Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 458: Peaceful withdrawal

"Your Majesty Field, why are you doing this? Even if you don't agree to withdraw now, the result of the meeting will not change!" : "Look, the army of the Onyx Principality has begun to descend!"

"If the rioting horses charge your army with all their strength later, it is likely that your army will be defeated."

"Do you think it's worth it, Your Majesty?

In an instant, the surrounding nobles who were still eyeing Narant turned blue after hearing the words.

If tens of thousands of war horses madly attack ordinary infantry, then I am afraid that the end of the whole army will be wiped out!

Even the big nobles like them can't restore the situation here.

"Your Majesty!" At this moment, other great nobles except Marquis Lissen called out to King Field.

Although only two words were shouted, the meaning was very clear.

Field painfully looked at the galloping horse, and then at the army of the Onyx Principality that was descending from the gentle slope, and finally made up his mind by gnashing his teeth: "Very well, Sir Narrant, you are very courageous, I Grant your request!"

King Field never thought that one day he would be forced to compromise by a little jazz.

After a pause, he continued: "Then you stop our warhorse now, and then release Isabella, I Field will let you go immediately!"

"Your Majesty Field, I'm not a three-year-old child. What if I let Miss Isabella go now and you attack me?" Narant shook his head.

"Then what do you think?" Field was expressionless.

"Your Majesty Field, you are now ordering your army to start withdrawing immediately, and Princess Isabella, I will release the army of the Onyx Principality after it is safe!"

"Impossible, I agree not to trust you. What if you don't release Isabella after the army of the Onyx Principality leaves?"

"In addition, I can't leave those war horses!" Field was decisive, obviously there was no room for negotiation.

Hearing this, Narant was helpless. Originally, he really wanted to keep the warhorse. After all, with the other count families, this was close to 20,000 warhorses.

However, he also knew that this plan was unrealistic. If he really swallowed these tens of thousands of war horses, it would be tantamount to shaking the foundation of the Northern Principality. It was more unacceptable than losing tens of thousands of infantry, so it was impossible for Field. promise.

Even in the end, the fish will die and the net will be broken.

Finally, he thought about an optimal solution.

"In that case, Your Majesty Field, I will evacuate with you. After the army of the Onyx Principality has left, I will release Princess Isabella. At the same time, I swear to the God of Glory that all the war horses will be returned to you intact!"

"Okay!" Field knew that this was the best result so far, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Narant!" At this time, the counts and kings of the Onyx Principality had already arrived more than a hundred meters away.

Stella wanted to approach, but was stopped by Bernard, and could only call him anxiously from more than a hundred meters away.

Of course, because the army formation of the Northern Principality has not yet been in chaos, the ordinary infantrymen of the Onyx Principality are still at the foot of the mountain and have not followed.

"Stella, I'm fine!" Narant immediately cast a reassuring look at Stella, and then continued to look at the great nobles: "Your Majesty the King, and all the earls, I have already discussed with Your Majesty Field. Once the conditions are met, they are willing to withdraw and let our army of the Onyx Principality leave safely."

"Really?" The king and the counts were obviously taken aback, Narant actually forced the Northern Principality to bow his head by himself, and the speed was still so fast. .

"Yes! They will start withdrawing troops now, Your Majesty Field, am I right?" Narant asked Field.

"Culver, you have a good vassal in the Onyx duchy!" Field did not return to Narant, but looked at Culver.

"Field, you are right, we have a good irony in the Onyx duchy. Thanks to Narant this time, maybe... this is the blessing of the God of Glory!" King Culver could hear the sarcasm in Field's words.

In addition, it can be heard that Field is trying to provoke his relationship with Narant.

However, he Culver is not a narrow-minded person, nor is he a fool, Narant's exploits this time can be said to be dazzling enough to overwhelm him as a king.

However, instead of raising jealousy or other thoughts towards Narant, he also needed a lot of praise.

Otherwise, who else will serve the Principality in the future?

How did the vassals obey him as a monarch?

"Humph!" Seeing that Culver's expression was unchanged, Field knew that his strategy might not be effective, and he didn't want to delay the time, so he immediately said to the herald: "Order the army, order the rear, and withdraw to the north!"


Soon, the horns of retreat came from the Northern Principality team.

In order to prepare for a possible counterattack from the Onyx Principality, the Northern Principality's retreat was very orderly, and the ordinary guards were the first to evacuate.

As for the royal knights and other elites, they still followed their king and great nobles to confront the people of the Onyx Principality.

Seeing this situation, just when Narant thought that there would be no other waves in this retreat, suddenly there was an exclamation from the side.

"Ah! Father, save me..."

With this shrill scream, everyone was startled and turned their attention.

"Tony!" Rakoff immediately exclaimed when he saw the situation over there.

"Hey! I forgot about this guy! I knew that I should have sent someone to secretly take advantage of the previous chaos!"

Narant's original plan was to unwittingly mobilize the warhorse, and then cause chaos in the army of the Northern Principality.

By then he will be able to escape safely, and Tony will be dead.

But because of Bache's appearance, his identity was exposed before he could escape, and it finally became this situation.

Originally, this result is not the worst, at least it is a step back, and he can survive safely.

But this Tony's accident, Narant did not know whether it would trigger a melee between the two sides.

Although Tony's death is what he is happy to see, he just hopes that the current situation will not be changed.

At this time, Lakoff had gathered his vindictive aura and headed towards the prison van.

Jerry, on the other hand, was pale, and was holding a **** long sword at a loss.

He had previously approached the prison van as Narant had said.

But when he found out that Kai was Narant pretending to be in disguise, he was also extremely shocked, and he had long forgotten anything about earning military merit.

But Although he forgot his military exploits, Tony was looking for his own death. When he saw that everyone's attention was on Narant's side.

And his father also came more than 200 meters away, so he thought about it and prepared to escape the prison car by himself.

He thought to himself that in this way, after he returned, he would not only be able to eliminate the scandal of being captured, but he could even brag that he escaped from the enemy himself.

So Tony loosened the rope with the rope that Narant gave him, and immediately took the dagger and prepared to pull Jerry by the prison car, trying to threaten him to open the door of the prison car.

However, he did not count that he was hungry for so many days, and his state was not at the peak. Although Jerry was stunned, he was still a silver junior knight.

Therefore, Jerry sensed the danger in advance, and subconsciously stabbed Tony with his sword under the shock.

Tony committed his own sin and was directly stabbed in the opposite direction.

Immediately, before he could let out a cry, he clutched his chest and fell into the prison van.

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