"Monsters?!" Lu Linhai frowned and asked,"Have those damn ugly monsters discovered us?"

Zhou Yun held Zhou Kai's hand tightly. Although she didn't say anything, she was a little nervous.

Zhou Kai shook his head and said,"Not yet. Judging from the current location of these monsters, they are scattered."

"They should be searching the mountain." Zhou Kai looked around and continued

"However, there are monsters on almost all the roads down the mountain. If we go down directly, we will definitely encounter them."

"It's no use hiding here. These monsters will find us sooner or later."

"I didn't expect them to find this place so quickly." Lu Linhai said while gritting his teeth

"Their speed is considered slow."Lin Yi roughly calculated in his mind and then said

"At normal speed, these monsters should have started searching Sifang Mountain a few days ago."

"The reason why they started searching here so late might be to avoid arousing suspicion from other humans in the city, so they chose to search the mountain at night."

Lin Yi thought for a moment and continued,"Besides, they should be searching very carefully, so the search speed will be slowed down."

"No matter whether they are fast or slow, since we have encountered them, we will fight them and carve out a bloody path!" Lu Linhai showed a solemn expression, as if he was ready to fight the monsters at any time.

"Fight for nothing!" Zhou Kai glared at him and said,"Do you know how many monsters are entering the mountain now? You are still fighting your way out. I think we will be killed into a pool of meat paste.’"

"How can you be so arrogant and destroy your own prestige?" Lu Linhai curled his lips and said aggrievedly,"Whose side are you on?"

"Zhou Kai is right. Lin Yi explained,"It's night now, and we are in the mountains. Plus, there are more monsters than us. The time, the place, the people, and the monsters have it all."

"If we confront them head on, even if we have Uncle An, the result will not be very ideal."

"I'll lead them away." The bone-chopping knife flew out of the bag and was held in An Chengdao's hand."When they come after me, you can take the opportunity to go down the mountain."

""What about you, Uncle An?" Zhou Yun asked worriedly.

"No, we can't let Uncle An go alone."Lu Linhai said,"It's too dangerous. I'll go with Uncle An. We've been training for so long, I should be able to help." Lin Yi frowned and thought, if An Chengdao led the monsters away, they could indeed go down the mountain smoothly.

However, facing a large number of monsters, what should An Chengdao do after leading the monsters away?

Should he abandon An Chengdao and ignore him?

Lin Yi couldn't do it.

So, he quickly thought of a way to lead the monsters away and let everyone go down the mountain safely.

"Don't bother with that." Lin Yi raised his head and said,"I've come up with a good idea."

"What method?" Zhou Kai asked

"Let's give these monsters a diversion."

"Is there any difference between this and what Uncle An said?"Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment.

"Of course there is a difference." Lin Yi continued to explain,"We don't have to attract the monsters into the mountain ourselves, but we can set fire to the mountain for them."

"Set fire to the mountain?!" Lu Linhai was a little surprised.

An Chengdao frowned and thought about it, then nodded and said,"This is indeed a good idea."

The monsters sensed by Zhou Kai were scattered on almost every road down the mountain.

Even if An Chengdao tried to attract the monsters’ attention, he might not be able to attract all the monsters in all places.

Although Zhou Kai’s ability could sense the location of the monsters, it could not guarantee that Lin Yi and others could successfully avoid all the monsters and leave Sifang Mountain safely.

For example, they chose a way down the mountain, but when they were halfway there, they found that a monster was about to enter the mountain.

They wanted to go back and choose another way down the mountain, but they found that there were also monsters on the road behind them.

In this way, they were caught in a dilemma.

However, setting fire to the mountain is different.

After the flames burned, they were much more conspicuous than An Chengdao acting alone. Once the fire grew, all the monsters on the mountain could see it.

"But how can you guarantee that these monsters will definitely rush to where the fire is spreading?" Lu Linhai asked

"Because these monsters have to maintain human habits."Lin Yi replied

"Although most of the people in this city are monsters, there are also humans. In order to prevent these humans from discovering the true identity of the monsters, these monsters will definitely maintain human living habits."

"Therefore, they will never let the fire spread, and it will not benefit them."

"Then let Uncle An use his ability to create some chaos, and these monsters will definitely be fooled."

"Okay, let's do as Lin Yi said." Lu Linhai nodded, eager to take action.

"Zhou Kai's sensing range is 1,000 meters, which means those monsters are very close to us. We have to hurry up and catch them off guard."

"Take this." Three boning knives and a bleeding knife flew out of An Chengdao's bag and landed in the hands of Lin Yi and the other four.

"Although we need to set a fire, we can't act together." An Chengdao glanced into the distance and continued,"I know where the bushes are most likely to burn, and I can go alone."

"Uncle An, you——"Lin Yi is worried about An Chengdao acting alone

"You guys can't help me if you follow me." An Chengdao interrupted Lin Yi.

"Don't worry, I will follow your instructions and won't confront those monsters head on."

"You guys find a place to hide first, and when the fire starts, find a chance to get down the mountain."

"I will catch up with you. Although I can't sense your location, my knife is in your hand, and I can find you by controlling the knife."

"Uncle An, I'd better go with you." Lu Linhai clenched the knife in his hand.

"I didn't discuss this with you." An Chengdao said firmly.

"You all know how troublesome those monsters are, so you three must stay together."

"If you encounter a monster, the three of you can attack together and avoid being killed by the monster. Only in this way can you protect little Zhou Yun and get down the mountain smoothly."

Lin Yi frowned, although he was worried, he still nodded:"Uncle An, you must be careful."

Zhou Kai looked at Zhou Yun beside him and said nothing more.

"Uncle An, we are waiting for you at the foot of the mountain, you must come down." Lu Linhai said.

After that, An Chengdao turned and left.

Lin Yi and others quickly found a place to hide. With Zhou Kai there, they would not be discovered by the monsters immediately.

Soon, there was a fire on the Sifang Mountain.

The fire spread quickly, just as Lin Yi planned, the monsters on the mountain quickly rushed to the place where the fire started.

"The monsters on this road have all left."Seeing the monsters leave, Zhou Kai whispered

"Let's go down the mountain."Lin Yi and others quickly went down the mountain.

Seeing that they were about to leave Sifang Mountain, Zhou Kai's face suddenly darkened, and he turned around and looked behind him, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"Lin Yi noticed Zhou Kai's expression.

"There is a monster......Coming towards us!"

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