Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but frown.

If these threads really represent the"future" time line as he guessed, then the thread extending from Lei Ge's shotgun to An Chengdao's chest, does it mean that An Chengdao will be hit by the bullet in this gun?

Lin Yi recalled the gunshot he heard when he tore the thread, and the piercing pain in his chest.

"Uncle An is in danger."

At this moment, he wanted to go into the woods and find An Chengdao immediately.

If he could find An Chengdao before Lei Ge opened fire, perhaps he could save him.

However, Lin Yi did not do this.

He took a deep breath and told himself in his heart that he was worried.

Zhou Kai's ability could not be used for a long time in such a harsh environment. It was too much of a burden on the sensory organs.

Even if they went into the woods to look for it immediately, they might not be able to find An Chengdao, and it might even put him and Zhou Kai in danger.

At that time, not only would they not be able to save An Chengdao, but he and Zhou Kai would also die here because of their reckless behavior.

Lin Yi believed that An Chengdao would not die so easily.

Moreover, before An Chengdao set off, he reminded the other party to be careful of Lei Ge.

The future will change, and perhaps his reminder will allow An Chengdao to survive.

Even if An Chengdao really did not escape this disaster, the worst that could happen was that he would die once and use his ability to go back to the past.

Lin Yi looked up at the roofless house in the distance and said softly,"Let's go, let's go to that house and take a look."

Since it has already happened, we must collect as much information as possible before it ends.

Even if we are really going to die, we will not have to start all over again because of our own impulse.

As long as we collect enough information, even if we go back to the past, we can turn passivity into initiative.

Continuing to walk towards the house in the distance, Lin Yi and Zhou Kai were very alert and more cautious.

There were many animal traps buried on this road, and the distribution was irregular.

Even if the torch in the hand could illuminate the road in front of him, it was impossible to determine the specific location of these animal traps by vision.

Fortunately, Lin Yi could see the glowing silk thread. Once the place where the raised foot fell was buried with an animal trap, the silk thread would emerge from the ground and connect to their ankles.

Using these silk threads, Lin Yi and his team avoided the traps on the ground. Although it took a lot of time, they were finally getting closer and closer to the house.

When they were about to arrive at the house, even though Lin Yi did not have Zhou Kai's ability, he could smell the stench coming from the house.

It was not just the smell of blood, but mixed with other smells.

Like the smell of decay, and the stench of excrement

"This place is definitely not a place for people to recuperate."Lin Yi looked at Zhou Kai beside him with a serious expression.

"The outside world is short of supplies, and the speed of recovery from injuries is not as fast as in the city."Zhou Kai nodded. He and Lin Yi had the same opinion.

"If the environment for recuperation is bad, then this house is not a place for recuperation, but a place for people to wait for death."

Zhou Kai felt a little dizzy, and the strong stench penetrated his nose, constantly irritating his nerves.

His stomach was churning, and even if he covered his nose, he could already smell the stench.

"Sorry, this damn place is too irritating to my sense organs, so I won't use my ability for the time being."

Zhou Kai calmed down a little after he stopped using his ability.

"After watching, let's leave quickly. If we don't use our abilities, we always feel uneasy."Zhou Kai said vigilantly.

The house in front of them not only has no roof, but when they got closer, they saw that the house didn't even have doors and windows.

A completely open house can't keep mice and strange birds out at all.

Although there is a circle of torches around the outside of the house, the torches are spaced a long distance apart and have no deterrent effect at all.

There was a faint groan coming from the house. Looking into the house, Lin Yi's scalp was numb for a moment.

This house is full of bones, and you can even see the marks of rodents gnawing on the bones.

The ground is full of disgusting dirt, and it's hard to tell whether it's blood or biological excrement.

Even though Lin Yi has seen the aliens in the city, he was still frightened by the scene in front of him.

He remembered what An Chengdao said before, that compared with the people in this village, the aliens in the city are more like humans.

At least, when those aliens take action, they will give the people who are eaten a pleasure, instead of leaving the injured here and letting them fend for themselves in pain and despair.

"Are these the injured people in the village?" Zhou Kai, who was standing by, also frowned, thinking that the scene before him was too horrifying.

"Those guys are too cruel."

"No wonder there are so few people in my village."The scene before him made Lin Yi understand.

"According to what Uncle Tian told us before, if this village really existed for so many years, and they were still rescuing people from the city, then there shouldn’t be only these few people in the village."

"Now it seems that for this village, people are just consumables."

When he said this, Lin Yi sighed.

"In order to prevent the injured from attracting rats and strange birds to the village, and because of the lack of supplies, the wounds could not be healed quickly. Once the injuries were too serious, they would be sent here."

"Then, they used their cries, howls and the smell of blood from their wounds to attract mice and strange birds in the woods, thus ensuring the safety of the village."

"This house is simply a canteen for those weird things."Lin Yi said while gritting his teeth

"Let's go, let's leave here quickly."Zhou Kai was a little worried about Zhou Yun in the village.

After confirming that the people in this village were not good people, Zhou Kai became more and more worried about his sister's safety.

""Zhou Kai, look over there!" When Lin Yi turned around, he suddenly noticed that there was a person lying in the corner of the room who was still breathing.

The low moaning that Lin Yi and the others heard was from this person.

The person was lying face down on the ground. Compared with the surrounding bones, the only difference between his skinny body and the surrounding bones seemed to be that he had an extra layer of skin.

"How come there is a hole on his back?"Following Lin Yi's gaze, Zhou Kai also saw the man.

On the man's back, between the shoulder blades, there was a horrifying wound, as if something had been torn off his back alive.

The skin next to it was torn off, and it looked like an irregular hole.

""Those people in the village have something on their backs!" Lin Yi guessed.

He thought of the hunched bodies of the villagers. Since the people in this house were all injured people in the village, then the situation of these people should be the same.

Although Lin Yi didn't know what these people were carrying, it was definitely not a good thing.

Just as Lin Yi thought of this, a familiar voice came from not far away.

"Lin Yi, why did you come here?"

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