Countless densely packed things appeared in Zhou Kai's vision.

These things were extremely small. If Zhou Kai had not enhanced his vision to the limit, he would not have been able to see them at all.

These extremely small things seemed to fill the surroundings, floating slowly in the air.

Soon, Zhou Kai knew what these things were.

The wind is invisible, so what Zhou Kai saw was not the real wind.

What he saw was the floating dust floating in the air, which was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

The floating dust in the air drifted with the wind, and their drifting trajectories formed the shape of the wind.

Zhou Kai completely closed his hearing and taste, leaving only normal smell and touch, and then focused all his energy on enhancing his vision. The stinging sensation in his pupils became more and more intense, but as his hearing was closed, the whole world became extremely quiet.

At this moment, Zhou Kai's extremely sharp vision noticed that the floating dust around Lin Yi and Tian Wenlei began to move.

The trajectory of the floating dust is the trajectory of the wind and the trajectory of the movement.

The quiet environment made Zhou Kai calm. When he saw the trajectory of the wind, all the actions of Lin Yi and Tian Wenlei naturally emerged in Zhou Kai's mind.

Lin Yi would use the hand that was not caught to take out another knife from the bag, and then stab Tian Wenlei with all his strength.

However, his attack was doomed to fail.

Perhaps because Tian Wenlei was an alien, his speed was much faster than Lin Yi and the others.

Tian Wenlei would grab Lin Yi's hand to curb his attack.

Then he leaned in front of Lin Yi and put his disgusting face against him.

What happened next was the same as the picture that emerged in Zhou Kai's mind. As they moved, the surrounding air also moved along the contours of their bodies. Their actions drove the surrounding air, and the air flow formed during the movement drove the floating dust in the air. This was the wind Zhou Kai saw at this moment.

Tian Wenlei grabbed Lin Yi's hands and began to exert force. Lin Yi only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, as if even his bones were about to be broken by the other party.

The hand holding the knife gradually became numb and weak, but he gritted his teeth and never let go of the knife in his hand

"It's still good to be young, strong and energetic."Tian Wenlei's face came closer.

The eyes that came out of his eye sockets kept sliding against Lin Yi's face, as if these disgusting eyes also had a sense of touch, carefully feeling Lin Yi's skin.

"Even the skin is so smooth."Tian Wenlei's eyes were full of greed. He opened his mouth, and something seemed to be squirming in his throat, eager to get out.

The pair of eyes full of mucus made Lin Yi feel extremely disgusted, but at this moment he didn't care about these at all. All he thought about was how to kill this alien.

After a little thought, Lin Yi opened his mouth, resisted the nausea and quickly turned his head to bite Tian Wenlei's eyes.

As long as his eyes were bitten off, perhaps his vision could be taken away.

Unfortunately, Tian Wenlei's reaction speed was much faster than Lin Yi's. As soon as Lin Yi moved, the eyes immediately flexibly hid in a position that Lin Yi could not bite.

Zhou Kai took a deep breath and quickly took out the crossbow from his backpack.

"Do you think you can deal with me with that thing in your hand?"

Although Tian Wenlei was facing Zhou Kai sideways, his right eye was staring at Lin Yi, and his left eye was bent to look at Zhou Kai's position. Zhou

Kai couldn't hear anything, after all, his hearing was completely blocked.

However, through his mouth shape, Zhou Kai probably knew what he said.

"Since you are so confident, why not give it a try?"The intense pain in his eyes made Zhou Kai speed up.

He knelt on one knee, forming a triangle with his foot and knee.

He held the lower part of the crossbow with one hand, put his elbow on his knee, and controlled the trigger with the other hand, aiming at Tian Wenlei.

""Haha." Tian Wenlei sneered, and in the face of Zhou Kai's actions, he showed disdain.

""Go to hell, you bastard."

Zhou Kai pulled the trigger, and the crossbow arrow instantly shot towards Tian Wenlei.

Tian Wenlei showed a trace of disdain on his face. He leaned back slightly to avoid the flying crossbow arrow, but at the moment he moved, the trajectory of the crossbow arrow flying towards him in the air actually deviated slightly.

