"Lin Yi, didn't you say you were just going to take a walk around the village? Why did you come here?"

There was a rustling sound in the woods, as if something was taking advantage of the night and moving freely, like a ghost in the darkness.

Looking back, Lin Yi saw Tian Wenlei walking towards him.

Because Zhou Kai temporarily stopped using his ability, and the scene in the room was too shocking, they didn't realize that the other party had made a sound.

"Lin Yi, it's very dangerous around here, especially at night."

The light from the torch illuminated Tian Wenlei's face, and he suddenly showed a weird smile.

At this moment, Lin Yi saw a familiar greed in his eyes. That was the look that aliens would show when they were about to eat humans. Tian Wenlei in front of him was not a human at all!

Not only him, I'm afraid that everyone living in this village is not a real human!

""Uncle Tian, why are you here?"

Lin Yi quickly calmed down and said as if nothing had happened.

He planned to stabilize the other party first. After all, this was the other party's territory. They had lived here for so many years and knew the surrounding area much better than Lin Yi and Zhou Kai.

Moreover, if there were more than just Tian Wenlei, and there were other people from the village hiding nearby, Lin Yi and Zhou Kai would be in a very dangerous situation.

"I saw you guys haven't come back for so long, I was a little worried, so I came out to look for you."

Worried? Lin Yi thought it was ridiculous, he didn't see a trace of worry on Tian Wenlei's face.

"Uncle Tian, is this the place where the village disposes of corpses?"

Lin Yi continued,"When we were relaxing, we saw a fire here, so we came over to take a look."

"What I saw was really scary."As he spoke, he walked in front of Zhou Kai.

Lin Yi put his hand behind his back and signaled Zhou Kai to use his ability to sense the surrounding

"Fortunately, you came, Uncle Tian. I was so scared that my legs went weak and I even forgot the way back to the village."

"If Uncle Tian hadn't come to find us, I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to get back."

Zhou Kai understood what Lin Yi meant. In fact, the moment Tian Wenlei's voice rang out, he had already activated his ability.

The pungent stench rushed into his nasal cavity, accompanied by the noisy sounds in the forest, constantly stimulating his nerves.

Zhou Kai felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the environment here was too stimulating to his sensory organs.

It was like falling into a biogas pool, and the noise from the construction site continued to come from all around, making him feel a little suffocated.

However, Zhou Kai still endured the discomfort and said,"Uncle Tian, it's so late, and I'm sorry that you have to come to us alone."


Hearing Zhou Kai's words, Lin Yi understood.

If only Tian Wenlei came here, even if he was an alien, Lin Yi would have enough confidence to deal with it.

However, Lin Yi's confidence was obviously a little too inflated.

"Lin Yi, you clearly promised me that you would just walk around the village, why did you come here?"

Tian Wenlei's tone changed. Although he still had a smile on his face, his tone gradually became lower.

"You saw it, right?"

"What did you see?"Lin Yi realized that something was wrong. He took off his backpack and held it in his arms, pretending to be scared.

"Uncle Tian, are you talking about these corpses?"

"You already know the secret of this village, right?"Tian Wenlei threw away the torch in his hand.

"Secret? What secret? Uncle Tian, why can't I understand what you are saying?"Lin Yi slowly unzipped his backpack.

"Lin Yi, you were obviously not like this when you were a child. You were very obedient back then, and you would never act on your own like you do now."

"You could have stayed in this village forever like me, living happily forever, why do you have to do these unnecessary things?"

Happiness? Joy? Lin Yi felt that Tian Wenlei in front of him must have some misunderstanding about the two words.

"But it doesn't matter, I forgive you, you can still stay in the village, after all——"

"A young body is still the best!"

The moment the voice fell, Tian Wenlei kicked his feet hard and jumped in front of Lin Yi in an instant.

His explosive power was far beyond that of ordinary people, and Lin Yi couldn't even see his movements clearly.

