Looking at the villagers popping up one after another in the distance, Lin Yi finally understood.

The reason why the aliens parasitizing the saint are fearless is that even if Lin Yi cuts his arm and wants to die with them, he is doomed to fail.

Under the control of the aliens, everyone in the village can burst out with strength far beyond that of ordinary people.

Once Lin Yi cuts his arm, they will rush up immediately.

People with wounds will lose their parasitic value.

Therefore, they will twist Lin Yi's neck and quickly throw him out of the village.

The ground of this village is the simplest mud road. Even if Lin Yi's blood falls to the ground, they can use the advantage of numbers and amazing speed to shovel out the mud and throw it out with Lin Yi. The aliens in the saint's body should be the leader among them, similar to the queen ant in the ant colony.

Other aliens can die, but the saint cannot.

Therefore, in order to get Zhou Yun, who is favored by the saint, they will definitely not let Lin Yi and his group go.

The scene in front of him made Lin Yi a little anxious. He gritted his teeth. At this moment, the only way he could think of was to kill himself and start over directly.

The secret of the village is already known. As long as he goes back to the past, he can choose to avoid it, or think of a way to deal with it in advance.

However, when Lin Yi wanted to take action, Zhang Cheng's words on the bus came to his mind.

That was what happened before they escaped from the city and came to the village.

They talked about"ability", and Zhang Cheng had a different opinion on Lin Yi's ability.

"I think your ability may not be to control time."

This is what Zhang Cheng said at the time.

He stroked his chin and analyzed seriously:"The reason why you think your ability is to control time is nothing more than two points - you will return to the past after death, and time will suddenly stop at a certain point."

"But is it possible that time stops so that you don't die?"

"The first time time stopped was because the alien disguised as your mother wanted to take you with her before dying, but you can completely avoid this situation."

"As long as you were cautious, not emotional, and stayed away from the alien, you could avoid it even if it attacked you before dying."

"The second time time stopped was because Xiaoyun was attacked by an alien. If Xiaoyun was killed by an alien, Zhou Kai would kill you without hesitation, after all, this happened once."

"Therefore, in order to prevent you from dying again, time will be briefly stopped so that you can deal with it and avoid death."

As for the death at the edge of the city, since it is an unavoidable death, even if time stops, it will not change, so it will go back to the past, so that Lin Yi can find clues and infer the cause of death.

"You have been in Sifang Mountain for so long and have tried many times, but you have never been able to master your abilities like Zhou Kai and Uncle An. Could it be because your goal from the beginning was wrong?"

"It's like you studied math all night long and memorized all the knowledge points, but the next day you took the Chinese test."

"If the goal is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain in the end."

"and......"At this point, Zhang Cheng paused.

His tone was a little more serious, and he looked at Lin Yi and said seriously:"Your ability is not as intuitive as Zhou Kai and Uncle An, so, unless it is absolutely necessary, I advise you not to always think of going back to the past to solve the problem."

"The last death was for the sake of survival this time, but if you fail to survive every time, maybe the next death that awaits you will be the real death."

"Let them go!"The sudden voice brought Lin Yi back to his senses.

At this time, Zhou Yun walked in front of them and put the knife to his neck.

"You want me, let them go, I stay"

"Xiaoyun, what are you doing? Come back quickly!"Zhou Kai heard Zhou Yun's voice and shouted anxiously

"Brother, you have protected me for so many years, now it is my turn to protect you."

Zhou Yun is not stupid. When she was a child, she also thought that her brother and she could meet kind people who were willing to adopt them and give them a home.

However, every time someone came to the welfare home, her brother would always take her to hide in advance, and would also tell her to try to have less contact with certain people in the welfare home, not to be too conspicuous, and to learn to hide herself.

Zhou Yun remembered all these things. Although she thought her brother's behavior was strange, she believed in her brother.

Wherever her brother was, that was her home.

"If you don't let them go, I will die here now." Zhou Yun stared at the saint not far away, her tone was unusually firm. The saint's body was failing, and pupils popped out of her eye sockets, as if she wanted to abandon this body.

Unlike the alien in Tian Wenlei's body, this alien was white.

The eyes swayed in the air, and then looked straight at Zhou Yun.

The next second, Lin Yi heard a muffled"click", like the sound of broken bones.

When he reacted, the man who was left here by Brother Lei came to Zhou Yun at an extremely fast speed.

Because the amazing explosive power exceeded the limit that the body could bear, the bone of his right leg seemed to break the moment he rushed up.

But even so, he still reached out and grabbed Zhou Yun's knife hand with an expressionless face.

"Put her......give it to me......"

The saint screamed urgently, and while her pupils were fixed on Zhou Yun, the white strip of flesh connected to her pupils twisted violently, as if expressing her inner excitement.

""Xiao Yun!" Zhou Kai's enhanced hearing confirmed Zhou Yun's location.

He rushed up regardless of everything, but was kicked to the ground by a villager.

The saint only cared about Zhou Yun. As for Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, it would be best if they could be captured alive. Even if they couldn't be captured alive, it didn't matter if they died.

Zhou Kai quickly got up from the ground. If he couldn't see clearly, he would focus all his energy on hearing.

Lin Yi walked to Zhou Kai. At this time, he was unexpectedly calm and said softly:"Don't worry, leave it to me."

As he spoke, Lin Yi raised the knife in his hand.

Don't always think about solving the problem by going back to the past unless it is a last resort?

At this moment, isn't it a last resort?

Lin Yi pointed the knife at his neck, and just when he was about to do it, Zhou Kai suddenly stopped him.

The enhanced hearing caused too noisy sounds to pour into Zhou Kai's ears.

He felt as if his mind was about to explode.

But among these noisy sounds, he heard a familiar voice.

The voice kept repeating:"Zhou Kai, you should be able to hear me, right? Zhang Cheng asked me to tell you that reinforcements will arrive soon.

That was Lu Linhai's voice!

But where did they get the reinforcements?

Zhou Kai was confused.

But soon, the noisy sounds became clearer and clearer, approaching them.

"Something is coming." Zhou Kai raised his head and said towards the south of the village.

The rustling sound was getting closer and closer. Soon, not only Zhou Kai, but also Lin Yi and the aliens parasitized by the aliens heard it.

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