" I couldn't have heard it wrong" Zhou Kai said with certainty,"His heartbeat frequency is exactly the same as those monsters. He is definitely not a human."

" Your ability, can it be fake?" Lin Yi was extremely confident,"I can guarantee that Lu Linhai must be a human. After all......"

At this point, Lin Yi did not continue.

Lin Yi remembered clearly that he had killed Lu Linhai with his own hands before.

Under Lu Linhai's skin was blood and flesh, not a black shell.

" This is not important" Zhou Kai brought the topic back to the topic,"The most urgent thing is how to rescue my sister."

"Did I tell you when my sister was killed by the monster?" Zhou Kai asked,"And where was she killed?"

Lin Yi shook his head:"You didn't tell me."

"Why don't you ask?";

"How can I ask?"Lin Yi complained,"You came up and stabbed me, and I was not prepared at all. Even if I wanted to ask, it would be too late."

Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and said:"I'm sorry"

He thought for a moment and continued,"Why don't you beat me up? I promise I won't fight back this time."

"Sister Con" Lin Yi cursed in his heart.

Lin Yi was actually very angry about Zhou Kai's behavior.

But seeing Zhou Kai's panic, Lin Yi couldn't do it.

" owe first" Lin Yi said,"After this matter is over, I will find time to beat him back."

" I thought that as long as I stole my sister and I's information, I could survive those monsters"

Zhou Kai clenched his fists, and it was obvious that he was very anxious at the moment.

" I thought that as long as I grew up, I could take my sister away from the orphanage"

" Because we don’t have a mom or a dad, I think as long as I continue to pretend that I don’t know about these monsters, I can survive in this world with my sister."


"Okay, let’s stop talking about this" Lin Yi interrupted Zhou Kai,"As a brother, you should know where your sister usually goes, right?"

Zhou Kai thought for a moment and said,"Because of the college entrance examination, all schools are on holiday. My sister is a freshman in high school this year, and she should have stayed in the welfare home today."

"So, could your sister's accident be in your orphanage?"

Zhou Kai shook his head:"Probably not, those monsters have never done anything in the orphanage. They usually do it after the child is adopted."

" Could it be that your sister was adopted today?";

" Neither" Zhou Kai shook his head again,"If a monster comes to adopt a child, the monster in charge of the orphanage will notify them in advance so that the children there can take good care of themselves."

" Because of this step, I was able to steal my sister and I’s information in advance. However, I did not receive any notification that a monster was coming to adopt a child."

" What on earth is going on?"Lin Yi really couldn't figure it out.

" If you can't guess......" Zhou Kai looked very serious at this time,"I can only stay with my sister all the time"

"You are not going to take the afternoon exam?"Lin Yi asked

" It’s not that I don’t participate, it’s that we don’t participate together" Zhou Kai explained,"Besides, how can the test compare to my sister's safety?";

"I......"You mean, I want to go with you?" Lin Yi was stunned."You mean, I want to go with you?";


" Don't you want to survive?" Zhou Kai said,"If I remember correctly, you just said that you will be killed on June 10th."

" If you want to survive, there is only one way - escape"

"Where to escape to?"Lin Yi asked,"You also said that there are countless monsters in this world. Even if we escape from here, we will still encounter monsters."

" Just don't be discovered by the monsters here" Zhou Kai said,"We fled to a place where no one knows us. As long as we continue to pretend that we didn't find these monsters, they won't attack us."

" After all, they don’t know us, so they don’t know if we have an owner."

Lin Yi thought about it and felt that what Zhou Kai said made sense.


" Don't worry" Before Lin Yi could speak, Zhou Kai rushed to say,"You're going to die anyway, so why not give it a try? Are you willing to be eaten by those monsters like this?";

" Unwilling" Lin Yi shook his head,"I want to live, and if possible, I also want to find my biological parents."

" In that case, it is decided" Zhou Kai said,"I'll tell you the address. Go back and pack up at noon and come directly in the afternoon. I'll wait for you there."

" Don’t take clothes or anything else, it’s troublesome to carry them. If you have money, you can bring"The broadcast announcing the end of the exam sounded, and the candidates in the teaching building left the exam room one after another.

Zhou Kai spoke faster and continued,"Remember, you must not be detected by the monsters."

After the agreement was reached, the two of them left the teaching building one after another.

The noon time passed quickly, and it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when Lin Yi arrived at the place he had agreed to meet with Zhou Kai.

"Why are you so late?"Zhou Kai frowned and looked at Lin Yi who was late.

Lin Yi did not answer, his eyes were attracted by the girl standing next to Zhou Kai.

The girl had a braided pigtail and a pair of big watery eyes.

As if noticing that Lin Yi had been looking at her, the girl smiled shyly, revealing the dimples on her face.

"Brother-in-law, this is our sister?"Lin Yi asked

"You are looking for death!"Zhou Kai cursed,"I am asking you a question, why are you here so late?";

" You said it lightly" Lin Yi curled his lips,"That monster sent me to school and left only after seeing me go in."

" I didn’t dare to go out of the school gate, so I hid in the toilet and waited for the exam to start before I secretly climbed over the wall behind me."

"The exam starts at 3 o'clock this afternoon. You are so far away, so it is early for me to come here now."

"Monster? What monster?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Game, the game he said" Zhou Kai said hurriedly, and then pulled Lin Yi aside

"Didn't you tell your sister about the monster?"Lin Yi asked.

Zhou Kai shook his head and said:"No, she is still young, I am afraid that telling her will scare her. Besides, my sister has a simple personality. If she knew, I'm afraid she couldn't pretend that she knew nothing, it would be easy for her to see through."

" I am in the first year of high school, not too young anymore" Lin Yi turned around and glanced at Zhou Yun

"Where are you looking?" Zhou Kai said angrily,"Do you believe I will dig out your eyes?";

" No, I didn’t see anything" Lin Yi retracted his gaze,"Where are we going now? Take the train?";

" Can’t take a car" Zhou Kai replied,"It would be too conspicuous to take a car, and it would be easy to be found."

" If not by car, what else to ride?";

" Go"

"Walk?" Lin was stunned for a moment,"You are kidding, are you walking away from here on your own two legs?"

Zhou Kai nodded and said,"That's right. Since I found the monster, I have been looking for a safe way to leave here whenever I have time."

" I have been to almost all the places around here. We walked from Sifang Mountain and it would take about five days to reach Lingshi. When we got to Lingshi, where no one knew us, we would take a bus."

When he said this, Zhou Kai suddenly raised his head.

Turning around and looking not far away, Zhou Kai said softly:"Someone is coming."

"Did those monsters find out that we were going to escape so quickly?"After hearing what Zhou Kai said, Lin became nervous for a moment.

However, Zhou Kai shook his head and said:"It's not a monster, it's a human."

" You scared me" Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief,"If it's a human, then there's nothing to be afraid of."

" No" Zhou Kai's expression became a little serious."This place is remote and not close to the road. Basically no one will come here."

"Brother......"At this time, Zhou Yun suddenly came over.

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