An Chengdao stared at Lin Yi's eyes intently, and only let go of his hand after he confirmed through his eyes that Lin Yi was really awake.

"I'm glad you're okay." An Chengdao heaved a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, what did you find?"

An Chengdao's words made everyone focus on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi frowned and sighed:"Although I don't want to admit it,......This thing is indeed a trap."

Lin Yi raised the key in his hand to his chest and continued:"It was fine at first, but when the red light inside this thing was completely filled, the dizziness I felt twice before appeared again."

"Then, I saw the examination room on June 8th."

"However, this time I was very clear, because what I saw was completely different from what I had seen in the past."

"This thing can make us hallucinate based on the negative emotions in our hearts, causing us to lose control of our bodies until we crash into a special device on the edge of the city and die."

"If Uncle An hadn't pulled me out in time, and if you hadn't shouted at me, even if I hadn't died from those special devices, I would have been destroyed and would never have woken up."

"This thing......It's actually fake." Lu Linhai gnashed his teeth in anger.

Zhou Kai did the same. He took the key from Lin Yi and smashed it to the ground.

"With a"bang", a crack appeared on the surface of the crystal, but Zhou Kai did not stop, as if he wanted to vent all his anger on this thing.

While cursing, he picked up the key and smashed it on the ground again.

As he continued to vent his anger, the crystal finally broke into several pieces.

But when Lin Yi and others saw what was inside the crystal, they were stunned.

"The inside of this thing is not transparent?!"Lu Linjia exclaimed.

The crystal lying on the ground, the transparency seen on the surface is just an illusion.

When the crystal was smashed by Zhou Kai, Lin Yi and others saw the densely packed metal parts in the crystal.

"I always thought it was a crystal or something like that."Lin Yi picked up a piece from the ground and muttered,"After all this time, this thing is a machine."

Lin Yi roughly understood.

The reason why this thing can make them hallucinate is probably because it is a mechanical device.

It can sense the special device on the edge of the city. Once someone takes it close, it will be activated, causing hallucinations in the people nearby.

But as he watched, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

Whether it was the structure or the parts inside, this thing was much more sophisticated than the machines they knew.

Not only that, these parts were all things Lin Yi had never seen before.

Looking at the instrument in his hand, Lin Yi couldn't help but be a little surprised. Could it be that the technological level of these monsters has far surpassed human civilization?

If this is true, then do they really have hope of winning?

"If the key is fake, then the information that Uncle An found......"Lu Linhai, who was standing by, didn't know what Lin Yi was thinking. He frowned and said in a low voice:

"Those materials are half true and half false."Lin Yi picked up all the broken instruments on the ground and put them into his bag.

He felt that these things still needed to be studied.

"For example, the page that records the monsters, because we have seen monsters, we believe the content of the information."Lin Yi continued

"But we would never have thought that these real contents would be mixed with traps."

"The Peach Blossom Spring in the Far North......"When he said this, Lu Linhai glanced at Zhou Kai.

"Could it be fake too?"

Zhou Kai didn't say anything, but from his eyes, it was clear that he was a little skeptical.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Lin Yi shook his head and said,"Whether it is true or not is not important to our current situation."

"The most urgent thing is what should we do next"

"The monsters in the city already know about us, so we definitely can't stay in this city."

Lin Yi looked back at the woods behind him and continued,"The special device on the edge of the city will kill us, so this road is not feasible."

""Why don't we dig out these special devices?" Lu Linhai asked

"These devices should be buried underground, after all, they are too obvious if placed on the ground. If we dig out the devices and destroy them, can we pass through?"

""I can't dig them out." An Chengdao said coldly,"After knowing the existence of these special devices, I have tried to find them."

"However, because the exact location of these devices is uncertain, and we don’t know how deep they are buried, we can’t find them for a while."

"We can't stay in Sifang Mountain any longer." Zhou Kai added

"The monsters in the city have already started searching the mountain. It's only a matter of time before they find us. If we continue to hide here, they will find us sooner or later."

"By then, we will not be facing one or two monsters, but a group of monsters."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, is there only one way to go, death?" Lu Linhai thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said,"If it doesn't work, we can just fight those monsters."

"Even if I die, I have to kill a few."

"It's not that there is no way to leave here."Lin Yi seemed to have thought of something.

"Have you figured out a solution?" Zhou Kai asked

"Didn't Uncle An say that high-quality humans would be sent to other places by the monsters in the city?"Lin Yi said

"That is, these routes have no special equipment and we can leave from these routes"

"No." An Chengdao shook his head.

"These routes are not without special devices, but these devices will open a gap at a specific time for the monsters to enter and exit."

"I have investigated these routes. One is the route for buses leaving the long-distance bus station, and the other is the high-speed rail."An Chengdao picked up a branch from the ground and simply drew two lines on the ground.

"Another thing to note is that even if we want to leave from these two routes, we must take the bus and high-speed rail. Only by taking public transportation can we avoid being killed by special devices."

"I have experimented with pigs. After the bus left, I drove the pigs to the route the bus passed. When the pigs approached the edge of the city, they also died."

"Therefore, the only way to leave here is to take the transportation designated by these monsters and follow these two routes."

"However, these two conditions are harder for us to achieve than climbing to heaven."Zhou Kai sighed.

"That's right, if there is no monster accompanying, it is impossible for humans to buy tickets. Not only can they not buy them, but they will also attract the attention of monsters. Especially since our business has been discovered by monsters."An Chengdao threw away the branch in his hand.

Lin Yi frowned and thought about it, and a bold idea popped up in his mind.

"We will not consider the high-speed rail route for the time being, after all, the train attendants on the high-speed rail may be monsters in disguise."Lin Yi said

"However, I think we should try the bus route."

"Try?" Zhou Kai raised his head and asked,"How to try?"

"Carjacking!" Lin Yi said word by word.

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