
A small county in northern Anhui.

Noisy high-speed rail station.

Su Chen pulled the suitcase and returned to his hometown for the first time after three years.

The last time I came back, I was dealing with my parents' funeral.

“The development over the years has been really good, and it’s almost unrecognizable.”

"I really miss it."

The small county is not big.

After pulling the suitcase and walking for more than half an hour, Su Chen left the county town and came to the countryside. A small villa was isolated, surrounded by ivy and overgrown with weeds in the yard. This was his home.

A home that has been abandoned for three years.

After all, I still can’t adapt to the fast pace of life in big cities.

He resigned.

Come back here.

I plan to rely on a hundred thousand in the card to recover for a period of time and sort out my mood before setting off.

"Still no change."

Su Chen looked at the two dim entries that only he saw, [Fortress] and [Guard]. There was also a line of small words under them, please wait for the day of change.

The entry appeared three years ago.

If he hadn't seen a doctor, it wouldn't be a hallucination at all and he would be sane.

I am afraid.

You would have long thought that he was suffering from some kind of mental illness.

"Three years."

"The sky is changing, how long do you have to wait for me?"

Sunset dusk.

Su Chen took off his suit, put on loose clothes, pulled weeds, removed dust, checked the water and electricity, and washed the bedding and clothes. After working for most of the day, it was already dark before he cleaned up a bedroom and moved in.

Lying on the bed, Su Chen took out his mobile phone, opened an app, and read a novel.

This is a doomsday escape web article.

Start with a dog.

Killing monsters all relies on waves.

"Kill, kill, kill, what's the point? If the end of the world is really coming, we must first build a safe base and store enough supplies so that we can't retreat. We first control the drone to obtain intelligence, and don't take the lead before someone comes to attack us."

"Although Gou Dao is not the royal way, it is definitely the right way."

After reading two chapters, Su Chen was ready to sleep.

"Ding Lingling——"

A call came in.

【Shen Linlin】

Looking at the name, Su Chen sat up.

This is his best friend.


The former green plum.

We grew up together, went to school together, and made a lifelong promise together.

Originally he should be very happy.

Parents are still alive.

The family background is acceptable.

Excellent results.

Top universities are in sight.

If Shen Linlin's parents hadn't defaulted on the project payment and forced his parents to death.

Su Chen answered.

"Su Chen, turn on the TV and watch the Yongcheng news, if there is any..."


"What I said may be extremely outrageous!"

"But it's all true."

"Please trust me."

The girl on the other end of the phone seemed to be being chased, her voice was hurried and breathless, and she could vaguely hear shrill screams and unexplained hissing.

"Doomsday! Zombies!"

"A zombie crisis broke out in Yongcheng, just like in a movie."


Su Chen wanted to hang up the phone.

"Today, thousands of bloody holes appeared in the sky over Yongcheng. The army took over Yongcheng that night. Strangely, this matter did not become a hot search topic."

"The light and shadow just got bigger."

"Zombies emerged, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of them, biting everyone they saw. Guns and gunfire rang out all night long, and Yongcheng fell."

"Stock up supplies! Don't go out!"

"Su Chen, you must survive!"

Shen Linlin's voice became more and more urgent.

With a click.

Only hissing and screaming were left.

"It must be that the big adventure is lost, right?"

Su Chen hung up the phone.


Before his eyes, the entry changed.

【The day of change is coming!


23:59:58! 】

In a trance.

Consciousness is withdrawn.

Su Chen saw a blue planet, and then his consciousness fell rapidly, and he came to a city.


The night is very deep.

The huge blood-colored eyes replaced the moon, looking down at the entire city coldly. The well-trained soldiers were retreating steadily, and countless zombies wearing clothes that were not from this world were biting and attacking everything in front of them.

Yongcheng University.

A group of young men and women were running away like crazy.

Behind them, hundreds of corpses surged forward.

People are constantly being caught up.

Amidst the shrill screams, it was bitten into a terrifying appearance like a flesh and blood skeleton.

But not for long.

He staggered into battle and joined the zombie army.

Among young men and women.

A beautiful girl with a slender figure and wearing jeans was pushed to the ground. The mobile phone in her hand flew out, and she was close to the front line of the zombie wave, almost face to face with the zombies in the first row.

The girl knocked away the zombies, rolled over, and got through the basement window.

"Shen Linlin!"

Su Chen recognized her.


Su Chen woke up with a start.

"What happened just now?"


"Shen Linlin?"

Looking at the hung up phone and the scene just now, Su Chen quickly searched for news about Yongcheng.

Not a bit of news.

Even if there is, it is GG or Yongcheng Entertainment News.

Finally, Su Chen saw one in Tieba.

【Zombie appears unexpectedly! Zombies are coming, it’s the end of the world! 】

Click to take a look.

The poster from ten years ago was ridiculed by the crowd.

Other forums and online communities were normal, with no news of the end of the world.

Everything just now was like a hallucination of a mental illness.

But Su Chen believed it.

He took out his mobile phone, went to the app store, searched for small loans, dozens of apps, verified his identity, clicked on loans, and did it all in one go. Then Su Chen called another online car-hailing service and prepared to go straight to the large supermarket in the center of the county.

"Moving quickly! At your service."

A pickup truck stopped at the door of Su Chen's house.

"Go to the supermarket!"

"Master, wait a minute, I bought a lot of things."

"I'll pay you ten times the toll."

"Okay!" At the door of the supermarket, the pickup truck master lit a cigarette and nodded with a smile.

A big order came in late at night.

Ten times the toll.

This kid is rich.


How much can you buy? At most, you can only make two more trips.


The cigarette in his hand fell to the ground, and he looked at Su Chen in disbelief as he led the supermarket staff to move out hundreds of barrels of mineral water, hundreds of boxes of instant noodles, ham sausages, canned food, and various fast foods.

"This is a bit too much, you guys are here to buy goods."

The master was shocked.

"The goods have been unloaded."

The pickup truck master unloaded the things into the yard breathlessly and was ready to leave.


"There are still some things."

"I quit, I'm going back to sleep!"

"Ten times the travel expenses."

"Okay, you say."

That night, the pickup truck master was sleepless, following Su Chen to buy goods in various supermarkets in the middle of the night, even convenience stores and pharmacies. Various cigarettes, liquors, medicines, and ready-to-eat foods were piled up in his yard.

Near dawn, Su Chen's crazy behavior finally stopped.

Because he had no money.

More than 100,000 yuan was spent.

"Is this kid stupid?"

"Why is he like a madman? Can all these things be eaten? A hundred people can't finish them in a year. Aren't they afraid that they will expire?"

"I'm afraid he has some mental illness."

Not only the pickup truck driver, but also the staff of pharmacies, supermarkets and convenience stores all look at Su Chen as if he is a fool.

Su Chen doesn't care.

After all, he is the only one in this city who knows that the end of the world is coming.

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