Lin Yi instinctively stepped back to dodge, but the next second, Tian Wenlei once again showed amazing speed and quickly put his face in front of Lin Yi.

His pupils began to rotate in different directions, and then slowly protruded and stretched from his eye sockets.

Connecting to the position of the pupils were two sticky strips of meat, accompanied by dazzling colors. The constantly wriggling strips of meat were like the double-disc flukes parasitic in the snail's body, which made people's scalps numb.

"Lin Yi, don't be afraid, it will be over soon. Tian Wenlei quickly grabbed Lin Yi's arms with both hands. His strength was so great that Lin Yi couldn't break free at all.

"After that, you will experience unprecedented happiness, and then stay here forever with me, living happily."

""Get out of here!" Seeing that he couldn't break free, Lin Yi quickly raised his leg and pushed his knee hard between Tian Wenlei's legs. However, Tian Wenlei didn't seem to feel any pain at all and even laughed sarcastically.

"Lin Yi, you have to listen to Uncle Tian, just like when we were little."

"Uncle Tian loves you so much, he will never hurt you."

Lin Yi reached into his backpack, pulled out a knife from it and stabbed Tian Wenlei in the chest.

At the same time, while Tian Wenlei was holding Lin Yi, Zhou Kai went around behind Tian Wenlei with a knife and aimed at the area between his shoulder blades on his back.

His target was clear. Whether it was the hunched posture of the villagers or the man they saw in the room, it showed that there was something wrong with the villagers' backs.

Perhaps, this place was where their fate was.

However, Tian Wenlei seemed to have another pair of eyes on his back. His reaction ability was so amazing that even if Lin Yi and Zhou Kai attacked at the same time, he could easily deal with it.

The hand holding Lin Yi's arm loosened, and then quickly turned sideways, grabbing their wrists at the moment when Lin Yi and Zhou Kai drew their knives.

The clenched hands curbed their actions, so fast that even if Zhou Kai used his ability to predict it, his body could not react immediately.

"I only need one person, and I have to take the other one back."Tian Wenlei's eyes were bent in different directions, looking at Lin Yi and Zhou Kai respectively.

"But don't worry, you will all stay in the village in the end."

Zhou Kai struggled hard, and when he found that he couldn't break free, he immediately loosened his hand holding the knife.

When the knife in his hand fell, he quickly caught it with his other hand, gripped the handle tightly, and chopped at Tian Wenlei's arm.

But at the moment he swung the knife, Tian Wenlei let go again, dodged the attack, and kicked Zhou Kai in the stomach.

Whether it is explosive power or speed, whether it is strength or reaction ability, the strength displayed by Tian Wenlei at this moment is even more terrifying than those aliens in the city.

Zhou Kai covered his stomach and wanted to get up, but the intense exercise accelerated his breathing, the stench in the room at close range kept pouring into his nose, and the harsh sound in the woods made it impossible to calm down.

Although he has undergone special training from An Chengdao, the environment at this time is a hundred times worse than before.

Zhou Kai felt a little dizzy, and his mind was in a trance.

If he continued to increase his hearing and sense of smell, he might kill this alien himself. Instead, he suffered a mental breakdown due to the stimulation of his sensory organs.

Lin Yi's voice came to his ears. Lin Yi was still attacking. He couldn't fall here.

But if he stopped using his abilities, he would be no match for Tian Wenlei.

Zhou Kai gritted his teeth.

If he didn't increase his hearing and sense of smell, he would concentrate all his energy on increasing his vision.

Even if this would increase the burden on his eyes, compared to a mental breakdown and then dying here, this result was obviously acceptable.

Zhou Kai turned off the enhancement of other senses and focused all his energy on vision.

There was a sharp pain in his pupils. He blinked hard. When he opened his eyes again despite the pain, everything in front of him seemed different.

In addition to the surrounding environment becoming clearer, he seemed to see something else.

What was that?

Zhou Kai felt it seriously.

It seemed to be the wind.

The wind was invisible and tangible.

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