Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 422: The besieged army

"Uh... ok, ok!" Only then did Ryan and the others reflected, and nodded dumbly and stood up.

Immediately, Narant took the three to the castle gate.

When they saw the explosion pit with a depth of at least one meter and a diameter of about two meters, the three of Ryan suddenly took a breath.

It's more shocking to see it from a distance than from a distance.

In particular, the walls on both sides of the doorway have been blown off a lot.

The next moment, the three looked at Narant with awe.

It turned out that Narant said that they were lucky to be broken inside the castle, and this sentence is true.

If Narant attacks their castle according to today's method, even if they can resist for a while, I am afraid that most of them will end up like Baron Carlos Castle.

At that time, not only will there be human losses, but the castle will also be damaged. As for the looting of wealth after being captured, it is also unavoidable.

In this way, it is really the most appropriate to surrender obediently, so as to avoid losses to a minimum.

And after the three followed Narant into the castle, the idea became more firm.

"My lord! These are the enemy troops in the castle. When we rushed to the city wall, except for the bronze middle-level knight who still had a certain fighting power, everyone else was stunned in the tower."

"In addition, this young nobleman seems to be the most seriously injured, even bleeding from his mouth and nose!"

Soon, the guards such as Quick and Raymond carried all the enemies off the city wall.

I saw that these guards were still sluggish at the moment, and their eyes were a little lost.

On top of that, their ears were bleeding, and it was clear that their eardrums had been punctured by needles at such close distances.

The worst of them was Keeling, who was staring at the clay pot with his head out of the shooting hole at that time.

Not only his ears, but also his nose and mouth were shocked with blood.

If it weren't for the physique of a titled knight, it is estimated that he would have his braids on the spot.

"Killing, are you alright?" The three of Ryan naturally knew Keelin, and immediately stepped forward to ask in surprise.

" are all really captured!" Keelin stared at the three of them in a daze, a little bit wanting to cry without tears, " ears don't seem to be able to hear the sound, it keeps creaking..."

The three who heard the words couldn't help showing pity, and they were more and more glad that Narant didn't talk about martial arts...

Naturally, Narant would not let Keelin, the walking elf, die, and immediately called Vinnie to treat them.

Of course, the treatment of innate power treatment is not to be thought of, it is the medicine prepared by some herbs.

After gathering all the prisoners together, Narant also counted the casualties of the enemy.

A total of 17 people were killed by the enemy, and more than 10 of them were killed by trebuchets or Vivian.

The remaining few were unlucky enough to be shaken to death by the clay pot bomb.

As for Narant, there were no casualties except for two barbarians who were accidentally shot in the limbs by arrows.

After cleaning the battlefield, and seeing that it was already dark, Narant simply settled down at Baron Carlos Fort, ready to leave tomorrow.

However, before that, he did a move that surprised both the enemy and us, that is, let go of all the four castle stewards who were captured by him, and also provided them with horses to leave.

The only requirement is for them to spread the word about the Carlo Castle along each castle.


On a hill that stretches for dozens of miles, hundreds of miles away from Oak City.

As night fell, only one or two hundred meters high hills lit up with bonfires everywhere.

This bonfire is densely packed, and it looks like a terrifying fire dragon from a distance.

Of course, this is not a fire dragon, but the army of tens of thousands of people from the Onyx Principality who fled from Oak City at the outset.

Although with Narrant's summons, the army reacted just before bad luck.

But time is too tight, and there are too many enemies.

Therefore, after the king and a group of counts brought the extraordinary knights to buy some time for these infantry, they were still slowly overtaken by the army of the Northern Principality two days later.

Seeing the loss of more and more people, the Onyx Principality had to choose a rare continuous hill in the Earl of Barnby as a shelter.

Of course, although they were able to temporarily defend against the enemy's army of nearly 150,000 people, they were once again caught in the enemy's encirclement.

I saw that there were strong camps rising from the ground at every pass down the mountain. Those were the army of the Northern Principality.

In addition, the army of the Northern Principality will launch a fierce attack on the hills every day, although the superiority of troops and cavalry cannot be shown because of the difficult mountain roads.

But it also made the Onyx Principality overwhelmed and morale plummeted.

In particular, the army of the Onyx Principality fled in a hurry, many materials were discarded, and there was not even a tent to live on this mountain.

Every night against the cool autumn wind, all the guards were shivering with cold.

In addition, the food they brought is not much, I am afraid they can only last for less than ten days at most.

In terms of clear water, because there are many springs on the mountain, they can barely keep them from dying of thirst.

"Your Majesty, today our Batman family lost a total of 350 people..."

"Our iron cavalry family killed 338 people..."

"Our tulip family..." In the only baron castle on the hill, the king and a group of counts sat around a long table.

Although the situation of several big nobles was much better than those of the small nobles and soldiers sleeping in the wilderness, none of the counts could laugh at this moment.

With low morale and lack of various supplies, their situation became very bad.

In particular, they discarded such a big killer as the trebuchet on the road, making them very passive when facing the attack of the Northern Principality.

Every time the Northern Principality attacked, they would use catapults to attack, and they could only stare blankly and have no chance of counterattack. This was the biggest cause of casualties.

"Go back and appease the vassals and tell them that I have sent a messenger to return to the principality quickly, as long as we persist for a few more days, our reinforcements will arrive, and then everyone can go home safely!" The king! Culver looked solemn, but there was no good way to deal with the current situation.

The fact that the army was besieged was already in front of them, and they had only two choices.

Or take tens of thousands of troops and wait for support in the duchy.

Either abandon these ordinary infantry and flee with the elite knights.

Obviously, the choice of the king and the earls is the latter.

After all, if they were willing to abandon it, they could have escaped a few days ago, so why wait until now.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The earls nodded and said nothing more.

Although the food in their hands may not be able to support them until that time, this is the only option at present.

Soon, all the counts dispersed.

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