Zhou Yun didn't know why her brother suddenly wanted to take her away, but even so, she was willing to trust her brother unconditionally.

However, Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something.

"Brother, I suddenly remembered that my classmates and I had an appointment to go shopping together this afternoon."Zhou Yun walked to Zhou Kai and whispered

"Because my brother finished his college entrance examination today, I want to buy you a gift"

"Did you guys agree to meet here?" Zhou Kai asked softly.

Zhou Yun nodded:"My classmate said she would come to pick me up on an electric bike."

"The welfare home is hard to find, so my classmates and I made an appointment to meet here."Zhou Yun said

"Please wait for me. I'll call her now to let her know. Otherwise, she might be worried if she doesn't find me."

"Zhou Kai, could the person coming over now be your sister's classmate?" Lin Yi approached Zhou Kai and asked in a low voice

"possible——"Before Zhou Kai finished speaking, his face suddenly turned ugly.

"you......What's wrong with you?" Lin Yi noticed the change in Zhou Kai's expression.

"Behind that person......Follow a monster!"

"What?!" Lin was stunned for a moment,"Why didn't you notice it just now?"

"My perception range is limited." Zhou Kai's tone became urgent,"I can only sense targets within 800 meters."

"800 meters?" Lin Yi realized that something was wrong."So, the monster is very close to us now?"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head and said comfortingly,"They may not be coming towards us."

"Weird, why didn't anyone answer the phone?"Zhou Yun, who was standing by, muttered as he looked at his phone,"Could it be that he was riding his bike and didn't hear it?"

"That monster is coming towards us." Zhou Kai frowned,"The man who is coming towards us......The phone is ringing"

"Isn't it such a coincidence?"Lin Yi glanced at Zhou Yun.

She called her classmate, and the person rushing here had his phone ring.

In other words, the person coming here was Zhou Yun's classmate.

"Wait a minute!"Lin Yi seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned a little ugly.

"Zhou Kai, in the time I went through, you said that after you returned, you found that your sister had become......Became those things"

"In other words, your sister was killed during our exam."

When he said this, Lin Yi looked down at the time displayed on his phone.

"Logically speaking, we should be in the examination room at this time to take the college entrance examination, so, could your sister be killed now?"

The classmate who had made an appointment with Zhou Yun to go shopping was chasing the student monster. Everything was in sync at this moment.

"When your sister's classmate came over, he was chased by the monster because he saw the monster's true face."

"The monster chased her here and saw your sister.......Damn, we just caught up."Lin Yi stamped his feet

"Xiaoyun, let's go!" Zhou Kai grabbed Zhou Yun and turned around and ran

"Wait for me!" Lin Yi followed closely behind them and ran

"Brother, what's wrong?"Zhou Yun noticed that Zhou Kai's face was not right, and asked with concern.

""Leave here first, I'll talk to you later." Zhou Kai didn't have time to explain. At this moment, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

Lin Yi was the same. He didn't want to be killed by those terrible monsters again.

If they didn't leave immediately, the monsters would definitely attack them when they caught up.

But at this moment, Zhou Yun's cell phone suddenly rang.

Zhou Yun pressed the answer button, and her classmate's terrified voice came from the phone:"Zhou Yun, where are you? Save me, there are monsters!"......A monster is trying to kill me!"

"Damn it, why am I so unlucky?"Lin Yi complained.

He couldn't understand why these monsters, who usually hide well, suddenly revealed their true colors.

Could it be that Zhou Yun's classmate happened to see the monsters eating people?

However, she came from the road on an electric bike, so she shouldn't encounter such a thing.

"It's too late." Zhou Kai stopped and quickly took out a knife from his backpack.

""What do you mean?" Lin Yi asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of an electric bike came from not far behind him.

Then, a girl riding an electric bike came into their sight.

"Xiaoke!" Zhou Yun recognized the girl

""Zhou Yun! Zhou Yun, there's a monster! There's a monster chasing me!"

Lin Yi vaguely heard heavy breathing, and a black monster covered with shells appeared in front of them.

This was the first time Lin Yi saw the complete appearance of a monster.

The monster had six long insect legs, and its original two hands had become sickle-shaped forearms.

There were several tentacles covered with barbs on its abdomen, which kept swinging as the monster ran.

A pair of huge compound eyes and a serrated mouthparts, the incongruous appearance was particularly creepy.

"elder brother......"Zhou Yun was frightened by the monster's appearance

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Zhou Kai's face was solemn, and he stood in front of Zhou Yun to protect him.

"Zhou Kai, this monster looks like......Something is wrong.

Although this was the first time Lin Yi saw a complete monster, he had been killed by monsters several times and had some understanding of these monsters.

Even if these monsters took off their disguises, they could still speak human language.

However, the monster in front of him was shaking its head and disgusting mucus kept flowing out of its mouth.

Not only that, Lin Yi smelled a strong smell of alcohol on this monster.

"Could it be that this monster accidentally revealed his true face because he was drunk?"Lin Yi thought it was a little funny.

However, when he thought that the monster disguised as his father would also drink alcohol, he didn't find it strange.

"Not all of them." Zhou Kai held the knife tightly in his hand and stared at the monster intently."This monster's heartbeat is slower than other monsters. It may be an old and sick monster."

"Ah?" Lin Yi was a little surprised."Monster......Will I get sick too?"

"How should I know? This is just my guess." Zhou Kai said,"Besides, is this the time to discuss this?"

""Zhou Yun, I'm sorry." The girl looked horrified. When she passed by Lin Yi, she didn't stop and rode away on her bike."You owe me this. If you hadn't asked me to accompany you to buy things, I wouldn't have encountered such a terrible thing!"

Looking at the back of the girl riding away, the last link of Zhou Kai's sister's murder was also completed.

Zhou Yun's classmate led the monster here, and happened to meet Zhou Yun who was waiting for the classmate to arrive.

As a result, her classmate rode away on the bike, leaving Zhou Yun alone to hold the monster.

"She just ran away like that?" Lin Yi found it unbelievable.

"She can't run away." Zhou Kai sighed,"After seeing the true face of the monster, she will be killed by other monsters sooner or later."

"Xiaoyun, find a place to hide."Zhou Kai bent slightly and prepared to fight the monster.

"Zhou Kai, you don't want to fight this monster, do you?"Lin Yi glanced at the monster that was approaching.

"It's not me." Zhou Kai said,"It's us"

"......"Lin Yi was silent.

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