Zhou Kai looked back at the people following them. This feeling made him feel like a prisoner who was out for some fresh air and was being watched all the time.

"Could you please stop following us?" Zhou Kai stopped and said with a frown.

Lin Yi didn't want them to follow him either, so he continued Zhou Kai's words and said,"Uncle Tian, we just want to take a walk around here, relax and calm ourselves down."

"You know, we haven't found our friend yet, and we feel a little sad."

"I understand how you feel now." Tian Wenlei took two steps forward. His tone was calm and comforting, sounding like a patient elder.

"But you also said that you are not calm now. What if you get anxious and go into the woods because you are worried about your friend?"

"Lin Yi, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Moreover, the successor of the Saint Lady is also here. She is related to the future of the village. We must ensure her safety."

"Does that mean that if I don't go, you won't follow me?" Zhou Yun's sudden words surprised Zhou Kai.

In Zhou Kai's mind, Zhou Yun has always been an obedient, well-behaved and sensible sister.

From childhood to adulthood, whenever she needed to make a choice, Zhou Kai would help her analyze it and then make the decision according to Zhou Kai's wishes.

At this moment, what Zhou Yun said was obviously a little unexpected.

"Xiaoyun, what are you doing?"Zhou Kai hurriedly pulled Zhou Yun aside.

"Brother, aren't we looking for a safe route out of here?" Zhou Yun replied in a low voice.

"They are following us all the time, which makes it very inconvenient for us to move. If they find out that we want to escape from here, no one knows what will happen."

"Since they want to protect me, I will stay here. As long as they don't follow you and Brother Lin Yi, you can act freely."

"No, I can't leave you here alone."

"Brother!" Zhou Yun pouted, looking a little unhappy.

"Can you please stop treating me like a child?"

"I have grown up. Although I am not as good as you in dealing with aliens, I don't want to be a burden to you."

"That won't work either." Zhou Kai shook his head and said

"I will stay with you, and let Lin Yi go alone"

"If Brother Lin Yi goes alone, what if he encounters danger? There is no one to take care of each other."Zhou Yun's tone was firm.

"I'm in the village and I won't be in danger."

"Even if there is danger, I am not afraid." Zhou Yun continued

"When we were in the mountains, although Uncle An didn't give me the devilish training like you guys, he did teach me a lot of self-defense skills."

"If a fight really breaks out, even if I am not their opponent, I will not be easily caught by them."

Zhou Yun patted his backpack and said,"I still have the knife that Uncle An sharpened for me in my bag."

"When I was on the bus, Brother Zhang Cheng gave me a box of lime powder."

"If there is real danger, I will sprinkle lime in their eyes, then stab them, and then run away.

In order to reassure Zhou Kai, Zhou Yun continued:"When the time comes, I will shout loudly, and you will definitely come over when you hear my shouting."

"I think Xiaoyun's method is feasible."Lin Yi came over.

"Even if the people living in the village are not good people, they dare not take action in the village."

"Why?" Zhou Kai glanced at Lin Yi.

"Because they don’t want to get hurt. Lin Yi explained

"They said that the rats and strange birds in the forest were extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, and that any injured people would be gathered together and sent to a specific place for recovery."

"If we fight in the village and get hurt, the smell of blood will attract rats and strange birds to the village."

When Tian Wenlei told Lin Yi that the village would deal with the bodies together, Lin Yi thought of this.

At first, he couldn't understand why they didn't choose to attack them when Lin Yi and his team entered the village if the people in this village were also aliens, or they were humans but not good people.

The people in the village also had God's Chosen. If they attacked together, even if Lin Yi and his team had An Chengdao, the other party would be able to use the advantage of numbers to defeat them.

But now, Lin Yi understood.

The villagers were afraid of the rats and strange birds in the forest.

In terms of numbers, the people in this village could never compare to these strange things.

"Brother, just trust me this time." Zhou Yun stood on tiptoe and patted Zhou Kai on the shoulder, saying with a smile

"Your sister is not such a useless person. Besides, Brother Lin Yi's eyesight is not as good as yours. Together, you two can definitely find a safe route out of here quickly."

Zhou Kai didn't say anything, and it was obvious that he was quite hesitant.

Looking at Zhou Kai's tangled expression, Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Zhou Kai was not only a sister control, but also a patient with a late stage of sister control.

"Brother, if you don't listen to me, I will never talk to you again." Zhou Yun frowned and pretended to be angry.

"By then I won't call you 'brother' anymore, I'll go solo"

"I'll go, isn't it okay for me to go?" Zhou Kai finally relented.

After Zhou Yun decided to stay, another person arranged by Brother Lei followed her all the time.

Tian Wenlei was a little worried about Lin Yi, but under Lin Yi's repeated assurances, Tian Wenlei had no choice but to give up.

"Xiaoyun, if anything happens, just yell and I will come back immediately."After Zhou Kai repeatedly reminded Lin Yi, he followed him and walked away.

They walked east along the village. When they reached a place where Tian Wenlei and the other person could not see them, they quickly approached the woods and continued to walk outside the woods.

There was a kind of frightening weirdness in the dark woods, and occasionally there was a rustling sound. It was unknown whether it was a mouse lurking in the woods or a strange bird perched on a tree.

As they walked, Zhou Kai suddenly stopped.

"Lin Yi, there is a fire ahead."

Lin Yi looked up, but because he did not have Zhou Kai's superhuman vision, he could not see anything.

"Let's go closer and take a look."

Continuing to walk forward, Lin Yi finally saw the fire that Zhou Kai mentioned.

It was a dilapidated house with no roof and a circle of torches around it.

"There is someone in the house."Zhou Kai used his ability to listen

"However, the breathing of the person inside sounded a little slow.......There's a bad smell in there."

"Could this be the temporary residence for the injured people that Uncle Tian mentioned before?"Lin Yi frowned.

There was a circle of torches outside the house, which seemed to be used to prevent rats and strange birds from approaching. However, there were not many torches and they did not have any effect at all.

Secondly, this house had no roof. How could a house without a roof prevent strange birds from entering?

"Let's go and take a look."

They quickened their pace, but after a while, Lin Yi suddenly grabbed Zhou Kai.

Lin Yi pulled Zhou Kai back hard, almost causing him to fall.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Kai steadied himself and looked at Lin Yi with a puzzled look.

"Weird, why is it gone again?"Lin Yi stared at the road ahead and muttered softly.

"What happened?" Zhou Kai asked

""Try to lift your leg again." Lin Yi did not answer.

Zhou Kai was confused, but he still lifted his leg as Lin Yi said.

Just as Zhou Kai lifted his leg and took a step forward, Lin Yi hurriedly called him.

""Don't move!" Lin Yi frowned,"Don't put your feet down!"

Lin Yi stared at the ground intently, and just when Zhou Kai's feet were about to fall, a thin line emitting a faint white light slowly emerged from the ground and floated towards Zhou Kai's feet.

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