"No, this is an illusion, it must be an illusion."

Lin Yi kept telling himself in his heart after coming back to his senses.

He blinked hard, but when he looked up, he found that he was still in the examination room.

There was no sound around, and the silence was a little scary.

As if they noticed that Lin Yi raised his head, all the students in the examination room slowly turned their heads at this moment and looked at Lin Yi motionlessly.

Their eyes were dull, and there was no emotion in their eyes, like puppets placed on the seats, staring straight at Lin Yi.

This feeling made Lin Yi shudder, and he became more and more anxious.

"Wake up quickly, quickly! Wake up!"Lin Yi kept repeating in his heart

"Student, are you in trouble?"

The invigilator at the side not only did not leave, but even came closer.

His voice became a little strange, sounding neither male nor female, a little hoarse, like a malfunctioning tape recorder.

"With a"pop" sound, something fell on the test paper.

Lin Yi took a look and suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

The thing that fell on the test paper was a piece of human skin!

"If you encounter any trouble, please tell me."

The invigilator let out a low and harsh laugh.

Along with this weird laugh, the skin on his face kept falling off.

"If you encounter any trouble, please tell us."

The other people in the examination room repeated the words of the invigilator, and the moment they opened their mouths, the skin on their faces began to peel off.

One piece after another, it kept falling off.

The scene in front of him was completely different from what Lin Yi had experienced on June 8.

He was very sure that this was not real, but even though he knew it was an illusion, he was still frightened by this weird scene.

As the skin on these people's faces fell off, the serrated mouthparts and huge compound eyes were looming.

As if they felt Lin Yi's inner panic, they laughed stiffly in their throats.

"This is not real."Lin Yi gritted his teeth and forced himself to look at these people.

He had to do this. Only by overcoming the fear in his heart could these illusions disappear.

"You are not monsters." Lin Yi stood up and tried his best to calm himself down.

"I have seen the process of those monsters revealing their true colors."Lin Yi shouted loudly

"When they reveal their true form, their bodies swell up because they are much larger than humans."

"So, when they reveal their true colors, their skin is torn, not falling off piece by piece like yours."

"You are not monsters at all, you are just illusions evolved from the fear in my heart"

"I am not afraid of monsters, so how can I be afraid of you who don’t even exist!"

As Lin Yi shouted, the laughter in the classroom stopped abruptly.

The people in the classroom became sluggish again. Although they were still staring at Lin Yi, they became the same as before, like lifeless puppets.

""I won!" Lin Yi showed a relieved smile on his face.

He felt that he had succeeded and that he had defeated these illusions.

As long as he overcame the fear in his heart, these illusions would be vulnerable.

But why didn't these illusions disappear?

When he thought of this, a familiar voice appeared behind Lin Yi.

"So what?"

Looking back, Zhou Kai, who was in the same examination room as Lin Yi, walked over with stiff steps.

"It doesn't matter whether we are monsters or not." Zhou Kai said as he walked in front of Lin Yishen.

"Even if we weren't monsters, you couldn't escape from here."

"Since you can't escape, why don't you stay with us forever?"

At this moment, everyone in the classroom stood up.

The laughter that had disappeared came out of their throats again.

The laughter spread in the classroom, even more harsh than before, making Lin Yi upset.

Then, the feeling of tearing the body appeared again, and the severe pain instantly spread to Lin Yi's whole body.

"You can't escape, stay here and stay with us forever."

Zhou Kai walked closer and closer. Lin Yi gritted his teeth and saw the pen on the table out of the corner of his eye.

He was unwilling to lose to the monster, but now he had to lose to these damn illusions.

"Lin Yi......Lin Yi......"

Zhou Kai's voice came again, different from the previous voice, this time the shout was full of worry.

However, the uneasy Lin Yi did not notice this. Looking at Zhou Kai walking towards him and the sarcastic smile on his face, Lin Yi was furious.

Lin Yi cursed and grabbed the pen on the table.

He raised his hand and wanted to stab the tip of the pen into Zhou Kai's neck, but before his right hand fell, something invisible suddenly grabbed him.

Lin Yi struggled hard, but he could not break free.

"Lin Yi! Wake up, Lin Yi!"Surprised, Lin Yi suddenly heard Lu Linhai's voice.

However, he didn't see Lu Linhai appear in this examination room at all.

"Brother Lin Yi!"This time, even Zhou Yun's voice came out.

Lin Yi was stunned, and then he noticed that the tearing feeling in his body disappeared.

"You can't escape." Zhou Kai came closer.

As the skin on his face continued to fall off, a serrated mouth emerged.

The mouth opened, and a tongue covered with mucus stretched out from it, slowly licking Lin Yi's face.

"I understand. Although this feeling made Lin Yi feel sick, when the severe pain in his body disappeared, Lin Yi understood.

"My plan was successful." Lin Yi laughed,"I have been pulled out of the woods by Uncle An and his men."

"You know I can't die, so you want to destroy my will in this way."

"To you, my negative emotions are your nourishment, whether it is fear, anger or tension, as long as I still have negative emotions, your damn illusions will never disappear."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi simply closed his eyes.

He let his mind go blank, and then the laughter around him began to dissipate.

"What should I do? Lin Yi hasn't woken up yet."With the laughter, this time, Lin Yi clearly heard Lu Linhai's worried voice.

"Brother, please think of a solution quickly." This is Zhou Yun's voice

"It really doesn't work......Just give him two slaps." Zhou Kai's voice was filled with worry and excitement.

"Maybe slapping him twice will wake him up."

"I'll do it, I'm strong!" Lu Linhai said

"No, no, no, let me do it." Zhou Kai stopped Lu Linhai.

"How can that be? This kind of hard work must be given to me." Lu Linhai retorted.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, and the examination room around him disappeared. At this time, he was standing outside the woods on the edge of the city.

"Do you really want to hit me?"Looking at Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai who were fighting to slap him, Lin Yi looked helpless.

""Brother Lin Yi, are you awake?" Zhou Yun asked.

Lin Yi nodded and looked back at his right hand, which was being tightly grasped by An Chengdao.

It seems that what happened in the hallucination will also happen in reality.

"Uncle An, I'm fine."

An Chengdao didn't let go, frowning and staring at Lin Yi, which made Lin Yi a little scared.

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