Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 167: Barbarian Weaponry

"Yes, my lord!" Raymond received permission, and he didn't need to arrange anything. He gave an order immediately, and the young barbarians picked up their arms and started to fight.

The way of fighting is also very simple, that is, the challenge system, everyone has the opportunity to play, as long as they can persist in five challenges without losing, they can win.

Of course, if it is less than five times, but no one dares to challenge, it is also considered a winner.

In addition, in order to avoid the wheel battle, as long as you win, you can take a short break, and then choose a time to play again.

As a result, the barbarian youth outside the castle started a chaotic battle.

Through this melee, Narant really found a good fighting barbarian other than Raymond.

After defeating the enemy, the barbarian youth did not choose to rest, but accepted the challenges of the following two tribes.

In the end, the barbarian won three battles and no one challenged him again.

"Raymond, what's this young man's name?" Narant looked quite satisfied.

"My lord, his name is Big Stone, the one who was bitten by the flame wolf a few days ago!"

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Soon, the savage guards were selected. Although the ten people had blue noses and swollen faces, all of them laughed from ear to ear. ,

Narant smiled too. As his personal guard, in addition to learning swordsmanship with Catherine, he prepared a lot of 'good' training subjects for them.

For example, for cross-country running, other guards need only one round trip from the castle to the beach. They need at least two round trips, and the situation will increase in the future.

For example, the other guards are likely to run on the dirt road, but Narant will let them run in the wild woods in the future.

Then, what about lurking to feed mosquitoes at night, swimming in the sea during the day as a fish, getting up in the morning to go to the mud pit, and climbing out of the fort at night to climb cliffs, all of these Narant prepared to give them a set.

"Now, ten of you, come and see Captain Catherine!"

"Yes, my lord!" Several barbarian guards immediately ran up excitedly, "I've seen Captain Catherine!"

"Yeah!" Catherine had already learned about the magic of their talents from Vivian, so she no longer doubted whether she could teach these barbarians well.

"Very good, let's start training now! Catherine, Raymond, first learn how to line up with Vivienne and march in unison!"

The barbarian picked it out. Vivian and Quick could already share the basic training for Narant, so he didn't need to worry about it.


After explaining the matter of the barbarian guards, Narant went to John's Blacksmith in person.

"John has seen Lord Lord!" John the blacksmith heard the movement and found that it was Narant who came, and quickly stepped forward and knelt on the ground to salute.

"John, get up!"

Now John Blacksmith always smiles when he strikes iron, and the original dim hut has been cleaned up again.

Although Catherine now lives with Vivian at night, she still comes back to the blacksmith for lunch during the day.

As for the food, it was Narant authorized her to bring it from the castle. This was not only a favor, but it also avoided John's delay in blacksmithing because of the trivial life.

"Yes, my lord, my lord, the three thin rapiers you explained to me last time have been forged, and the badges sent by Butler Thomas, I am also ready to start forging!"

"However, my lord, there are two kinds of noble badge materials. Butler Thomas explained only copper materials, and the other one was gold or silver. Butler Thomas didn't explain it. I don't know if it is necessary to make some small ones for you. !"

Bronze family badges are naturally used by ordinary subordinates, and badges made of gold and silver are used by Narant himself or the top of the territory.

However, Thomas didn't know that John was once the chief blacksmith of the Black Iron Castle, so he did not dare to make the gold and silver badges for John, worried that John's craftsmanship was not good enough and the work was not exquisite enough.

And Thomas is going to send someone to Tulip City in a few days and ask better jewelry craftsmen to make it.

However, in this world, in fact, excellent blacksmiths are often also excellent masters of gold and silver craftsmanship, because most of them forge weapons and equipment for the great nobles.

In order to show their majesty and majesty, the great nobles need to be more beautiful in their weapons and equipment in addition to their basic abilities.

For example, intricate patterns are carved on iron armor or sword hilts, gemstones are inlaid with gold, etc., so John is also good at these things.

"Okay, John, I'll go back and ask Thomas to send gold and silver materials later, and I'll leave the badge to you!" Narant nodded. It was his mistake and he didn't make it clear to Thomas in advance. " By the way, I am here today, and there are still a few things I need you to help me forge!"

"Sir, please say, John will do his best!"

"Well, first of all, I have a piece of monster rhino leather. You can help me make it into leather armor. Three of them are from Catherine, Vivienne, and Shirley. If there is any extra, I will make them all for myself. of!"

"Yes, my lord!"

As soon as he heard that it was a monster rhino skin, and that he also had his own daughter, John's figure became more respectful.

"Well, these broken weapons and irreparable long swords that you have piled up here, you will return them all to make ten great swords, great swords that can be used by barbarians!"

"In addition, forty battle axes need to be made for the barbarians. They don't need to be as delicate as last time. The handles of these battle axes can be made of wood. There happens to be an extraordinary sword wood tree on my territory!"

"Also, fifty pairs of long shields, which are half lighter than the last giant shield, have also been forged. You can design the appearance, and ten of them can be made more beautiful!"

"Fifty pairs of leather armor will also be made, according to the size of the barbarians. If those worn leather armors can't make up so many materials, come directly to the castle to find Thomas if you need any materials. There are a lot of beast skins in the castle."

Since the barbarian guards are going to be formed, the equipment must be changed. They can't be used to fight with mace or stone hammer. Narant's talk of enhancing combat effectiveness is nonsense.

And the weapons Narant prepared for the barbarians were divided into two types.

The first is for the guard to use the giant sword. After all, as his, he will have the opportunity to visit other noble castles in the future. If he uses an ax, he will be teased by other nobles.

In the eyes of nobles, the long sword is the most orthodox weapon, at least in formal occasions.

And the guards will follow Catherine to learn swordsmanship, which also makes them more suitable for using long swords in the future.

As for Raymond's ordinary barbarian guards, they can use giant axes, because they can use them more easily. After all, they can't directly improve swordsmanship like their personal guards.

In addition, Narant also prepared a short spear for the barbarians. This short spear can be used as a melee weapon or as a spear.

There are very few barbarians who use bows and arrows, because their arms are too strong for ordinary longbows to bear.

And it is because of the surprisingly good arm strength. If you practice shooting spears, I believe that your power will definitely not be worse than that of longbowmen.

"Yes, my lord!" John heard that Narant had ordered so many tasks at one time, and agreed without any hesitation or even negotiating the price.

Of course, Narant would definitely not treat him badly, and continued: "John, you need to discuss with Thomas how much materials are needed to forge these weapons and equipment. In addition, regarding your wages, I will also ask Thomas to follow the tulips. The price of the city's chief blacksmith is paid to you!"


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