"Squeak, squeak, squeak——"


The noisy calls became clearer, and the manic and excited calls were approaching like a tide.

The muddy road in the distance was coated with a layer of gray-brown. Under the moonlight, Lin Yi saw the things that kept approaching here.

They were mice, mice that were supposed to hide in the woods.

Each of them was as long as a child's arm, and their red eyes exuded a terrifying light.

They were covered with gray-brown hard hair, and when they ran, their bald tails shook excitedly behind them.

These things......Are they the rats in the forest?

This was the first time Lin Yi saw the rats that the villagers were talking about.

If there were only a few of them, it would be fine, but the rats in front of him were crowded together, which made people shudder.

As they kept approaching, it seemed that even the air was filled with a suffocating stench. Those piercing cries hit the eardrums and kept irritating the nerves of Lin Yi and his companions.

"And."Zhou Kai did not remove his ability, but he did not focus all his energy on hearing.

He raised his head slightly to signal Lin Yi to look up. The moment he looked up, Lin Yi was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The sky in the distance was dark, like a dark cloud that was constantly approaching here.

Rough and hoarse cries kept coming from this dark cloud, gradually blocking the faint light from the moon.

The dark feathers, the rotten flesh on the chest and the constantly wriggling buds, the dark cloud, are those strange birds living in the trees.

"these things......Why are you here?!"

The saint's increasingly thin face showed a trace of anger, and she gritted her teeth and roared angrily, but because she was too excited, she coughed even more violently.

"Why did these strange creatures come to the village?"Lin Yi was also puzzled.

There were these strange animals everywhere near the village. It was precisely to keep them away from the village that these aliens controlled the host to concentrate on processing the corpses in the woods north of the village, attracting these strange creatures to a fixed place.

This balance has lasted for a long time, so the village where this alien creature lives has always existed.

And now, the balance has been broken.

"It's Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng." Zhou Kai understood what Lu Linhai meant by"reinforcements".

A rat suddenly jumped out of the rat swarm and pounced on the villagers at the outermost edge of the crowd.

The alien controlled the man and grabbed the rat when it was about to pounce.

However, the number of these rats was too large. One after another, the rats in the rat swarm began to jump on the villagers and quickly climbed up their legs.

The alien controlled the villagers to fight back, but there were too many rats and they couldn't completely eliminate them.

The villagers shook off the rats that climbed up their legs and stepped on the rats when they landed.

Blood came out of the mouths of the rats that were trampled to death, and the smell of blood stimulated the rats to attack more frantically.

No matter how powerful the villagers were, these rats would always find a chance to bite them. The rats climbed onto the villagers' faces, trying to get into their mouths. Some rats even gathered together to bite one place, greedily tearing the flesh of the villagers..

Their greed for food made them desperate, and they were not afraid of the attacks of the villagers at all.

The strange birds approached, but they did not fly down immediately, but watched from the sky.

Finding the right time, they swooped down quickly, aiming at the eyes of these villagers.

What happened at this time was not a good thing for Lin Yi and the others, after all, these crazy rats and strange birds would also attack them.

However, the arrival of these rats and strange birds made the village chaotic.

While the rats and strange birds distracted the villagers, Lin Yi took off his coat and wrapped his right hand and the knife in his hand, and quickly rushed to Zhou Yun.

He clenched the knife in his hand and stabbed hard at the villager who was holding Zhou Yun.

Rats and strange birds will be attracted by the smell of blood, so Lin Yi wrapped his hand with his coat.

Once the man is stabbed, throw away the coat and knife together to ensure that there is no blood to the greatest extent.

The knife polished by An Chengdao is very sharp. The blade pierced into the man's body, but he still did not let go of Zhou Yun's hand

"Give her to me!"The saint screamed with her last bit of strength.

The alien in her body knew that the current situation was very bad, and what was worse was that the body it was parasitizing was no longer viable.

This village was finished, and it had to leave. However, it could not leave at all with its original speed, so it was eager to get Zhou Yun at this moment.

The moment the voice sounded, the villager's left foot suddenly exerted force.

There was another muffled"click" sound, and the alien jumped in front of the saint at the cost of breaking the man's left leg.

"you......be mine....."The saint's skinny face was like a withered wood, and her white eyes shook violently, then quickly shrank back.

Something was wriggling under her clothes on her back, and the alien was separating from the saint's body.

The saint's face began to twist, and she seemed to be in great pain, but her weak body could not make any sound.

Lin Yi rushed up without hesitation, and so did Zhou Kai.

However, the villagers would not let them pass. The alien parasitic in the saint's body was their leader. Before the leader completed the host replacement, they would not let Lin Yi and Zhou Kai get close.

Moreover, the alien parasitic in their bodies also set their sights on Lin Yi and Zhou Kai's bodies.

The soft body of the alien emerged from the saint's collar, and two eyes and more black hairs stretched out from the sticky white flesh, swinging excitedly in the air.

Zhou Yun stared at the thing that emerged from the saint's collar. Although Lin Yi and Zhou Kai had not had time to tell her what it was, they could probably guess that it was not a good thing.

Her right hand was held by the villagers, so she put her left hand into her pocket and carefully fiddled with something.

Just when the alien was about to get out completely, Zhou Yun pulled out his left hand and threw the thing in his hand at the white alien.

It was the lime powder that Zhou Yun had put in his pocket in advance.

Another bottle of lime powder was sprinkled on the alien's eyes, and the eyes quickly retracted into the body, and the disgusting body began to wriggle in pain.

The alien could not speak after leaving the host, but the villagers who were parasitized by the alien seemed to understand what the white alien wanted to express, and they also firmly grasped Zhou Yun's left hand.

Zhou Yun gritted his teeth, raised his leg and kicked the saint, but the saint had lost her function at this time. Even if she was kicked down, she could not stop the alien from continuing to crawl towards Zhou Yun.

Seeing that the alien was getting closer and closer to Zhou Yun, suddenly, a small figure jumped out of the crowd. He was inconspicuous in the night, and coupled with the chaos caused by the rats and strange birds, as well as the resistance of Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, this little guy successfully got out of the crowd.

The small figure was running desperately, crying and shouting,"Don't hurt my mother!"

It was Xiaohu that Lin Yi had met before. As he got closer, Lin Yi saw the silk thread on his body again, connected to Zhou Yun.

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