"Are you crazy?" Zhou Kai was shocked when he heard the two words coming out of Lin Yi's mouth.

"Don't be anxious, just listen to me first."Lin Yi knew why Zhou Kai had such a reaction. After all, given their current situation, carjacking was a very dangerous thing.

However, Lin Yi had his own considerations.

"The reason why I ruled out the high-speed rail route is that there are many train attendants and police on the high-speed rail. They are all monsters in disguise. Once they start fighting, there are many of them and we may not be able to defeat them."Lin Yi continued

"Secondly, we can't stop the high-speed train while it's running, which means that if we want to leave by high-speed train, we have to pass through the high-speed train station. If we appear at the high-speed train station, the monster will catch us immediately."

"But the bus is different."When he said this, Lin paused.

Zhou Kai was stunned at first, and then seemed to understand Lin Yi's idea.

"The bus can indeed be stopped, but there are monsters on it too."Zhou Kai said

"big���There are indeed monsters on the bus, but how many monsters can there be on a bus heading out of the city?"

"The tourist buses in this city, including the driver's seat and the co-driver's seat, can accommodate up to 51 people. Even if half of these 51 people are monsters, there are only 25 or 26 at most, which is much less than the high-speed train."

"Secondly, the purpose of these means of transportation is to transport high-quality humans, so do you think there are more monsters or humans on the train?"

"There are many humans." Lu Linhai replied

"That's right."Lin Yi nodded, looked at Zhou Kai and continued,"Your ability can distinguish who is a monster and who is a human. As long as we stop the bus and lead the monsters away, we can steal the bus and escape from here."

After listening to Lin Yi's story, Zhou Kai thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Besides, this was their only way.

However, An Chengdao had a different opinion.

"No, your method sounds reasonable, but it is a bit troublesome to implement."An Chengdao shook his head,"The most critical issue is how do you ensure that the bus will stop?"

"We stand in the middle of the road to stop it." Lu Linhai replied

"If you try to stop the bus this way, I'm sure the driver will just run over you."An Chengdao said bluntly.

"You know, the drivers are not humans, but monsters. They won't be scared or soft-hearted just because someone appears in front of them."

"Besides, even if the driver stopped the car, they might immediately notify other monsters after seeing us. If there were only one or two monsters, I would be sure to kill them immediately."

"But if you have to face more than ten monsters, it will be more difficult to deal with them."

"The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

"What if the bus can stop without us showing up?"Lin Yi also thought of An Chengdao's concerns, and accordingly, Lin Yi also had a way to deal with it.

"If we don't show up, the bus will have to stop for other things, and the monsters on it will not be so vigilant. Will the probability of us robbing the bus be greater?"

"What could be the problem?" Lu Linhai asked,"Did Uncle An use his ability to puncture the tire? But if so, we can't use the bus."

"No, there are other ways. For example......"Lin Yi thought for a moment and slowly said,"Inside"

""An insider?" Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi in confusion,"Where can we get the insider from?""

"Now most of the monsters in the city know about us."Zhou Kai continued

"Needless to say, the three of us didn't take the exams or attend the graduation party, so those weirdos in the class must have noticed it."

"Needless to say, the welfare home where Xiaoyun and I were staying must have discovered our escape. Therefore, it was impossible for any of us to sneak onto the car and act as an insider."

"We can't, but that doesn't mean others can't."Lin Yi said calmly.

"You know, there are other humans in this city besides us."

"Who are you going to find?" An Chengdao asked,"Let's not talk about whether those people will believe what we say. Just the bus leaving the city is not something that everyone can get on."

"Just find a high-quality human being."Lin Yi thought for a while and said,"For example, this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination"

"Now, it has been more than 20 days since the end of our college entrance examination, and the results have indeed come out."Zhou Kai thought for a while.

"But how can you be sure that the top scorer in the college entrance examination is the high-quality human being that the monsters want to send to other places?"

"I guessed." Lin Yi shrugged.

"Monsters select high-quality humans based on intelligence, physical strength, etc. When the two monsters wanted to eat me before, they said that they were afraid that it would affect the taste of the meat. It can be seen that they still value the quality of human meat."

"Even if the top scorer in the college entrance examination is no longer human, we can find other humans."

"Besides, although my ability is unreliable, at least it can be used."When he said this, Lin Yi looked up at the

"If we can't find the right person, I can use my ability to select someone from the bus leaving the city. Then I can use my ability to go back in time and contact this person."

"As long as we make that person believe in the existence of monsters, he can be our spy."

"At that time, the insider only needs to cause some chaos on the bus to stop. Then we can take advantage of the opportunity to seize the bus."

"This is our only solution, folks.���"Actually, Lin Yi also knew that his method had loopholes.

However, they were running out of time.

Instead of hiding in the mountains and wasting his will, he might as well try other methods.

Even if these methods failed, he could just rush to the monsters and let them kill him, then go back to the past and start over.

Lin Yi made up his mind that no matter what method he used, he didn't want to lose to those monsters.

Only by escaping from this city would he have a chance to understand what happened in this world.

"In that case, let's give it a try."An Chengdao sighed and finally nodded.

With a new plan, Lin Yi and others set off immediately.

They planned to return to the city first, and then look for someone suitable to act as an insider.

It took five days to get to the edge of the city, and now it will take another five days to go back, but as long as they can finally escape from here, everything will be worth it.

Five days later, they came to Sifang Mountain again. They wanted to go down the mountain at night and find a place to hide.

But before they could take any action, Zhou Kai's face suddenly became a little ugly.

He stopped the others and whispered:"Everyone, bad news - a monster is coming up."

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