickly took off his backpack and searched inside.

Although the monster's sickle-like forearms were sharp, it was relatively easy to hide.

But the tentacles on the monster's abdomen were extremely flexible, and there were so many of them that it was very difficult to hide.

After Zhou Kai took a few steps back to avoid the tentacles, he seemed to have noticed something and glanced at Lin Yi's position.

He noticed Lin Yi's actions and immediately understood Lin Yi's plan.

"Ugly monster, here!" Zhou Kai decided to cooperate with Lin Yi and continue to attract the monster's attention.

He yelled and attacked the monster's shell with the knife in his hand. Even though he knew that the knife in his hand could not penetrate, he did not give up.

""Hey, ugly monster, look here!" Soon, Lin Yi's voice rang out.

At this time, he stood up straight, holding a wine bottle in his hand.

The mouth of the bottle was stuffed with a towel torn into thin strips, which had been completely soaked with the wine in the bottle.

This bottle of wine was secretly taken from the wine cabinet at home by Lin Yi before he set out. The reason for bringing a bottle of wine was, first, to give himself courage. In case of encountering something terrible, he might not be afraid after taking a sip.

Secondly, wine can kill bacteria. Lin Yi never thought that the escape plan could be completed smoothly. In case of injury, this bottle of wine can also be used for disinfection.

However, he never expected that this bottle of wine would be used to make a simple incendiary bomb.

Seeing the monster turning around, Lin Yi lit the towel and smashed the bottle in his hand hard:"Ugly monster, go to hell!"

The bottle flew towards the monster, but the scene that Lin Yi imagined of the bottle hitting the monster and breaking did not happen.

Lin Yi did not control the strength of the throw.

The bottle flew high, and when it was about to jump over the monster, the monster suddenly raised its forearm and chopped down the bottle.

The bottle was cut in half, and the spilled wine was instantly ignited by the flame on the towel and fell on the monster's eyes.

One of the monster's eyes was ignited by the flame, and a piercing roar came from its throat.

"Run!" Zhou Kai took this opportunity to stab the monster a few more times. Seeing that he still couldn't break the monster's shell, he quickly retreated and ran towards Lin Yi's position.

"We can't kill this monster, so let's run while his eyes are burned by fire."

"Xiaoyun, come here quickly!"Zhou Kai pulled Zhou Yun and ran desperately.

After Lin Yi took a look at the monster that made a piercing scream, he also hurriedly chased after it.

"Where are we going?" Lin Yi asked

"Of course, we should run towards Sifang Mountain." Zhou Kai replied

"You follow me closely. We can't go to the main road, there are too many people there. If they see the monsters chasing us, they will definitely not let us go."

"Bro, that monster......What is it?" Zhou Yun seemed to have guessed something."We suddenly have to leave here, is it because of that monster?"

Zhou Kai nodded, but he didn't have time to explain at this time:"Xiao Yun, this matter is very complicated, I will explain it to you slowly later."

Although they ran very fast, the crazy monster did not intend to let them go.

The fire on the eyes quickly extinguished. Although one eye was injured, the other eye was not injured.

So, the monster quickly caught up.

"Run faster, the monster is catching up."Zhou Kai heard the monster's heartbeat.

"This is my fastest speed."Lin Yi ran desperately.

They ran for a long time, and the monster behind them also chased them for a long time.

"Brother, I can’t run anymore. Zhou Yun couldn’t run anymore.

Gradually, Lin Yi also felt a little exhausted.

"Can't you think of a way to get rid of it?" Lin Yi asked, panting.

""This way, we're going into the alley." Zhou Kai carried Zhou Yun on his back and ran into the alley quickly.

But not long after they ran into the alley, Zhou Kai suddenly stopped.

"Why didn't you run away?" Lin Yi asked curiously,"Isn't the monster chasing us?"

Zhou Kai frowned and said through gritted teeth,"We are surrounded."

"What? Lin Yi was startled.

"There's another one in front."

"No way?!" Lin Yi looked around, trying to find something that could be used as a weapon to defend himself.

But after looking around, he found nothing,"Is it going to start again this time?"

Faced with this situation with wolves in front and tigers behind, Lin Yi couldn't think of a way to deal with it for a while.

He gritted his teeth and made a decision:"Zhou Kai, if it doesn't work, just kill me."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard Lin Yi's words.

"If you can't escape, this is the only way." Zhou Kai clenched the knife in his hand,"Next time, you must tell me what happened just now."

"Only in this way can we avoid the monster and reach Sifang Mountain smoothly."

"I know without you telling me."Lin Yi sighed.

He thought he could survive this time, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being killed.

The next time he is resurrected, the time should go back to June 7.

This is good, at least if he escapes on June 7, he won't encounter this crazy monster.

"Hurry up and do it." Lin Yi closed his eyes,"Give me a quick death."

Zhou Kai raised the knife in his hand, and just as he was about to stab Lin Yi, suddenly, a familiar voice came from the front of the alley.

"Lin Yi? Zhou Kai? What are you doing here?"

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