Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 423: unlucky prince

"Stella!" The second floor of the castle.

After the meeting, Bernard did not directly return to his room, but went outside the guest room where Stella lived.

Compared with other counts, Bernard is most fortunate that his daughter is still by his side.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank that **** Rakoff. If Rakoff hadn't moved his hands and feet, he changed the garrison of the Tulip Family to the edge of the desert.

It is very likely that Stella exists among the descendants captured by the enemy.

To know tens of thousands of infantry and thousands of elite cavalry, there is no comparison at all.

Now, among the descendants of the great nobles who have gone on expedition in the entire Agate Principality, only the heir of Bernard is still intact.

As for the other families, all the heirs, including the eldest prince, were captured.

Of course, several of the earl's descendants were captured in the camp, while the eldest prince was captured in the camp. The king did not send the eldest prince to garrison.

As for why such an important person of the eldest prince was captured in the camp.

This has to say that the eldest prince is too unlucky.

After the news of Narant came out that day, the king and the counts issued an order to retreat, and immediately hurriedly took the elite knights to raid the cavalry directly under the northern principality, preparing to buy time for the army to evacuate.

The eldest prince happened to be drinking in the caravan tavern behind the camp at that time.

And it just so happened that the caravan that opened the tavern was faked by people from the Northern Principality.

When the fake caravan noticed the movement of the Onyx Principality army, it immediately began to attack.

They first captured many small nobles who were drinking in the tavern, as well as valuable personnel such as the eldest prince.

Then he started lighting tents everywhere to create chaos, and also to send a signal to the army in Oak City.

Without any precautions, the eldest prince and others are naturally unable to escape.

In addition, the army of the Agate Principality was rushing to evacuate at that time, and they were too busy to take care of themselves. Naturally, there was no one to stop these spies from destroying.

Therefore, the eldest prince and some minor nobles fell into the hands of the northern principality.

Among them, the most valuable hostages are the eldest prince and Natasha of the Frank family.

That's right, the Northern Principality has actually been eyeing Natasha for a long time. After all, the Frank family is also very important to the Onyx Principality.

Even in terms of ransom, Natasha's value is even higher than those of the descendants of the great nobles.

In this way, Natasha, who was also in the rear caravan, was robbed like this.

"Father!" Stella opened the guest room door when she heard a knock on the door.

"My tulip flower, why is it staying in the room all the time? I need to go out and get some air!" Bernard looked at his daughter lovingly.

Things on the edge of the desert are now very clear to him.

Although he did not agree with his daughter's adventurousness, he was satisfied.

Because this daughter is not inferior to any other young men, and can even be said to be the best existence among the several earl heirs.

"Father, the castle is full of people now, and I can't help with the current battle, so just stay in the room!" Stella invited Bernard into the room.


At this moment, Xiao Huihui suddenly flew over from the room and landed on Stella's shoulder.

After Stella came back, Xiao Huihui was placed with her. After all, Shirley had followed Narant to the hinterland of the Marquis of Lisen, and Xiao Huihui could not find her either.

Seeing Xiao Huihui, goodbye to the slightly haggard expression on his daughter's face, how could Bernard still not be able to see through her thoughts.

He said softly at the moment: "Stella, you don't have to worry too much, that boy Narant is very smart and wise, even if other people are in danger, he is the only one who will not be in danger!"

"Maybe he can really wreak havoc in the rear, and then help our army of the Onyx Principality!"

Stella has also spoken about Narant's deep penetration into the hinterland.

Although Bernard felt that the hope was very slim, after all, with a few hundred people, it would be very difficult to capture a castle.

Even if Narant did attack one or two castles in the end, it would have no effect.

Moreover, the rear of the Marquis of Lissen is not really empty.

When the rear reflects it, the Marquis Ayutthaya can also send thousands of elite soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress Narant.

"Yes! Father, I know!" Stella did not refute, knowing that Bernard was concerned about herself, "Father, how long will it take to seek reinforcements from the Principality this time!"

"This is not easy to say. Although the messenger for help has been dispatched, the army of the Fire Dragon Fortress is not many, only more than 10,000 people, and there are only 1,000 Iron Guard cavalry."

"So, if you really want to assemble enough support, you must be summoned from the capital and the various counties. I'm afraid that in terms of time..."

Speaking of reinforcements, Bernard's brows finally twitched, and he didn't say more after half the words.

Although several counts spoke with confidence when appeasing vassals and soldiers.

But the truth is, I am afraid that the food they have now is not enough to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

"Stella, you don't need to worry about these things. You can rest well these few days. For other things, your father is here!"

"Yeah!" Stella, who heard the words, nodded and didn't force it any more.

Although her father's words were not finished, she only calculated the distance of the reinforcements, and knew that the arrival of reinforcements might take a month at the earliest.

For at least a month, they were besieged by the army but only had food for more than ten days, the situation is obvious.

Immediately, Bernard reassured his daughter a few words, and then said goodbye and left the camp for the little vassals of Tulip.

As for Stella, she stood at the window and looked north after Bernard left.

"God of Glory, please take care of Narant, and be sure to protect him for his safe return..."


Is Narant safe?

It's safe at the and he's constantly amazed.

After counting the spoils of Baron Carlo's castle, he enjoyed a rare hot bath and a long table dinner.

After dinner, he got another good news.

That is, some of his storm knights have broken through to become title knights, and they are only five at a time.

According to this momentum, I am afraid that it will not take a few days, and all the members of his Storm Cavalry Regiment will be titled knights.

Moreover, with the fruit of blood, the number of extraordinary knights of the Storm Knights will increase by dozens of people every year.

Counting down, if the bloodline qi fruit is calculated according to the probability of eight results per year, then he can obtain at least fifty extraordinary knights in the coming year.

In this way, within three years, the extraordinary knights in his hands can catch up with the counts, and in ten years can reach half the level of the king.

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