Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 166: Barbarian Guard

After the ship was completely towed ashore, it was fixed with wooden stakes around it to ensure that the ship would not be overturned by the strong wind, so Narant asked Kempi Cow Dung to bring the wooden boards as bridge decks.

Narant didn't dare to transfer the purple weeds and sweet potatoes that had grown lush.

Because he is not sure if he can still grow crops after the transfer.

Therefore, the best way at present is to maintain the status quo and let the villagers be responsible for watering and taking care of the two plants.

After a few days of meteor night, he took the two green elves in his hands, so he could transplant them with confidence.

Because as long as it is not a dead thing and has the protection of the green elves, basically any plant can survive, which is also the power of the green elves.

After the ship's matter was settled, looking at Sanliduo Beach, which had been emptied out, Narant ordered Kempi Cow Dung to form a 20-person sea rushing team.

It is used for catching crabs, collecting oysters, etc.

And there is one more request for this sea rushing team, Narant, that is, Kemppi Cow Dung must teach everyone to swim.

Narant was still thinking about the valuable luminous beads that could shine, so after a while, he not only developed the beach, but also set out to the coral reef more than 100 meters away.

In order to ensure that the murloc sea monsters will not heal their scars and forget their pain, Narante feels that the process of forming a barbarian guard is on the agenda.

After returning to Maiye Village with the team, Narant immediately began to explain to Raymond.

"Raymond, this time you go back and inform the barbarian warriors that I am going to recruit fifty warriors among you as the guards of the territory!"

"Sir, we barbarians can fight except for women, the elderly and children. If you have any orders, tell us directly, and we promise to fight for you!" Raymond and the others didn't quite understand the difference between guards and ordinary citizens.

After all, in the past, among the tribes on the grasslands, as long as they could use weapons, they could become a powerful force. For example, in today's battle, all members are still soldiers.

"Raymond, after becoming a guard, the barbarian warriors no longer have to do farming and labor, but instead train their fighting skills every day!"

"Although your combat effectiveness is also very strong now, but you don't have enough skills, you only know how to use brute force. In fact, your combat effectiveness is still a huge waste!"

"If you can train for a long time, fifty barbarian warriors will not be worse than the hundred of you now!"

"I see that many of the barbarian warriors actually even have grandchildren. They are no longer on the grasslands, so when they reach their age, they don't have to fight anymore, but do some 'easy' work on the territory and enjoy Territory life!"

"As for the barbarian guards, the castle will be responsible for their food and accommodation, so that they can fight more at ease."

"Yes, Lord, Raymond understands!"

"Very good, among these fifty people, you have selected ten of the strongest barbarian warriors for me. I am going to let them learn swordsmanship with Catherine, and they can be my personal guards at that time!"

Now that he has more hands, Narant is ready to refine the power in his hands.

During this time, he traveled with either Quick's Arrow Team or Vivian's Longbow Team, depending on the attendance time of both sides guarding the castle.

But in this way, the time of the guards was wasted in many cases. For example, the guards who were not on duty were training, but Narant suddenly wanted to travel, and they had to suspend training to follow to protect Narant's safety.

For the guards who are still cultivating vindictiveness, this will greatly affect their training progress.

Therefore, he simply divided a team of personal soldiers. This personal guard does not need to be on duty in the castle, nor is he responsible for the security of the territory. In the future, he only needs to be responsible for the security of Narant.

"Yes, my lord!" Although he didn't understand what the bodyguard represented, Raymond was very happy to hear that he was learning swordsmanship with Catherine.

Catherine opened her mouth to the side, and just wanted to say something, but Vivian suddenly grabbed her and whispered a few words. After Catherine showed a surprised expression, she didn't say anything else.

After explaining to Raymond, Narant distributed a carload of crabs and oysters to them as a reward for today's battle, and immediately returned to the castle with the team.


After Narant returned, Raymond told all the barbarians what Narant said.

And the formation of the barbarian guards was immediately warmly welcomed by the barbarians, who all felt that it was a gift from the lord to them.

After all, in the past on the grassland, they not only had to fight, but also had to work hard to feed their stomachs, and it was very likely that the busyness was not enough to feed the family, and they had too much food.

But now I heard that after becoming a guard, the castle will be responsible for their food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and will also pay them. The barbarians are naturally grateful.

In the end, Raymond successfully selected fifty young and strong barbarian guards, and they were brought under the castle the next day!

"I, Raymond, hereby swear to the God of the Prairie that we are willing to swear allegiance to Lord Naland and fight to the death for Lord Naland!"

"I, Big Stone, swear to the God of the Prairie here..."

Under the gentle **** of the castle, Raymond knelt on the ground with fifty barbarian warriors, and made an extremely solemn oath.

"Very well, from today onwards, you will be my Narant's guards! I will definitely stay with you and be responsible for you and your family!" Narant accepted the alternative allegiance of the barbarians with satisfaction swear.

"Yes, my lord, I swear allegiance to you to the death!"

Raymond and the others responded immediately.

"Well, in the future, your remuneration will be the same as Quick and the others, 30 coins a day. In addition, your food and drink castle will also be responsible, and your family members, if there are easy jobs in the territory, will be given priority to them!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Well, in the future, your captain will still be However, before that, Raymond, have I asked you to choose the ten strongest barbarian warriors? Will serve as a guard, and the pay will be higher!"

"Sir...this...that..." Hearing Narant's question, Raymond was a little embarrassed.

"Raymond, say something directly!" Narant waved his hand.

"My lord, I really can't choose, they all want to learn swordsmanship with Miss Catherine!"

Catherine is the patron saint in the hearts of all barbarians, and being able to learn swordsmanship from the patron saint is a very good opportunity for barbarians.

Therefore, after the announcement yesterday, all the young barbarians refused to admit defeat, saying that they were the strongest and wanted to learn from Catherine.

If something like this happened in the past, there would definitely be nothing to say, just compare it.

But now it's in the Storm Territory, and there is no venue in Maiye Village, so it's been delayed until now.

"Haha! What did I think it was! Let's try it out!" Narant laughed out loud. It's really hard to tell who the strongest are among these barbarians.

Except for Raymond, who was obviously taller than everyone else's head, everyone else seemed to have big arms and round waists, with arms that could run horses.


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