Lin Yi didn't know what this thread that suddenly appeared was. It looked like spider silk, but because it emitted a faint white light, it became somewhat obvious.

If there were threads coming out of Xiaohu's body, did it mean that he was not a human being at all, but an alien?

Lin Yi didn't dare to touch the thread directly with his hands. He didn't know what would happen after touching it.

However, he couldn't just watch the thread connect to Zhou Yun.

Looking at Tian Wenlei who was trying to stop Xiaohu from throwing stones, Lin Yi had an idea.

"Xiaohu, stop and don't throw it."Lin Yi said as he walked forward.

""Ouch!" Lin Yi shouted after taking a step, pretending to be accidentally tripped and bumped into Tian Wenlei. He pushed Tian Wenlei hard, and Tian Wenlei, who didn't react, crashed straight into Xiaohu.

The other end of the silk thread touched Tian Wenlei's body, but just when Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the silk thread actually came out of his body and continued to float towards Zhou Yun.

What the hell is this thing?!

Lin Yi was a little anxious. He couldn't find a suitable tool around him for a while, so he took off his clothes and waved the silk thread hard.

This silk thread was extremely strange, it seemed to have no entity, no matter how Lin Yi waved it, the clothes would pass through the silk thread.

""Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Kai noticed a series of strange actions by Lin Yi.

He knew very well that Lin Yi could not do these things for no reason.

Zhou Kai became alert and used his ability to observe carefully, but he found nothing.

"Let me go! I want to be with my mother!"Xiaohu, who was throwing stones randomly, was caught by Tian Wenlei.

Tian Wenlei picked him up and no matter how Xiaohu struggled, he never let go.

Looking back at Lin Yi, Tian Wenlei asked:"Lin Yi, why did you push me just now?"

"I didn't stand firmly just now and almost fell down. I pushed you by accident." Lin Yi hurriedly explained,"I'm sorry, Uncle Tian"

"It doesn't matter. The roads here are not as cement as those in the city, so it's really hard to walk on them."

Tian Wenlei looked at the clothes in Lin Yi's hand, and then asked,"Then why are you taking off your clothes?"

"I......"Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, Lin Yi said,"There are insects."

"I seemed to see some bugs flying around just now. Sister Xiaoyun is most afraid of bugs."

"I want to drive the bugs away"

"Insects?"Tian Wenlei frowned."I have lived in the village for so long and have never seen any insects."

"Maybe I saw it wrong."

"Uncle Tian, do you want to send Xiaohu back first?"Since these methods cannot stop the silk thread from continuing to float towards Zhou Yun, we can only solve it from the root.

The best way is to let Tian Wenlei take Xiaohu away.

"You are right. If he comes back too late, his grandfather will be worried. Tian Wenlei nodded.

"I won’t leave! I want to be with my mother!" Xiaohu in Tian Wenlei’s arms shouted, but his struggle was of no avail.

"You are weirdos! You are going to kill my mom!"

"Mommy mommy!"

"Lin Yi, I'll take Xiaohu back first and I'll be back in a while. Tian Wenlei seemed to be used to Xiaohu's reaction.

"It's dark now, and you are not familiar with the village, so don't run around."

After that, Tian Wenlei carried Xiaohu and walked away.

As they left, the white light disappeared at some point.

Lin Yi turned around and looked at Zhou Yun, and asked worriedly:"Sister Xiaoyun, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"Uncomfortable?" Zhou Yun shook his head."No, I think I'm in pretty good shape now."

"Don't rush to answer me, feel it carefully"

"Lin Yi, did you find anything? Zhou Kai walked up and asked

"The way you waved your clothes around just now looked like you were possessed by a ghost."

"Didn't you see it?"Lin was stunned for a moment.

"A thread came out of the kid named"Xiao Hu".

Lin Yi told Zhou Kai what he had just seen, but after hearing it, Zhou Kai became even more confused.

""I didn't see any wires coming out of his body."

"Brother Lin Yi, I didn't see any thread coming towards me either." Zhou Yun recalled that he did not see the thread that Lin Yi mentioned.

"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?" Zhou Kai asked

"If there really was a thread coming out of that little thing, I couldn't have failed to see it."

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Yi also found it very strange.

The thread was emitting a faint glow, and it should be very conspicuous in this night without electric lights.

But why was I the only one who saw it?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi frowned.

"Could it be because of the rat soup you drank? What you saw was actually an illusion?"It's not that Zhou Kai didn't believe Lin Yi. If there really was a line like what Lin Yi said, with his enhanced vision, he would definitely be able to see it.

"You also drank the soup. If you really had hallucinations, how come you are fine?" Lin Yi asked back.

"No matter what the line is, we can't stay in this village any longer." Zhou Kai thought about it and felt that this village was more and more unsafe.

"After Uncle An and the others come back, we will discuss how to escape."

Not long after, An Chengdao came back.

Like Lin Yi and the others, An Chengdao also met enthusiastic villagers, but once he wanted to ask about the village, these people's descriptions were surprisingly consistent - still how good this village is, how safe it is.

"Compared to the people in this village, I think the weirdos in the city are more like humans."An Chengdao frowned and said.

If you think about it carefully, if those weirdos didn't reveal their original���The way they spoke and acted was indeed the same as that of humans.

However, the people in this village made Lin Yi feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

""Why haven't Lu Linhai and the others come back yet?" An Chengdao glanced outside the wooden shed, his tone revealing a hint of worry.

Since they had decided to leave the village, they had to act as soon as possible.

No one knew what would happen next. The longer they stayed here, the more dangerous it would be.

But they waited for a long time, but Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng did not come.

Instead, Tian Wenlei, who had originally sent Xiaohu back, ran back with a nervous look on his face.

"Lin Yi, have the two guys who were with you come back?"

Lin Yi shook his head:"No"

"Uncle Tian, what happened?"

"Oh no, they didn't really go to the woods north of the village, did they?"Tian Wenlei looked very anxious.

"The woods in the north of the village?" Lin Yi continued to ask,"Uncle Tian, can't we go to the woods in the north of the village?"

"You can't go there." Tian Wenlei frowned and said,"It's my fault for not telling you."

"The woods in the north of the village are forbidden areas in the village and cannot be visited casually, especially at night."

"If you go to the woods north of the village at night, you will definitely die!"

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