The little boy limped towards Zhou Yun, shouting"Mom" non-stop.

He opened his arms and wanted to hug Zhou Yun, but Zhou Kai was quick-witted and grabbed his collar the moment the little boy approached.

"You little thing, not only are you talking nonsense, but you also dare to touch me. Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

Zhou Kai frowned and said viciously

""Little boy, you recognized the wrong person, didn't you?" Zhou Yun asked softly,"I'm not your mother."

The little boy was a little anxious. He kept waving his hands and kept shouting"Mom".

As he shouted, the little boy started crying.

Compared with other children in the village, this little boy's reaction made Lin Yi feel that something was wrong.

After careful recollection, among the children who had gathered together and talked about which part of their bodies was delicious, this little boy was not there at all.

""Little boy, why do you say she is your mother?" Lin Yi squatted down and asked in a low voice.

The little boy looked at Zhou Yun and murmured,"My mother......The best looking......"

"Looks good?"Lin was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Zhou Kai.

"What he said later is quite right, my sister is just pretty."Zhou Kai said casually

""Mom, I've been looking for you for a long time." The little boy stared at Zhou Yun intently, tears falling from his eyelids, looking very pitiful.

"Little boy, I'm really not your mother." Zhou Yun also squatted down and explained patiently

""Mom, please don't leave, okay?" It was obvious that the little boy's intelligence level was not high. No matter what others said, he could not change his mind about the things he had determined.

However, his next sentence caught Lin Yi's attention.

The little boy stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Yun and said,"Mom, I miss you so much. Please don't go with them. They are bad people."

"Go with them?" Lin Yi frowned, and when he looked up again, his eyes met Zhou Kai's.

""Little boy, who did your mother go with?" Zhou Kai also noticed that the boy's words were a little strange, so he asked hurriedly.

However, the boy ignored him and just looked at Zhou Yun, muttering the same words over and over again.

"Brother, let me ask him."

Zhou Yun thought about it. Since the little boy regarded her as his mother, then the boy might answer her words.

"Little boy, who are those bad guys you mentioned? Where did they take your mother?"

The little boy listened to Zhou Yun's words. He raised his hand and pointed to the ancestral hall not far away.

"Mom, please don't go in again."

"Ancestral hall?!" Lin Yi was a little surprised,"This child's mother is in the ancestral hall?"

"Impossible." Zhou Kai shook his head.

"In the temple, besides the elderly saint, there were only two men responsible for protecting her."


"The child's mother has......No more."Zhou Kai said in a low voice

"There is something wrong with this village."Lin Yi's face became a little serious.

He thought for a moment and said,"No, we can't stay here for long. Let's go back and meet up with Uncle An and the others. We'll sneak out at night."

Zhou Kai nodded, but when he let go, the little boy quickly grabbed Zhou Yun's hand.

He held it tightly, with no intention of letting go.

""Let go!" Zhou Kai yelled.

Although the little boy was very scared, he never let go.

He clung to Zhou Yun tightly, as if Zhou Yun would disappear if he let go.

"I don't! I want to be with my mom!"

"you——"Zhou Kai was about to speak, but was stopped by Lin Yi

"He doesn't seem to be willing to let go. If we forcibly pull him away, he will start crying and will surely be noticed by people nearby."

Lin Yi glanced at the ancestral hall and continued,"Besides, this place is not far from the ancestral hall. It will be troublesome if the saint inside notices it."

"Go back to Uncle Tian first, and then find an excuse to ask Uncle Tian to send him away."

When he returned to the wooden shed where Tian Wenlei lived, before he entered, Tian Wenlei saw the little boy following Zhou Yun.

"Xiaohu?"Tian Wenlei recognized the little boy at a glance.

Tian Wenlei walked over, and before Lin Yi could speak, he said,"Little girl, does he think you are his mother?"

Tian Wenlei's words surprised Lin Yi.

"Xiaohu, let go, she is not your mother. Tian Wenlei stretched out his hand and tried to pull the little boy away from Zhou Yun.

""Mom, let's go! He's a bad guy!" The little boy pulled Zhou Yun and shouted

"You kid......"Tian Wenlei sighed and took his hand back.

"Lin Yi, don't mind it, he will always be like this whenever there are new people in the village."

Tian Wenlei didn't seem to care about what the little boy said.

His reaction made Lin Yi curious.

Lin Yi thought about it and asked directly,"Uncle Tian, who is the mother of this child?"......"

Normal people would be curious about this kind of thing.

If you don't ask, it would seem a bit strange.

"No more." Tian Wenlei answered straightforwardly.

"Xiaohu is a poor child."He went on to say,"In fact, there are many people like him in the village."

"You also know that when fighting with aliens, there will inevitably be casualties."

"In that battle, Xiaohu's mother was seriously injured."

"We finally brought Xiaohu's mother back, hoping that the Saint Lady could save her, but it was too late."

"When she was taken to the ancestral hall, Xiaohu's mother had already died."

Tian Wenlei's answer can indeed explain Xiaohu's strange behavior.

He saw the people in the village bring his mother into the ancestral hall, but since then, his mother has disappeared.

Due to his intellectual problems, Xiaohu did not know what death was, so he regarded the people in the village as bad people and did not want to get close to the ancestral hall.

When he said this, Tian Wenlei sighed again.

He glanced at Xiaohu beside Zhou Yun, smiled bitterly and said,"But it's good this way, at least he feels that his mother is still alive, she was just hidden by us."

"So that's how it is." Although Lin Yi agreed with Tian Wenlei, his words made him discover another strange thing - according to Tian Wenlei's explanation, the people in this village had been fighting with the aliens for many years. Since there were casualties among the villagers, why didn't Lin Yi see any injured people?

"Xiaohu lives with his grandfather now. I will take him home first. If I go back too late, his grandfather will be worried."

Tian Wenlei reached out to the little boy again.

""No!" The little boy suddenly became very excited. He picked up the stone on the ground, along with the dirt on the ground, and threw it at Tian Wenlei.

The dust accidentally got into Lin Yi's eyes. He raised his hand to rub it. When he opened his eyes again, he vaguely saw something coming out of the little boy's body.

It was a silk thread emitting a faint white light.

One end of the silk thread connected the little boy, and the other end slowly floated towards Zhou Yun.

This is......what?!

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