"These are all your guesses, not necessarily true." Zhou Kai did not give up, and even acted a little excited.

Lin Yi knew why Zhou Kai had such a reaction.

Their affairs have been known by most of the monsters in the city. Now they can't pretend to know nothing and continue to live in the city like before.

For Zhou Kai, the key is the only way to leave here now.

Once the key in their hands can't help them leave, they will be trapped in the mountains.

Not only that, the monsters in the city have already started searching the mountains, and it is only a matter of time before they are found.

Faced with a large number of monsters, no matter how powerful An Chengdao is, he can't be the opponent of those monsters.

"There may be other reasons that caused us to die after entering the woods."Zhou Kai thought for a while and said,"For example, the traps set in the woods in advance have nothing to do with the key, they are just traps."

"We just happened to trigger the trap when the key turned red, so Lin Yi made a mistake."

"Maybe Lin Yi is not wrong."An Chengdao seemed to have thought of something, he shook his head, his face became a little ugly

"Do you remember what I said before, that the reason I discovered the existence of the monster was because the pigs I raised escaped?"

Lin nodded. An Chengdao once said that he accidentally discovered the skeleton while chasing the escaped pigs, and also saw that the pigs that were about to cross the edge of the city died because of the special device.

"As the pigs passed through the edge of the city, their bodies expanded at an extremely fast rate. When this expansion reached its limit, the pigs' bodies exploded."

"Although I don't know what this feeling is, I think it is similar to the intense pain of being torn apart that Lin Yi just mentioned."

"Therefore, Lin Yi's guess may be correct."

"If the key is fake, then we......What should we do then?" Hopes vanished at this moment, and Zhou Kai couldn't accept it for a moment.

"The key is fake, which means we can't get through the edge of the city. If we can't leave here, what is the point of our persistence and hard work all this time?"

"Brother, it's okay." Zhou Yun seemed to notice Zhou Kai's anxiety. She walked over and comforted him,"As long as we are together, we will definitely be able to find a solution."

"Is this key a trap? I think we can give it a try."In fact, Lin Yi was unwilling to believe that the key was fake.

So, Lin Yi thought about it, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"What method?" Zhou Kai asked impatiently

"Tomorrow we will go to the woods on the edge of the city again, but this time, I will go in alone with the key."

"No."As soon as he finished speaking, An Chengdao shook his head.

"This is too risky. I can't let you do this. Even if we have to go, I should go."

"Uncle An, please listen to me first."Lin Yi continued

"First of all, even if an accident really happened and I died in the woods, my ability can allow me to go back in time."

"Secondly, I didn't say I wanted to die in there."

Lin Yi told the whole plan he had in mind.

Before entering the woods, he would put on An Chengdao's backpack.

The backpack contained An Chengdao's knives. If an accident occurred, An Chengdao outside the woods could use his ability to control the knives to fly out.

In this way, Lin Yi, who was carrying the backpack, would be dragged out of the woods by the knives in the bag, thus ensuring his own safety.

"But, Brother Lin Yi, how do we know if you are safe?" Zhou Yun asked

"That depends on your brother."Lin Yi continued

"After entering the woods, I will keep singing. Zhou Kai can use his ability to hear my voice, and if he finds that the singing has disappeared, he will immediately tell Uncle An."

"This method sounds feasible."Zhou Kai thought about it and agreed with Lin Yi's method.

An Chengdao frowned, but he also thought there was no problem.

But Lu Linhai shook his head and said,"No, I don't agree."

"Why?" Lin Yi asked

"I don't disagree with your method, I just don't agree with you going." Lu Linhai expressed his thoughts.

"This kind of thing should be left to me."

Lu Linhai patted his chest and continued,"I am in good health. If there is really a problem with the key, I can hold it for a while with my physical fitness."

"Moreover, I have a strong ability to recover. If there are any sequelae, I don't have to worry about it with my physical fitness."

Lin Yi shook his head and said,"I have to go."

"I am the only one who remembers what happened after I entered the woods. Therefore, I was the only one who could tell whether the problem was with the key."

"Even if this method fails and I don't come out, even if I go back to the past, I will remember what happened and how I felt after entering the woods, which will be convenient for comparison."


"Lin Yi is right. An Chengdao interrupted Lu Linhai.

"This matter is most suitable for him to complete."

After discussion, everyone agreed with Lin Yi's method.

Soon, time came to the next day.

They came to the woods, and Lin Yi held the key tightly in his hand.

After carrying An Chengdao's backpack, Lin Yi walked into the woods.

"Brother Lin Yi, you have to be careful."Zhou Yun shouted worriedly.

"Although my ability can control the knives I have used, the control distance will be reduced according to my condition."An Chengdao reminded

"In my current state, the range is no more than 1500 meters. Once it exceeds this range, I will not be able to control the knife."

"So, no matter if you find anything or not, as long as I feel that the distance is about to exceed 1,500 meters, I will immediately stop the action and pull you back."

"And me." Zhou Kai continued,"My current sensing range is 1,000 meters. Beyond that, I can't sense anything."

"Lin Yi, you must be careful."Lu Linhai was worried about Lin Yi going alone,"If there is anything wrong, stop singing immediately."

Lin Yi nodded:"Don't worry."

Lin Yi turned around, took a deep breath, and walked into the woods.

Lin Yi sang as he walked.

Soon, the key in his hand emitted a red light.

600 meters, the red light began to spread.

700 meters, the speed of the red light spreading in the crystal gradually accelerated.

800 meters, the red light had spread to two-thirds of the entire crystal.

900 meters, just a little bit, the red light is about to fill the key.

1000 meters, the key in Lin Yi's hand turned completely red.

It was at this moment that the uncomfortable feeling of dizziness came again.

Yes, it was this feeling. Lin Yi felt this kind of dizziness when he entered the woods twice before.

Lin Yi's head began to hurt, as if it was about to explode, and even made him unable to think.

Someone seemed to be talking in his ears, who was it?

"classmate......This classmate......"

Lin Yi had heard this voice before, and it seemed very familiar to him.

Whose voice was this?

""Student, the exam has already started, why are you still sitting there?"

Lin Yi remembered that this was the voice of the invigilator.

In an instant, the surrounding environment changed.

The original forest turned into a familiar examination room.

Lin Yi came back to his senses and saw the test paper in front of him. He was back, back to the day of the exam on June 8.

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