Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 459: I will remember you!

The latest website: "Tony!" Rakoff's vindictive energy was running to the extreme, and he hurried towards the prison car regardless of his body shape.

Jerry's father in the Northern Principality saw this and left as quickly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Earl, hurry up and stop him, don't let Rakoff kill him!" At this time, Narant couldn't help thinking too much, and exclaimed directly towards the Agate Principality.

If Rakoff were to kill Jerry, the Northern Principality would definitely disagree.

Maybe there will be another wave today, and the peaceful withdrawal of troops that was finally achieved will be shattered.

Bernard and King Culver heard the words without any hesitation, and went after Lakoff directly.

"Tony!" After a while, Rakoff finally came to the prison van, looking at Tony, who had fallen in a pool of blood, and said angrily.

It's a pity that Tony was too unlucky. The sword stabbed directly in the chest. At this moment, there was no movement in the pool of blood.

"I am going to kill you!"

The next moment, Rakoff suddenly turned towards Jerry with red eyes, and Jerry's father, the earl, immediately stepped forward and drew his sword to confront Rakoff.

"Calm down Lakoff!" However, at this moment, the king and Bernard both arrived.

"Your Majesty, I want to avenge my son!"

"Rakoff, if you do it now, you will be buried with tens of thousands of troops from our principality!" King Culver said in a deep voice.

Rakoff's body froze when he heard the words, and finally stopped.

He knew that if he insisted on taking revenge now, no one would support him even in the Onyx Principality, and might even stop him from doing so.

"Rakoff, I know you are sad now, but for the sake of the Duchy army, you have to be patient!" King Culver spoke again.

Before, he was even willing to give up his own eldest prince, and now he will definitely not let Rakoff be worthy of the entire principality army because of his son.

Rakoff didn't answer, just put away the long sword and looked at Tony who was lying in a pool of blood with a gloomy face.

Jerry's father on the opposite side saw that Rakoff was not ready to start any more, and finally relaxed, and quickly pulled Jerry back to the army.

The king and Bernard directly pulled the prison cart away, and then returned to the Onyx Principality team with Rakoff. .

Seeing this, King Field didn't mean to stop them. After all, at this point, the release of the other party's prisoners has become a foregone conclusion.

Moreover, he is now equally worried that there will be a lose-lose situation, after all, there is a more threatening 'enemy' in his north.

When the situation was brought under control, Narant finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And then, Tony's death did not affect the peaceful evacuation of the two sides.

After waiting in this wilderness for more than two hours, all the ordinary guards in the Northern Principality finally evacuated from the mountains.

When the Onyx Principality saw this, they quickly began to evacuate the ordinary guards in an orderly manner.

"Narant, now we're ready to retreat!" Seeing the army of the Onyx Principality staggering away, King Field's heart dripped with blood.

But now there is nothing he can do, only keeping the army and war horses is the first priority, and now he himself is preparing to evacuate with the great nobles and royal knights.

"Okay, Your Majesty Field, I will accompany you back!" Narant nodded.

Immediately, Narant followed the people of the Northern Principality and began to evacuate on foot as agreed.

However, what pleased him was that when he saw the people in the Northern Principality start to retreat, the king and a group of counts from the Onyx Principality also followed with them.

Next, Narant accompanied the Northern Principality team to retreat for more than 50 miles.

During this period, out of prudence, he did not dare to let go of Isabella.

"His Royal Highness Isabella, don't blame me, I have no choice but to do this! You also know how miserable my end will be if you are caught by your father and the others!"

Although Isabella cooperated when she was controlled by Narant, her clenched silver teeth never loosened.

While gritting his silver teeth, he swept him with those big white eyeballs, which made Narant feel a little guilty.

Although the princess of this northern principality is arrogant, she can see that she has a good personality and is compassionate. She is a rare good nobleman.

"Do you know that your actions today will put the entire continent in danger?" Isabella asked a question for no reason when she heard Narant's sophistry.

"Huh? Bringing danger to the mainland? Her Royal Highness Isabella, I am trying to make a peaceful truce between the two sides. It should be to save the mainland!" Narant couldn't understand.

"You don't know if I said it!" Isabella knew that she had made a blunder, and would definitely not tell Narant the secret. "Now I just hope that you keep your word and return the horse to us in good condition!"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness Isabella, my Narant's reputation is stronger than gold coins. I must do what I say!" Narant replied.

Soon, the time turned to dusk.

Seeing that the current distance should be enough for the army of the Onyx Principality to escape safely, Narant is not ready to spend any more.

After all, when it gets dark, his life safety may not be guaranteed.

Immediately, he said to King Field: "Your Majesty Field, thank you very much for your trust!"

"It's a pleasure to work with you this time. Now that it's getting dark, our cooperation is almost over here!"

"That's the best!" Field responded with a blank expression.

"Well, but in order to make sure, I still need to take His Highness Isabella away from you a little bit. I wonder what His Majesty Field's opinion is?"

"Yes, no more than fifty meters at most!" Field did not refuse this time.

For in the day, Narant had already shown his sincerity, returning to them their exhausted warhorses.

"Okay, thanks for His Majesty's understanding!" With that, Narant began to slowly withdraw towards the rear while holding Isabella.

Of course, he did not dare to leave his back to Field and others, but retreated facing Field and others.

Fortunately, Field is also a no-no, and is not ready to take a shot at Narant.

"His Royal Highness Isabella, I have offended you today. Now, you can go back!" Arriving fifty meters away, and only a few dozen meters away from Bernard and others, Narant simply sent the beautiful girl away. Princess.

"I will remember you!" Isabella didn't flee immediately after being released, but turned around and gritted her silver teeth in disapproval.

"Haha! Her Royal Highness Isabella, this is my honor!" Narant laughed, how could he be frightened by this beautiful princess.

On the contrary, I feel that this cat who is now a little bit blown up is full of cuteness.

"Natasha, let's go!" After speaking, Narant greeted Natasha beside him.

It is said that Natasha's actions today also made Narant take a high look at her.

Originally on the way to the retreat of the Northern Principality, Natasha could safely return to the Onyx Principality camp.

After all, the Northern Principality doesn't even care about the eldest prince and others, so Natasha will definitely not be embarrassed.

But Natasha persuaded Natasha twice with a face to let her go first, but Natasha was unmoved, saying that he would return together when he was safe.

As a woman, with such courage, Narant felt that she had already defeated the heirs of the great nobles.


Natasha nodded when she heard the words, and immediately, the two separated from Princess Isabella and went to their respective camps.

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