The sudden situation just happened to allow the crossbow arrow to pierce Tian Wenlei's heart from the side at an oblique angle.

"Weird, how did you do that?"

Tian Wenlei didn't fall down. He bent one eye towards the crossbow arrow that pierced his heart, and said in confusion:"Logically, I should be able to dodge it."


Zhou Kai said only one word.

After finishing a shot, he closed his eyes to give them a short rest.

"This time, I'm going to hit you on the temple."

Putting a new crossbow arrow into the crossbow slot, Zhou Kai opened his eyes and pulled the trigger again.

Looking at the crossbow arrow flying towards him, Tian Wenlei twisted his body and turned his head to dodge.

But the position where he dodged seemed to be exactly where the crossbow arrow flew.

Tian Wenlei frowned, and when he reacted, he wanted to dodge for the second time, but as soon as his head moved, the position of his temple hit the flying crossbow arrow.

This time, it was not so much that Zhou Kai shot accurately, but rather that Tian Wenlei caught it accurately.

"What did you do again?"Tian Wenlei realized that something was wrong.

In his eyes, his reaction ability was much faster than Lin Yi and Zhou Kai.

But even so, Zhou Kai hit him twice in a row, and even told him where to attack the second time.

The emergence of this situation made Tian Wenlei a little curious.

"The wind again?"

"No. Zhou Kai closed his eyes again and whispered,"You are too stupid this time."

Two crossbow arrows, one hit Tian Wenlei's heart and the other hit his head.

But the two fatal injuries caused by Zhou Kai not only did not make Tian Wenlei fall, he didn't even feel���Pain.

Putting the crossbow arrow, pulling the bowstring, opening his eyes, the moment Zhou Kai was ready to pull the trigger again, Tian Wenlei let go of Lin Yi's hand.

He pushed his right leg against the ground and dodged to the left quickly.

But at the moment when his right leg exerted force, Zhou Kai moved the crossbow faster than him and aimed at the ground on Tian Wenlei's left in advance.

Just as Tian Wenlei moved to the left, the crossbow arrow hit his knee accurately.

Three consecutive attacks all hit, not only Tian Wenlei was surprised, but even Lin Yi felt incredible.

Tian Wenlei was different from the mantis they encountered before. Although the mantis' body was large, it was covered with a hard shell, with only the joints exposed, so it was slightly slow to turn around or turn around.

But Tian Wenlei fought with them in a human posture, and with his strength far beyond that of humans, when facing an attack, both his brain and body could react, and he could even fight back immediately.

But now, Tian Wenlei couldn't avoid Zhou Kai's attack.

But then, Lin Yi noticed Zhou Kai's red and even bloodshot eyes.

He realized that Zhou Kai's ability was about to exceed the upper limit of his body. If he continued, Zhou Kai's eyes might go blind due to overuse.

"How did you do that?"Tian Wenlei seemed a little angry.

The smile on his face disappeared, and his tone became lower.

"You can't possibly keep up with my speed, why did you always hit me these times?"

Tian Wenlei murmured in a low voice, and then, as if he understood something, he smiled again, and even his disgusting eyes twisted excitedly.

"I understand, you are the chosen one!"

"You used your ability, right? Great! I never thought I would meet a chosen one."

"The body of the chosen one is much better than that of an ordinary person."

Tian Wenlei laughed unbridled, but what surprised Lin Yi was that this guy was laughing while he was talking.

"As long as I get your body, I can use your divine power."

The moment the voice fell, Tian Wenlei rushed towards Zhou Kai. He quickly stretched out his right hand to strangle Zhou Kai's neck, but the moment he took action, Zhou Kai immediately stood up from the ground.

Quickly dodging to the left, Zhou Kai easily avoided Tian Wenlei's outstretched hand.

The crossbow in his hand was aimed at the front. There was nothing there the second before he pulled the trigger, but the next second, Tian Wenlei stopped right there.

The crossbow arrow shot accurately and hit Tian Wenlei's neck, but he still didn't fall down.

Lin Yi held the knife and stepped forward to cover Zhou Kai, but just as he ran, he suddenly saw a silk thread emerging from Tian Wenlei's back and connected to Zhou Kai's mouth.

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