"What on earth is this?"

Looking at the silk thread emerging from the ground and connecting to Zhou Kai's ankle, Lin Yi felt more and more strange.

"Did you see those threads again?"

Zhou Kai's body swayed a little, but he still kept walking, with his legs raised in the air.

Lin Yi nodded, squatted down, stretched out his hand and grabbed the thread. He pulled hard, just like An Chengdao before, the thread was torn apart by Lin Yi.

At the same time, Lin Yi suddenly heard a"click" sound, followed by a sharp pain in his ankle.


Lin Yi gritted his teeth, he endured the pain and dared not cry out.

Zhou Kai saw Lin Yi's frown, it seemed that even his facial features were gathered together because of the pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Kai took his foot back and squatted beside Lin Yi and asked

"I tore off the silk thread I saw."

After the pain in his ankle eased a little, Lin Yi spoke.

"Something is wrong."Lin Yi thought about it and picked up a���Lin Yi thrust the branch towards the place where the silk thread came out.

With a"click" sound, something instantly popped out from the ground and tightly clamped the branch in Lin Yi's hand.

""A trap?!" Zhou Kai was surprised when he saw the thing suddenly appearing under the ground.

If Lin Yi hadn't stopped him, it would not be the branch in Lin Yi's hand that was caught, but his foot. The jaws of the trap were rusty and covered with dried blood, mixed with dirt and a little black.

The pain in his ankle had disappeared, and Lin Yi stood up, holding the branch in his hand and the trap on it, and continued to test the ground nearby.

About four or five steps away, when he stabbed hard, there was another"click" sound, and another trap was triggered, clamping the trap on the top of the branch that had not been removed.

"There are still some." Zhou Kai frowned,"Could it be that this road is full of these things?"

He looked around and felt a little strange:"Why are these animal traps placed here?"

"To prevent rats from the woods from running into the village?"

"We have come all the way here, and this is the only place with animal traps. If they are used to deal with rats in the forest, the traps cannot be placed only here."When he said this, Lin Yi raised his head.

He glanced at the roofless house in the distance, frowned and said,"This road leads to that house."

"You mean, these traps are to prevent people from going to that house?" Zhou Kai asked.

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said,"Maybe......It is to prevent the people in that house from entering the village."

If you want to enter the village from that house, there are two ways to choose. The first is the road with the trap, and the other is to enter the woods and bypass this road.

If the people living in that house are all injured, once they enter the woods, the bloody smell of the wounds will attract rats and strange birds.

Not only that, because they are injured, it may be inconvenient for them to move. If they choose to walk through the woods, they are likely to be pricked by the thorns on the trees due to the inconvenience of movement.

The final result is only a dead end.

Even if they did not enter the woods and chose to walk this way, the result would probably not be much better.

"I can understand why they temporarily placed the wounded outside the village to prevent the bloody smell from attracting rats and strange birds in the forest to the village.

"But, even if it is to prevent them from entering the village, is it necessary to set traps on the road?"

"This doesn't seem like caring for the injured, but rather like......"

"To kill the people who ran out of the house."Lin Yi continued Zhou Kai's words.

What Lin Yi and his friends saw was completely different from what Tian Wenlei had told them.

"I should have thought of it earlier. Lin Yi continued

"This place is different from the city. Because of the lack of supplies, once you get sick or injured, it will take a long time to recover."

"If it was just a minor injury like a scratch, it would be fine, but if the injury was a little more serious, there was no medicine in the village to treat them."

"It is difficult to let the wound heal on its own in this environment."

"so......"Lin Yi did not continue.

If this village was really as he thought, then the house in the distance was not a place to house the injured, but a place for the injured to die on their own.

The people sent to that house would definitely not want to die like this, but when they wanted to escape, they would either face the rats and strange birds in the woods, or the traps on this road.

""Wait a minute." Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi,"Are you sure that the silk thread you just saw came from the place where the trap was placed?"

"And you said the line connects to my ankle."

"If you hadn't noticed, if I had stepped on it directly, the trap would have caught my ankle."

Recalling the sound and pain he felt after the silk thread was broken, Lin Yi felt a little unbelievable.

Both the sound and the pain were felt only after the trap was triggered.

"Could it be that the silk thread I saw was not because the people in the village were aliens, but because of me?" Lin Yi guessed

"Isn't your ability to control time?" Zhou Kai asked curiously.

"How did it suddenly turn into silk thread again?"

"The future." Lin Yi said in surprise,"After breaking the thread, could what I feel be something that might happen in the future?"

"Could it be possible that these glowing threads are a kind of time line representing the 'future'?"

"It's not impossible."Zhou Kai thought for a moment and then said,"But I always feel that your abilities are getting weirder and weirder."

"I think it's pretty good."Lin Yi smiled.

"Whether it is returning to the past after death or time standing still, these situations are unstable."

"But the timeline I saw was different, at least I could avoid danger."

"You mean, you can see these lines stably now?" Zhou Kai asked.

Lin Yi shook his head and said,"I don't know, but I can always see these glowing lines when you might be in danger."

"Moreover, the place where the silk thread emerges is the source of danger, and the target of the silk thread is the person who is about to be in danger."

When he said this, Lin Yi's face suddenly became a little ugly.

""Oh no, Uncle An!"

If the existence of these threads was really as Lin Yi thought, then before An Chengdao entered the woods, he clearly saw the threads coming out of Lei Ge's hunting rifle floating towards An Chengdao's chest.

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