The next day.

The micro-loan money was allocated.

To be honest.

Su Chen didn't expect to get the micro-loan money.

The loan was allocated so quickly.

Nine out of 13 returned.

I borrowed 100,000 yuan from more than a dozen apps, and 90,000 yuan was allocated. I have to pay back 130,000 yuan in a month. If I can't pay it back, the interest will continue to compound.

But it doesn't matter, Su Chen doesn't plan to pay it back anyway.

It's the end of the world.

Why should I pay back the money I borrowed with my own ability?

"Damn, who is it!"

The pickup truck driver, bleary-eyed, answered the phone call that spared his sweet dreams. Just as he was about to curse, the other party spoke.


"Ten times the travel fee, there is work, do you want to do it?"

The pickup truck driver woke up at once.

He recognized it.

This is the crazy kid from last night.

Check the time.

Only five hours have passed.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

I'm afraid this crazy kid didn't sleep all night.

But this kid is really straightforward in paying money.

"Do it!"

"Why not?"

With dark circles under his eyes, Master Pickup drove his big pickup truck with Su Chen to the only leather armor crafts store in Jiangcheng, bought two sets of leather armor of the same size as Su Chen, and then went to the steel store, paid a deposit, and ordered a large number of steel.

He called the construction team again, and re-laid the floor tiles in his yard, and set up a three-meter-high iron fence to enclose the lonely three-story villa.

No worries about no one coming to work!

Three times the wages!

But the construction speed must be fast, even if it is shoddy, the prototype must be completed in half a day.

"Is this kid a rich second generation?"

"In one day and one night, he spent two or three hundred thousand."

Master Pickup, with a painful look on his face, sent the construction team away, and then drove the car back to Su Chen's three-story villa.

At this time.

This abandoned three-story villa has long changed its appearance.

The floor tiles in the house have been renovated again.

In the yard, the soft soil was all flattened, and the steel plates were erected as if they were afraid that something would come out from the ground.

The courtyard wall was paved with steel plates, which were as thick as an adult's fist. They were erected high and fitted against the wall, up to three meters high. Iron spikes were welded on them, but the construction period was a bit rushed, and the rust was not removed. The burrs on the edges could still be seen clearly.

From a distance.

This looked like a lonely fortress standing in the field.

"Is this kid sick?"

"Designed like this, and with so much food storage, it's like the end of the world."

"Whoever reports him, he can demolish it tomorrow for affecting the city appearance!"

"Who cares."

"Just pay the money!"

Looking at the 10,000 yuan that arrived in Alipay.

The pickup truck master smiled.

"What's your name?"

Su Chen handed over a cigarette.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon.

There are still six hours before the day of the weather change that the panel warned.

"Lao Liang."

"The economy is bad, so I started Kuaila. My coworkers used to call me Lao Liang."

Lao Liang turned off the fire, took the cigarette and started smoking.

"Do you believe in the end of the world?"

Lao Liang was busy moving goods all day and night. He helped to contact the steel shop and the construction team.

When I thought about it.

This money will become waste paper tomorrow.

Su Chen felt a little reluctant.

"You mean..."

Lao Liang's eyes widened.

"That's right."

"The end of the world is coming."

Su Chen finished speaking.

He was interrupted by a burst of laughter.

Lao Liang was laughing.

He was sure.

This kid is not a rich second generation, but a psychopath, a psychopath who wants to survive the end of the world.

"Sorry, I have received professional training and usually don't laugh unless I can't help it. Hahaha, contact me again if there is work..."

I'm afraid there is no chance.

Seeing this.

Su Chen didn't say anything.

After moving two boxes of fast food and two buckets of water from the yard to Lao Liang's car, he waved and watched Lao Liang leave.

"Maybe I'm crazy."

"But who knows."

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

"To be honest, I'm a little suspicious that I'm mentally ill. What I saw before and the two entries in the past three years are all my mental imagination..."

"Where is there any sign of the end of the world!"

Su Chen closed the gate of the courtyard. His three-story villa was a little dim on the first floor because of the steel plate. Su Chen was waiting in the bedroom on the first floor.

Waiting for the end of the world.

In just 24 hours, he could do very little.


Barely built.


Angle iron welded kitchen knife, barely usable.

He also got two sets of real cowhide and alloy leather armor, which cost him 30,000 yuan.

Not to mention.

This handicraft is really expensive.

Go up.

Guns and the like were not something he had any connections to get involved in.

He had hundreds of thousands of dollars in his hand.

He also had a loan of 90,000, which he had spent completely.

He had done everything he could.

"I didn't sleep all night."

"I'm so sleepy."

Su Chen was a little groggy.

He couldn't help but fall asleep.


Eleven o'clock in the evening.

Everything was quiet.

Accompanied by a roar.

Su Chen, who was sleeping, was awakened.

He climbed up to the third floor and looked into the distance. He suddenly saw a car on a country road in the distance, which lost control and crashed into a tree and a passing school bus, making a huge noise.

At the same time.


The countdown completely returned to zero!

The moon disappeared.

A pair of scarlet eyes replaced the moon, standing above the sky, looking down at the whole world coldly.

Su Chen saw it clearly.

In the center of Jiangcheng, a blood-colored halo condensed, as big as a basketball court.

A huge monster wanted to get out of this door and crushed many zombies who also wanted to get out, but it never succeeded.

And at this moment.

In the sky, blood rain fell.

The sky changed.


A pedestrian nearby was drenched in blood rain and went crazy on the spot. Black blood vessels spread on his body, sharp fangs grew, and he bit his companions to death.


The building collapsed.

The monster couldn't get through, so it angrily broke a 25-story building, shouting in fear, and honking horns, resounding throughout the silent night.

Countless zombies passed through the portal.

Doomsday has arrived!

This bloody rain is definitely not just covering Jiangcheng.


Some zombies passed by, but they were alone, afraid to hit Su Chen's steel wall, smelling the smell of blood and flesh, but still couldn't find the entrance, so they had to leave.

"The zombies created by this bloody rain seem to have a trace of wisdom left?"

Su Chen watched the zombie go away.

His heart tightened.

He didn't expect the doomsday to be so big.

That monster, smashing a nearly 100-meter building with one hand, how terrifying it is, far from being comparable to any zombie movie, the monsters in movies and TV are just like this.

His steel barrier is good at the beginning of the doomsday.

If the zombie tide exceeds 100, it can barely resist.

But if it exceeds 1,000 or 10,000, it will be over.

It's just a cage that is trapped to death!

Not to mention that kind of monster.

"Let me see what my two entries look like now."

Su Chen clicked on the panel.


Information appeared.

"0 Country House (Fortress), currently no features, after upgrading, one of the optional features: (strong walls, suspended movement, full battery life, mechanical cannon, water source filtration, space expansion)"

"1 Guard, special materials can be used to make puppet guards, fight bravely and protect safety! Suitable materials are detected, twenty steels + a set of leather armor, making 0 steel guards wearing leather armor."

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